Alliance Cities

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Alliance Cities
Alliance Cities-logos.jpeg
No. of Members22

Alliance Cities is a Metropolitan Planning Organization created by LabCylian on October 11, 2021. Currently, there are 22 members of this MPO.


Originally LabCylian wanted to create an MPO when he was at [Councillor]. However, the plan was soon scrapped when he joined the Federated States, and later the United Northwestern Organisation. On 10/11/2021, LabCylian then thought of another plan of creating an MPO, and since he had a lot of free time, he decided to do so.

The First member to join other than LabCylian was STthecat, who joined after LabCylian asked him to. A helicopter service was also planned, with future connections to more cities who joins the AC.

Since then, AC has grown from a small MPO to one of the more well-known MPOs on the server. Well-known cities in the MPO include Birchview, Xilia, Kaloro City, Rattlerville, Norwest and Skogheim.

To join Alliance Cities, click the link to join the Discord:


Krakabraka is the Alliance Cities Head of Transport.

  1. AC Heli - managed by Avaneesh2008
  2. AC Bus - managed by Sandstone Buss
  3. AC Rail - managed by TheAllRounderMC as well as PrismaLink


Apex Logistics, a corporate shipping enterprise operated by RadiantRanger26, has been contracted for all federal cargo transport between major AC cities such as Cornwall, Bristol, Cypress, and Idk. Members of AC receive a discount on all related shipping services and transportation fees.

List of Towns and Cities in AC

Town Name Rank Mayor MRT Station (if applicable) Part of Discord?
Ainville [Mayor] ain13 N/A Yes
Avondale [Mayor] RadiantRanger26  F31  Avondale - North Transit Hub Yes
Birchview [Governor] _crepper_  C1 - ZN13  BirchView Yes
Bristol [Mayor] Minecraft252  WN45  -  A56  Bristol,  A55  Southeast Bristol,  WN46  Bristol (north) Yes
Calgary [Mayor] Spegit007 N/A Yes
Cornwall [Senator] Spegit007  NE30  Cornwall Yes
Cypress [Mayor] Avaneesh2008  XW45  Cypress Yes
Dogwood [Councillor] STthecat N/A Yes
Essex [Mayor] Ludus N/A Yes
Hokapa Islands [Unranked] LabCylian  EN39  Foobar Yes
Idk [Mayor] Krakabraka  M60  Foobar Yes
Llanrwst Newydd [Mayor] Ada_Virus  WN52  Foobar Yes
Kaloro City [Senator] Needn_NL  A53  Kaloro City - Pine Park A54  Kaloro City - Coal Colony Yes
Keriyowna [Mayor] worrski  NW32  Foobar NW33  Foobar Yes
Mediville [Councillor] Networkpersonal N/A Yes
Memphis [Councillor] PotatoDumMasala  JS20  Foobar Yes
Mesacago [Councillor] Minecraft252  M56  Foobar Yes
Micha City [Unranked] michabos N/A Yes
Midbay [Mayor] Krakabraka N/A Yes
Mootown [Unranked] Spegit007  P50  Foobar Yes
New Mayton City [Mayor] Spegit007  LE10  New Mayton City - Downtown Yes
Norwest [Senator] ModernArt  A49  Norwest Highgate Airfield A50  Norwest Edgware Road A51  Norwest Forestus Yes
Nuuk [Mayor] Zuoj  P59  Nuuk - Alaska Yes
Ophelia Confederation Incorporated LithiumMaudX N/A Yes
Parkland [Senator] STthecat  P57  Parkland - Union Station Yes
Repentigny [Councillor] quebec_sheep N/A Yes
Rattlerville [Senator] kingsnake N/A Yes
Santo Polvo [Unranked] Krakabraka  EN38  Foobar Yes
Skogheim [Senator] Starcubed N/A Yes
Tung Wan [Councillor] TheAllRounderMC  ZS39  Foobar Yes
Vale Oeste [Councillor] Minecraft252 N/A Yes
Walczaka [Unranked] STthecat N/A Yes
Watford [Mayor] MrMinecraft1423  P58  Berkeley Yes
Winter Wind [Mayor] LabCylian  NW31  Winter Wind Yes
Xilia [Governor] Yellowitcher  T5  Xilia - Republique T6  Xilia - Nation Yes