Federated States of the New World/Constitution

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Federated States of the New World
Main Page | Votes | Constitution | FSAA | Laws | SICF | FS Heli
  1. General
    1. Any attempt to undermine the integrity of the Federated States, its government or any of its Sub-Regions shall result in no less than a permanent ban from the Federated States
    2. The sovereignty of the Federated States lies with the Government of the Federated States. No other group claiming legitimacy, except MRT staff acting in their official capacity, will be recognized. The integrity of the Federated States, in its discord, ingame presence and all other forms, shall not be challenged or violated by any government official, internal dissidents, or other group.
    3. MRT staff acting in their official capacity are not required to follow the law.
    4. The Capital of the Federated States is Central City. Official FS buildings must be recognized by a parliamentary vote.
      1. Official buildings may only be edited with the consent of a member of the administration.
    5. The President and Vice President are elected for a 3-month term and may only be appointed by means of an official election. Administrations may choose to appoint other officials, but the appointment of such officials must be proposed by the President or Vice-President, approved by parliament and expires in the event of a new President being appointed. These elected officials must not have Discord ownership or be placed higher on the Discord role hierarchy than the President and Vice-President, though they may be granted Discord admin permissions and be considered part of the administration. They may only be removed outside of the conditions stated above by a motion of no confidence. Only the President or Vice-President may propose the appointment of such officials. Only the President is permitted to have ownership of the FS Discord.
    6. The Federated States Discord server is recognized as the official means of communication between members. Visitors may ask a member for the invite link.
      1. All members are required to be in the FS Discord server, and will be removed from the FS if they are not a member of said server for a period in excess of 30 days.
    7. English is recognized as the official national language of the Federated States.
    8. All MRT rules must be respected in all circumstances.
    9. All new laws and amendments to the constitution must be passed by parliament. Any member can propose these amendments. https://wiki.minecartrapidtransit.net/index.php?title=Federated_States_of_the_New_World/Laws is recognised as an official list of all laws in the FS.
    10. Every single person (Staff, member, observer, guest), in all circumstances, must follow the constitution and all other recognised laws
    11. Members may initiate a motion of no confidence in the Administration, judiciary, or specific members of each, if they do not have confidence in them.
      1. If a motion of no confidence passes, the government will be removed immediately upon closing of the vote and the judiciary must begin a new election cycle in the three following days
    12. Members may not hold a position in either administration or judiciary if they have not been a member for the last 30 days.
    13. The Federated States may only be dissolved by a parliamentary vote, with at least a 75% majority and with at least 50% of members voting in said vote.
  2. Democratic Procedure
    1. The F.S. is a democracy and so has a parliament. Each member of the FS gets one seat in parliament.
    2. Votes are held in the F.S. Discord and last for 48 hours. Votes are compiled and results are then released. All votes are publicly available. When the administration feels that all meaningful debate on a proposal has finished, and 24 hours has passed since its submission, they will approve it for progression to the next stage. If by this stage said proposal does not have the express approval of three members (not excluding the proposer), it may not go up for vote.
      1. Should a proposal not be approved by parliament, it may not be re-submitted for 14 days without significant editing of its content.
      2. Content editing of any wiki pages containing FS laws without consent from parliament is not permitted.
      3. Should a vote fail 3 times, it cannot be reproposed unless significant resurgence/debate happens. This is to protect the FS Citizen's voting rights.
    3. Elections are held 90 days after the end of the previous election. The format is as follows:
      1. An administration member or a justice submits a motion to start the electoral process. The motion must include the exact dates of the election and the name of the election commissioner, chosen by the judiciary among themselves. If the motion passes, the election will start on the specified date and the commissioner will take office at the same time. This commissioner will only remain in office for the duration of the election and however long it takes to process the results.
      2. Phase 1 (1 Week) People announce their candidacy for president. They must announce a vice president, who will be appointed should the candidate win. This vice president must be another member. Any other officials may be named, but their appointments must be introduced to parliament separately upon election. Starting from this period, the FS will not accept members until the end of the election. The judiciary will then decide among themselves which of them should be the election commissioner, whose responsibility is to oversee the elections, count votes and announce results. This commissioner will only remain in office for the duration of the election and however long it takes to process the results.
      3. Phase 2 (1 week) No more people may announce candidacy after the start of Phase 2. People are encouraged to campaign in this period.
      4. Phase 3 (72 hours) Voters rank all the candidates and the vote is run using STV with the droop quota (which in this case is 50%+1 since it's a 1 winner race).
      5. Only FS members may run for election
    4. If a motion receives enough votes so that a particular result is inevitable, the vote may be closed early.
    5. Serving judiciary members may not hold/run for a position in the FS administration.
    6. Members may only vote on proposals and motions that go up to vote during their time as a member.
    7. Political parties may be created by any FS member. They are entitled to have their own logo as an emote on the Federated States Discord Server if they have two or more members. If a political party has no members, it will be dissolved. Only members may join political parties.
      1. Should a Political Party Discord server be created, it must be easily accessible, with a permanent invite link posted in at least one place in the Federated States Discord server. No person may be banned from this server without good reason.
  3. Rights
    1. F.S. members have the right to create a political party and to represent themselves in elections.
    2. The FS government/parliament/staff/judiciary may not restrict the right to express unproblematic comments and opinions as well as respectful opinions in the FS Discord. "Problematic comments and opinions" being defined for the purposes of this Article as any comment that is hateful in its essence to any person or group of people based on uncontrollable factors, including but not limited to race, gender, sexuality, or religion.
    3. Only MRT members are permitted in the FS and its Discord server. Members who have been banned from the MRT server will be immediately kicked/banned from the F.S. discord. Members who have been issued a temporary ban on the MRT server will be muted in this Discord for the full length of their temporary ban. This does not automatically apply to players who have been banned by request, though they may be muted/kicked from this Discord if they so wish. Political parties and states will be required to comply with this article within their own Discord servers.
    4. F.S. members have the right to vote for the candidate of their choice in an election. They also have the right to vote for the position of their choice during votes.
    5. No player, who has joined or wants to join the discord in good faith, may be punished in any way from the discord without the due process of law.
    6. The right to a fair trial and defense against criminal accusations will not be abridged. No person may be subject to any bill of attainder, be tried for the same crime more than once, or be tried ex post facto.
    7. Everyone has the right to visit any official FS building.
    8. The FS member has the right, at any time, to quit a party.
    9. The FS member has the right to stay independent.
    10. FS members have the right to view the audit log of the FS Discord server, to ensure that no censorship is taking place.
    11. The FS member has the right to challenge any decision made by any institution of this state in the form of a parliamentary motion.
    12. The Judiciary may strike down any law or action that that violates any right or freedom found in this Constitution
  4. Administration
    1. The FS staff team may enact, amend and repeal policies separate from the constitution related to their duties to manage, extend and operate the actions of the FS without a vote as long as it does not violate the constitution nor contradict other policies and no veto motion is raised within a day of a staff member announcing the enaction, amendment or repeal of the policy. In case of a veto motion, the enaction, amendment or repeal of the policy is voted on as a normal motion in parliament. Parliament may also vote to repeal any of these policies through a normal motion.