City Rank Promotion Batches

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The City Rank Promotion Batches was a method of promoting towns to the ranks of Senator, Governor, and Premier (promotion requests to Premier were accepted prior to Batch 18) from August 2015 to August 2018. The system was replaced with a different system following the August 2018 batch that considers cities on a rolling basis, eliminating batches and speeding up responses to 14 days.

A batch was formed on the first day of the month and was submitted to the staff for voting. Staff needed to submit their votes by the last day of the month. Typically, the results of the batch were announced indicating the mayors who were promoted to the next city rank and those who were unsuccessful in doing so on the following day.

Feedback on cities from the staff was made available to the public via and online document. godzilltrain organized the batches from batch 13 in June 2017 until the final batch in July 2018.

Ten cities are the most cities promoted in one batch under this system, which occurred in batch 10 in December 2016.


A name with an asterisk (*) indicates when the town owner already had a town of a higher rank and thus did not have their tag changed.

No. Month Senator promotions Governor promotions Premier promotions
1 August 2015 cardinalland - Grayzen SuperLenn - San Reinoldi
Aliksong - Kenthurst
2 October 2015 TonyTajiri - Astoria
ArdyArd - Armada
sesese9 - West Calbar
mine_man_ - Elecna Bay
RLcrafters - Sealane
3 November 2015 knowmads7 - Pearl Coast
nktrain - Washingcube
MeetMeInSpace - Siletz
samyankeesfan20 - North Haven
Just_robinho - Marblegate
Bestmate66 - St. Roux
4 December 2015 camelfantasy - Formosa
BaronThamesBank - Daneburg
Baseball02 - Wythern
MishkaMan - Kolpino City
jphgolf4321 - Laclede
autobus22 - Wazamawazi
MinecraftYoshi26 - Hummingbird Islands
_frozen - Whitechapel
5 February 2016 Vulpicula - Storalisburg
EspiDev - Espil
Yellowitcher - Xilia
_Kastle - Covina*
thomasfyfe - Falloway
None None
6 April 2016 AP_Red - Whiteley
mine_man_ - Vegeta
_HeavenAngel_ - Quiris
godzilltrain - Segville
MindBender15 - Radiance Square
LDShadowLord - Evella
7 June 2016 Diemundz - Farwater MishkaMan - Kolpino City
Robang592 - Birdhall
EspiDev - Espil
_Kastle - Covina
8 August 2016 Earack - Lanark
Soleurs - Konawa
Derpy_Melon - Spruce Neck
Narnia17 - Utopia
kiwirainbow - Mason City
9 October 2016 unjinz - Cornus Soleurs - Konawa
thomasfyfe - Falloway
10 December 2016 mjpwwf - Danielston
camelfantasy - Fort Yaxier*
MikeRoma - Heampstead*
BuildPilot - Pine Mountain
jphgolf4321 - Ravenna*
autobus22 - Bexley*
AEhub - Valletta
godzilltrain - Segville
camelfantasy - Formosa
Aliksong - Kenthurst
11 February 2017 soso123 - Freedon
Architect_21 - Spring Valley
cal76 - Waverly
Omricon - Camino
Earack - Lanark None
12 April 2017 frogggggg - Titsensaki
soso123 - Stoneedge*
_HeavenAngel_ - Quiris
soso123 - Freedon
camelfantasy - Fort Yaxier*
knowmads7 - Pearl Coast
MindBender15 - Radiance Square
Yellowitcher - Xilia
13 June 2017 Sirots - Dabecco
Hightech_TR - Woodsdale
Mossie_1810 - Verdantium
14 July 2017 _mitsuha - Itomori
CaptLincoln - Paixton
15 None
16 August 2017 FredTheTimeLord - Bakersville
17 September 2017 dragonbloon419 - Welsbury
soso123 - Chalxior*
SilverBubble - Coruscant
18 October 2017 time2makemymove - Venceslo
ModernArt - Norwest
chiefbozx - Schillerton*
PtldKnight - Waterville
I_90 - Amestris
19 November 2017 Frosty_Creeper10 - Creeperville
20 December 2017 camelfantasy - Kantō*
Narasmar - Levittown
21 January 2018 None Sirots - Dabecco
time2makemymove - Venceslo
22 February 2018 Cortesi - Murrville*
camelfantasy - Aeolia*
23 March 2018 hvt2011 - Tranquil Forest
DevranTheBoyxD - New Acreadium
24 April 2018 AlfiePops - New Woodbury
MC_Protocol - Victoria
woorich999 - Richville
sesese9 - Scarborough*
25 May 2018 None
26 June 2018 airplane320 - Zerez
FredTheTimeLord - New Bakersville City*
MojangChan - Deadbush
Cynra - Ilirea*
27 July 2018 Seshpenguin - Pixl None
28 August 2018 None


  1. During the September 2017 GSM, MRT staff decided that Premier candidates would subsequently be evaluated at future GSMs and would no longer be regarded in future Batches.