Boba Bruh

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Boba Bruh is a bubble tea franchise created by hvt2011. Its parent company is hut Holdings. Revenue created from franchise sales were split 75% to hvt2011 and 25% to 0x10. New locations can no longer be requested.


Before hvt2011 decided to stop selling Boba Bruh, there was only one type of store available for sale.

  • Machine - $10


Location # City Coordinates Type
1 Espil (Ecilidae district) -5004, 65, 2378 Machine
2 East Mesa Hamburger Mall 24891, 102, -4778 Machine
3 East Mesa Hamburger Mall 24896, 102, -4778 Machine
4 Dewford City -22083, 70, 7684 Machine
5 Caravaca 23223, 63, 8994 Machine
6 Berkeley Town Hall 18184, 74, 8196 Machine
7 Valemount Centre Mall 8357, 82, -4445 Machine
8 Kwai Tin -4189, 71, -9454 Machine
9 Conricsto 574, 67, 3396 Machine