/stripe/ telecom

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/stripe/ telecom is a telecommunications company on the MRT Server. It is based in Kevtropolis. It provides cable television, internet, mobile, and landline service.


Stripe Telecom complies with the Creeperville Telecommunications System with phone numbers. Cell phone code is 230.


Name Number
mi_aquamarine 230 230 4482548
Starcubed 44 230 6389102



Channel Code City/name Channel Number
NKBS KBS-Kevtropolis 1
NKBSK KBS Kids-Kevtropolis 5
NOTA KBS-Osaka 2
PNN Pearl News Network 10
PNNP PNN +1 11

HD channels

Channel Code City/name Channel Number
NKBSD KBS-Kevtropolis 101
NKBSKD KBS Kids-Kevtropolis 105
NOTAD KBS-Osaka 102
PNNHD Pearl News Network 110

Cellphone options

SIM-locked phones are available for free with a 2 year contract. Unlocked phones are at regular retail price.
SIMロック電話は2年間の契約で利用可能です。 ロック解除された電話は通常の小売価格です。


Catphone 2

The Catphone 2 is an older, entry-level Catphone, and forms the second generation Catphone series along with the newer Catphone 2X.
Operating System CatOSmobile
Retail Price $700

Catphone 2X

Catphone 2X is the newest release of Catphone, and forms the second generation Catphone series along with the older Catphone 2.
Operating System CatOSmobile
Retail Price $900


MineWare Swipe

The MineWare Swipe is a powerful smartphone with 64GB of memory, a 4 megapixel camera, a 7 day battery life and a 3 inch by 6 inch display.
Retail Price $500
Colours Red, Black, Lime, Blue