MRT NewsChannel/GSM Summary

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MRTNewsChannelLogo.png A summary of the July 2017 GSM
Follow @mrt_newschannel for live GSM coverage

MRTNewsChannelLogo.png _Kastle and godzilltrain retained as Moderators
Follows three month probation period

Frumple announce on Sunday just prior to the GSM that _Kastle and godzilltrain will be retained as Moderators past their probation period. Both were promoted to Trial Moderator at the April 2017 GSM and were the first staff members to bear the "[Trial Mod]" tag, although they were not the first to be on probation. There was a lot of speculation about whether they would be kept past their probation period. This leaves jphgolf4321 as the only Trial Moderator currently.

MRTNewsChannelLogo.png Server to update to 1.12
Update to be Noon-3 PM EDT Monday

Frumple announced at the GSM public portion that the MRT server will be updating to Minecraft 1.12 on Monday. This is only a month following the release of 1.12, a rarity for updates.

Frumple announced that the plugins Lift and Armor Stand Tools, both tested on the Beta server, will be brought to the main server. Lift will co-exist with EasyElevator however the Staff will encourage migration to Lift. Editable Signs, also tested on Beta, will not be retained due to CoreProtect being unable to detect sign editing.

Elytra wings will also be allowed initially however they will be banned if they cause significant lag or a server crash.

The update will be from Noon-3 PM EDT on Monday.

MRTNewsChannelLogo.png The fifth anniversary approaches
Staff and Member planned events

The fifth anniversary is approaching. It will be on Thursday, July 13, marking the fifth anniversary of the opening of the Minecart Rapid Transit server by Frumple on July 13, 2012. Both Staff and members are planning events to commemorate it.

There were two staff-organized events mentioned at the GSM. Firstly, thomasfyfe will have a community build of a theme park just east of Central City. This will be similar to the construction of Whelburn, which was done in 2012 as a community build and streamed on thomasfyfe's YouTube channel blobstudios. Secondly, godzilltrain and MinecraftYoshi26 will be doing an Old World Tour. This will be featuring commentary by older members such as Benie.

A few member-organized events were also mentioned. This includes VII TacoBurritoAThon, which will occur on Saturday, July 15 in Konawa and is organized by Skelezomperman, the MRT Open Cup, organized by jphgolf4321, which will conclude on Saturday or Sunday in Central City, and the Evella Expo. running from July 26-30 and organized by LDShadowLord. Our sister network Box will televise the MRT Open Cup semifinals and finals.

MRTNewsChannelLogo.png Road proposals
One accepted, one denied

Two road proposals were discussed at the July GSM. The first one was by I_90 for a large road which Frumple stated "should have been cut up" into segments before being proposed. It was denied.

The second proposal was for an extension of B40 by tomtomy8. Staff debated whether or not it should have been submitted because of its short length but eventually agreed that it should have been. It was approved.

MRTNewsChannelLogo.png Project proposals
Most of them denied

Several projects were proposed to the GSM, and most of them were denied.

SoSo123 proposed an airbus (not the airplane) system for his town Chalxior, a futuristic city. It was denied, and Staff issued a reminder that airbusses are limited to towns in mountainous terrain.

_HeavenAngel_ proposed a spaceport for Quiris, and it was the only project approved. Staff stated that it will count as part of the airport space for Quiris. Staff also stated that airport land can be split up in a town.

MikeRoma proposed a ski resort in the middle of the ocean near his town Copperport, and that was denied. Staff stated that they will not allow artificial islands to be built in the ocean. They did state though that Mr. Roma is allowed to begin building a ski resort in the mountains near Copperport without Staff permission needed.

autobus22 proposed two things, firstly a RaiLinQ line covering up the MRT Desert Line from Bexley to Paixton. This was denied, and Staff stated that he would not be allowed to build any lines similar to this. Secondly, he proposed a RaiLinQ station in Central City, and this was denied too because of its exclusivity to RaiLinQ. However, that land area was protected as it is reserved for a train station for all train companies. The protection is mostly to stop new cities being built there.

MRTNewsChannelLogo.png Town Auctions
Half and half

Town auctions were split between being accepted and being denied. ryanfr's request for C61-ZS18 was approved, as was SubmergedSubway's request for F6. TheSubway's request for T40 was denied because XtremeF owns a town at T39 that is equidistant to T40 as TheSubway's town at T41; Mr. Subway was directed to contact XtremeF prior to making another request. CyAmethyst's request for P22 and P23 was denied because its owner malbert911 was active within the past month; Mr. Amethyst must contact him.

MRTNewsChannelLogo.png New driveable blocks

Andesite, granite, and diorite may become driveable in the near future. The main concern is their use in buildings. Concrete is confirmed to become driveable following the 1.12 update.

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