Greater Kalorese Politics

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Winterside is a town on the NE line. This page will go over it's politics.

Head of State

The Head of State has the title Mayor and is Needn_NL until he logs off without ever returning.

Advice council

All 18y's and older can vote for the advice council, unless they committed a crime. The advice council has no power, except giving the Head of State advice.


NCP, a relative centrist-right party, wanting to keep the situation stable and as it is.

LMF, Liberal Mondial Front is a liberal party who wants to legalize illegal stuff and trade with erveyone.

G-KKP, Groot-Kalorese Koloniseringspartij (Great-Kalorean Colonialising Party), is the right-extremist party, close to being exelled from participating in elections because of racist remarks and extreme nationalism.

Polls for 11/17 Election

There are 8 households allowed to vote, with each person above 18 that isn't an owner of a town being required to vote. Polls say that the NCP will be the marginal winner, close followed by the G-KKP and the LMF.

update: 11/17 Election is canceled, bcs the idea is redonculous and many people that the elections were elections for DM. New Elections will follow after Needn_NL's latest identity crisis.