Ice Emporium

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Ice Emporium
Ice Emporium Staff
Ice Emporium Locations
Number of Stores8 (8 active, 0 under construction)

The Ice Emporium, or the TIE or IE for short, is a franchise selling snow and ice-related products.

Founded by CyAmethyst, it's first location was located in Wythern.

It's parent company is Icicle Holdings, and is an official subsidiary.

Current Locations

- Wythern (1st Store, Moderate Size)

- Savacaci (Moderate Size)

- Spruce Valley (Small Size)

- Norwest (Small Size)

- Alexandria Bay (Moderate Size)

- Central Ranges (Small Size)

- Winterville (Small Size)

- Valhalla (Small Size)

Current Products

- Regular Snow

- Snow Flooring

- Snow Balls

- Snow-Insulated Air Conditioning

Above are Snow Products, Below are Ice Products.

- Normal Ice

- Packed Ice

Sizes and Pricing

CyAmethyst doesn't price off her franchises, but she's willing to negotiate a fair price for a store to be built in your city.

There are 3 sizes that an Ice Emporium can come in.

- Small/Mall Size - This size is mostly fitted for plots smaller than 10x10 size, or for malls. It would be a 1-story building and as such, all products will be lined up in order of type. Usually with Snow Products on the left, and Ice Products on the right. Currently, 5 stores has been built at this size.

- Moderate Size - This is the flagship size, usually ranging from 11x11 to 15x15 size. It's a 2-story building, with Snow Products and the register on the 1st floor, and Ice Products on the 2nd floor. Currently, 3 stores have been built at this size.

- Big Size - This size is usually fitted for big complexes or big plots bigger than 15x15 size. It would be a 3+ story building, with general information and the register on the 1st floor, Snow Products on the 2nd Floor, and Ice Products on the 3rd floor. No stores have been built with this size.

Recommended Prices would be:

- Small/Mall Size: $5-10, depending on plot size and if the location is in a mall/shopping center. Can be negotiated.

- Moderate Size: ~$15, depending on plot size. Can be negotiated.

- Big Size: $20-30, depending on plot size and if the location is a big complex. Can be negotiated.