Mississa Bay

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Mississa Bay
Deputy Mayorlalaboy
Facts and figures
FoundedMarch 5th, 2015
RankDistrict of Kenthurst
Official language(s)English

Mississa Bay is the outer western district of Kenthurst. The town was founded by hntredtie on March 5 2015. Previously, decorminecraft was the mayor of the town, with hntredtie being the deputy mayor. On June 20 2015 Aliksong of neighboring  XW10  Kenthurst requested permission to take over the town, and decorminecraft agreed, on the condition that Mississa Bay's name be retained as a district of Kenthurst.

Mississa Bay has franchises, which includes Waffle House, Falloway Finance, and Torch Sanctuary, and residents including ezzocraft and Atlanta.

Mississa Bay is connected to Kenthurst via the Mississa Bay Arterial, and the B72 (Expo Eleven Arterial), which is a 4-laned, 2 direction highway from Kenthurst to Ezzo City. To the west of this district is Ezzo City, and to the east is the main district of Kenthurst, which includes city and intercity-wide transport to places including Nippia and Central City, and Kenthurst Aerodrome.

Currently Mississa Bay is expanding into the swamps region of the West Lake.