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Ardaman downtown.png
Downtown Ardaman
Ardaman-flag NEW.png
Flag of Ardaman
Deputy MayorOshawott_12
Town recognition
Date foundedDecember 7, 2020
Date recognized as CouncillorDecember 12, 2020
Date recognized as MayorDecember 31, 2020
Date recognized as SenatorNovember 26, 2021
Town hall coordinates-25491, 70, -22004
WorldNew World
Ward(s)Ward 8
MRT LW46  Ardaman
Air facilitiesArdaman Chief Keef International Airport
Ardaman Regional Heliport
Rail facilitiesArdaman Airport Station
Ardaman North Station
Political affiliations
StateArdaman (city-state)

Ardaman is an Senator city founded and owned by _cosmon, located at LW46 on the MRT Lakeshore Line. Ardaman was founded on December 7, 2020.


After vibely lost his previous location for his city, he was suggested to use the random location button to find a new area to develop. This resulted in him ending up in Ward 8 in Zeta, where he liked the idea of rivers and plains and, on November 5, 2020, construction of Ardaman began. Much of November was focused on the city's town hall, the Ardaman World Trade Center, but in late November, progress shifted towards developing a Councillor town. After a few weeks of work developing several districts, Ardaman was declared a Councillor town on December 12, 2020.

Shortly after getting Councillor, Ardaman started aiming for Mayor by focusing on more commercial and infrastructure-focused buildings, such as Ardaman Central and the Ardaman Center for the Performing Arts. Ardaman also has formed plans to connect with the outside world with the proposed B84 road and deals with warp rail companies. On December 31, 2020, the town received Mayor, despite its relatively small size.

Moderate plans for Senator included the construction of more legal and educational districts. Ardaman's current focus is scale and infrastructure, focusing on more inter-city transport. However, development is on a small break as the mayor pursues other cities and projects. Ardaman was unanimously promoted to Senator on November 26, 2021.


Ardaman is located in the western portion of the MRT Lakeshore Line, in far northwestern Zeta. Ardaman is located in Ward 8 and is mainly located in a plains biome and borders a roofed forest biome.

Ardaman has no direct neighbors. In relation to other nearby settlements, Las Playas is to the northwest.


South Ridge

South Ridge is Ardaman's first organized district. It is located in central Ardaman, opposite of the Town Hall. South Ridge contains five mid-high-end apartments overlooking the Ardaman River. It is currently the largest and only residential area in Ardaman, with a total accommodation of over 50 residents. A small plateau of greenery is preserved by the government with plans to incorporate it into a full park. Apart from this, South Ridge is full and is considered a complete district by the government.

Union Avenue

Union Avenue is a mid-size district taking up a majority of the western portion of Ardaman. It contains Ardaman's hotels, as well as being home to most of Ardaman's non-skyscrapers and embassies. This district is intended for foreigners and as such is a crucial area for Ardaman's foreign relations. Although not top priority, expansions are planned as Ardaman grows more and more influential.

Northwest Ardaman

Northwest Ardaman is a small, developed area that contains buildings situated on the Ardaman Central U-Turn. It contains the entrance to the Ardaman Central warp rail terminal, Ardaman Performance Center as well as the Ardaman Foreign Tower. Its main landmark is the Ardaman Watterson Estate Tower, a luxury hotel with a large plaza. This is considered the transport hub of Ardaman due to its location at the Ardaman Heliport, the city's first external connection. This district is not considered complete however there are no current plans to expand it. It is one of the smallest yet most dense district in Ardaman.

East Ardaman

East Ardaman is a suburban district occupying the east portion of Ardaman opposite the Town Hall. It consists of two perpendicular roads, forming two blocks of development. East Ardaman is a part of city's retail district and is intended to be low-rise, but several office towers are located on its edges. East Ardaman focuses on walkability and greenery.

Riverside Industrial

Riverside Industrial is a district located in the easternmost part of Ardaman and is a low-rise district solely built for commercial purposes. More parking and other public facilities like telephones are available here. This district has a relatively complex road system and is generally more car-centric than the rest of Ardaman. This area continues to be developed with more commercial stores and facilities.




According to the regulations of the Ardaman government, each road must be made of grey concrete and white lane markers, with cyan concrete at intersections.

Ardaman's roads are planned in a grid that follows the shape of the terrain. Both traffic lights and stop signs are used at intersections.

Ardaman has streetlights made of warped fence and sea lanterns, with more significant roads having a circular design with a warped trapdoor. The government is mandated to light up all roads for clarity with streetlights, unless sufficient light provided from other buildings is provided.

Ardaman utilises standardised road signs that are made of polished andesite or cobblestone walls and contain invisible armour stand text.



Ardaman Chief Keef International Airport is an airport located in Ardaman.


Ardaman is served by the Ardaman Regional Heliport. The heliport currently has two gates as follows:

Gate Company Destination(s)
1 Airdaman Deadbush Euphorial Heliport
2 MylesHeli Gemstride Melodia Airfield