Kingdom of Cattington

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The Kingdom of Cattington (KoC for short) is a state that was originally used to refer to all the towns Purrcat2010 owned and to better organize them, but it soon evolved into his first role-play state on the server. It currently has 4 territories. On January 13th, 2020, it joined the Epsilonian Republic as the Autonomous Kingdom of Cattington. Two days earlier, the Cattington Unity Party was created, it was the major political affiliation in the nation and a minor political party in the Republic of Epsilon. As of August 4th, 2020, it was renamed to the Unity Party. Four days later, Purrcat2010 announced that he had left the Republic of Epsilon in full for reasons too long and complicated to explain here. It was renamed to the Kingdom of Cattington on September 9th, 2020.

Quick Facts about the KoC

Government System: Absolute Monarchy with a constitution and elected representation

Capital: (de facto) Discord for the Kingdom of Cattington (Link: [1])

(de jure) Cattington

Number of Provinces: 4

Number of Overseas Territories: 1

Demonym: Cattingtonian

Currency: MRT Dollars

Religion: People have freedom of religion in the KoC.

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time, UTC -5 (Normal Time), UTC -4 (Daylight Savings Time)

Driving Side: Right



-Cattington (Capital)


Overseas Territories

-Lanayru Isles


This section is WIP.

Climate and Environment

This section is a WIP (Echo, maybe you can help me with those climate chart templates when I am ready to make this section).


See the Cattington wiki page for details.


The government of the Kingdom of Cattington is an absolute monarchy with a constitution and elected representation. Elections to the unicameral Cattington Congress take place every four years, and although a multitude of political parties exist, control of the Congress has almost always been held by the Unity Party. The King has most of the power and is not limited by governmental constraints. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Cattingtinian government are the Cattington Congress, the Central Leadership, and the Judicial System. As you are about to see, just because Cattington is an absolute monarchy does not mean it is an authoritarian nightmare, the people do have rights both by the constitution and general convention since at least the 19th Century.


All people in the Kingdom of Cattington, citizens and non-citizens have the following rights that cannot be taken away for any reason:

-Right to say what they want.

-Right to make the media how they want.

-Right to peacefully assemble.

-Right to practice any religion they want so long as it does not harm others.

-Right to be protected by the government from both inside and outside threats.

-Right to a speedy,fair,and public trial if accused of a crime.

-Right to a lawyer in both criminal and civil cases.

-Right against self-incrimination.

-Right against excessive bail and the infliction of cruel and unusual punishments.

-Right to participate in the Cattington Congress.

-Right for civilians to have weapons as long as it doesn’t harm others.

-Right against soldiers staying in civilian homes unless the soldiers are family members to the current residents of said house.

-Right against searches and/or arrests without the police officer(s) having a judge approved warrant.

The rights listed here are not all the rights people have while in the Socialist Kingdom of Cattington.


Kingdom of Cattington/Constitution


The following are a list of government agencies run by the Socialist Kingdom of Cattington.

- Cattington Emergency Managment Organization

- Cattington Armed Forces

This section is currently being worked on.


In the event that the current king (Toth_1) is banned or leaves the MRT. The Deputy Mayor of Cattington gets first priority to become the new monarch of the Kingdom. Put in another way, whoever gets Cattington gets the throne. The new monarch can do what they wish with the Kingdom, up to and including dissolving the nation. Should Toth_1 get unbanned or returns to the server (whichever one makes most sense in the situation), and he asks for all his assets to be returned to him, upon getting Cattington back, he resumes the role of King of Cattington, which automatically restores the kingdom in the event of dissolution unless Toth_1 decrees otherwise.