Bristol North Warp Rail Station

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Bristol North Warp Rail Station is a warp rail station in Northern Bristol built by RadiantRanger26 as part of AuroraRail. The station was built as an extension to the  WN46  Bristol MRT station, and was commissioned on August 9, 2022. The station is also the northern terminus of the Bristol Metro [M] Line.

Bristol North Warp Rail Station - All Services
Rail company name Owner (player/company name) Transportation type Routes/destinations Status Notes
Minecart Rapid Transit System MRT Cart Rail MRT Western Line Service Good.png Good service  WN46  Bristol
Bristol Metro PrismaLink (RadiantRanger26) Cart Rail [M] Line Service Good.png Good service Northern terminus
AuroraRail managed by TeamAurora Warp Rail The rest of the Aurora Region Service New.png Planned
West Zeta Rail lightshatterz Warp Rail Service New.png Planned
NewRail ModernArt Warp Rail Kaloro Line Service New.png Planned
NewRail FLR __7d Warp Rail Kaloro Line Service New.png Planned
ArcticRail _fwis Warp Rail AIX, Kaloro City, other regions Service New.png Planned
TransRail Lexi9076 Warp Rail  Pink Line  Service Closed.png Closed