Acacia Plains

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Acacia Plains is a 72-hole golf course at the southern border of The City of Seoland.

Course Layout

As there are 72 holes, the course is divided into 4 main courses that can be played continuously or seperate. The difficulty of hole increases depending on what course you are on.


If you intend to put your score on the wiki, please ensure that you follow the following rules for Mini-Golf:
1. Each hole should be started from the dark green carpet at the beginning of the hole. If you look directly downwards, you should see dark green carpet on your cursor (You don't have to be in the middle!)
2. After the first shot, all shots should be taken from where the ball lands on the previous throw.
3. If, after stopping moving, the ball is not on a carpet (i.e in the grass or on the wooden sides), it is a foul shot. The shot still counts towards your score, however you must take your next shot from the same location as the one beforehand.
4. You can throw your ball however you want, including over bridges or to take shortcuts. If the ball doesn't land back on the carpet though, it'll count as a foul (see rule #3.


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