Infinity Book Store

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The Infinity Book Store is a franchise owned by MPolo455. There are currently 62 stores in the New World.


Town/City Number Coordinates Picture in the gallery
New Woodbury #1 -6838 64 -5411 2nd picture
Lanatam #2 -14328 66 -7737
Pearl Coast #3 8377 79 8991 3rd picture
Snowhaven #4 -17847 67 16810
Prismarine #5 22252 71 7807
Savannah #6 -14098 74 14502 1st picture
San Dzobiak #7 1941 75 3902
New Dublinium #8 17227 77 -7782
New Phoenix #9 3044 66 -6559
Woodburn #10 -11414 70 -9456
Savannah #2 #11 -13634 71 13755
Hythe #12 -16574 64 -8332
Savage City #13 -10104 52 -8099 4th picture
Castilion #14 22146 66 14375
Frostbite #15 -9067 71 -12003
Endor #16 17818 65 4151
Upwick #17 16054 69 -6767
Cypress #18 -17883 108 -3702
Keriyowna #19 -13500 64 -9889 5th picture
Beachview #20 21507 74 -24499
Sunflower Plains #21 -24689 64 22703
Caravaca #22
Central City #23 528, 59, -471
Lilygrove #24 393 66 20103
Watford #25 18265 74 8154
Savage City #2 #26
Thunderbird #27 4306 71 2535
Cypress #28 -17898 71 -3594
Shenghua #29 -26227 68 14811
Boberton #30
Coalwood #31 -2555 78 1511
Niwen #32 -8695 85 -17515
Sendai #33 680 70 -906
Waterville #34 -4796 85 -5331
Kaleville #35 17395 67 -2148
Shahai #36 -27299 76 18061
Welchett #37 -13750 71 8136
Savage City #3 #38 -10645 65 -8186
Cape Cambridge #39 -2148 64 26236
Dogwood #40 -4151 64 -15412
Savage City #4 #41 23114 64 8920
Rattlerville #42 5836 70 20758
Rattlerville #2 #43 5397 71 20945
New Chandigarh #44 -11234 80 7488
Central City #45 390 64 27
Fay sur Mer #46 -17455 68 33
Shenghua #2 #47 -26395 64 14642
Port Dupont #48 -12616 75 17703
San Francisco #49 -19292 71 -25586
Kaloro City #50 -15100 77 -12899 6th picture
Kwai Tin #51 -4265 71 -9491
Nibel #52 -10444 79 -19356
Electric City #53 23967 69 8697
New Chandigarh #54 -11258 82 7191
Endor #55 17368 33 4100
Caravaca #2 #56 23204 64 8850
Cirno Bay #57 -25770 69 -14841
Pixl #58 -6403 65 1101
Fake Fake London #59 20309 101 -29033
Rivermouth #60 -1860 64 21468
Trickdale #61 -15435 73 -7639
Memphis #62 17248 63 8508
Whitehorse Lakes #63 -7936 64 20108
Everton #64 13907 74 26938

Infinity Book Store's Gallery

The Infinity Book Store in Savannah
First Infinity Book Store, in New Woodbury
The Infinity Book Store in Pearl Coast
The Infinity Book Store in Savage City metro
The Infinity Book Store in Keriyowna
The 50th Infinity Book Store, in Kaloro City