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Alone is a PvP combat game created by LightingMC, taken from the video game WATCHDOGS, and modified into a Minecraft version. The objective is for the survivors to destroy a power core made by the robots, who have to try and kill all the survivors. The survivors start the game in a red circle and try to find and destroy the power core while the bots may be roaming around the city the game is played in, the game must be played in a big city that has at least enough to achieve the GOVERNOR ranking on the MRT server.


      Survivors get a diamond sword, no armor, and a bow with INFINITY that can stun the robots.
      Robots get leather armor in which they must where, a bow with the INFINITY enchantment to kill the survivors, and a stone sword, the reason for the bots not getting as good equipment is because there can be a huge number of bots compared to a small number of survivors.


     Must start within the red circle.
     Cannot form alliances with robots.
     Must be playing in survival mode.
     Cannot change their equipment before the game starts.
     Cannot cause environmental damage to the city in attempt to escape robots, includes placing blocks to slow them down.
     Cannot harm friendlies.  
     There must be 3 OR LESS players on ONE survivor team.
     If several games are being played at once, both survivor teams CANNOT play the game in the same city.
     Cannot tpa to anyone during the game.
     Cannot enter buildings.
     If killed by a robot, that player is out of the game.


    May not start the game too close to the survivor starting area.
    Cannot form alliances with survivors.
    Cannot harm friendlies.
    Cannot change equipment before the game starts
   There must be 10 or more robots on the team.
    Cannot tpa to anyone during the game.
    Must be in survival mode.
    Cannot cause environmental damage to the city in attempt to kill survivors.
    May not take from equipment chests.
   If shot with a bow by a survivor, robots cannot move or attack for 3 seconds.
   If killed by a survivor, that player must go to another location in the city and must not be too close to a survivor or in a building.
   Can only alert robots about attackers if they keep eye contact on a SURVIVOR'S BODY, not the name tag for 3 seconds, or if being attacked by a survivor.

Equipment Chests

      Equipment chests are scattered around the city for survivors, if any survivor finds one, they may take from it, items given may be armor or weapons or any equipment all to help the survivors. Robots may not take from them but can alert and kill survivors among contact with them when they are taking from chests.\

Game setup:

      The game must be played in a big city that has enough buildings to achieve at least the GOVERNOR ranking.
      Survivors may choose their starting point but must follow these rules:
                  Survivors cannot start in buildings
                  They cannot start near equipment chests
                  They cannot start near the power core.
      Robots may decide where to put the power core but must follow these rules:
                  The power core cannot be placed in buildings, or underground.
                  It must have a sign that can show the survivors where it is from a long distance, for example a beacon.
                  The main block that has to be destroyed cannot be bedrock due to the fact that bedrock is indestructable in survival mode.  
                  Must put a circle around the power core for the survivors to stand in in order to mine the core.
                 Must cover the main block with blocks that are not identical to the main block. 
                  Cannot be placed on above ground railroads.

Winning the Game

      If a survivor manages to destroy the main block then the survivor team wins, but the robots can win by killing all the survivors. In order for the survivor to win, the robots can cover the core with a circle, the survivor MUST stand in the circle to mine, if they stand outside the circle and mine it doesn't count and the robots automatically win the game. The circle should be marked with a block that is not identical to the ground where the core is. Survivors can be killed while mining, the robots can also win if the survivors don't destroy the core within 5 minutes.