Kingdom of Cattington/Constitution

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We the people of the Kingdom of Cattington create this Constitution to be the highest law in the kingdom. This Constitution will have a list of the core tenets of the KoC, the list of rights, all current decrees, short descriptions of each branch of Cattingtonian Government, and a list of all current changes.

Core Tenets

-To prove to the MRT that you can have a leader with absolute power and still give the all the people, citizens and non-Citizens the same amount of rights.

-To create a legal reference on the MRT wiki as the supreme law of the kingdom, second only to the MRT Rules, which shall always prevail if this constitution contradicts the MRT Rules.

-To make a system that is always open to change as no one is infallible, not even government leaders.

This Section is a WIP

Rights of the People in the Nation

All people in the Kingdom of Cattington, citizens and non-citizens have the following rights that cannot be taken away for any reason:

-Right to say what they want.

-Right to make the media how they want.

-Right to peacefully assemble.

-Right to practice any religion they want so long as it does not harm others.

-Right to be protected by the government from both inside and outside threats.

-Right to a speedy,fair,and public trial if accused of a crime.

-Right to a lawyer in both criminal and civil cases.

-Right against self-incrimination.

-Right against excessive bail and the infliction of cruel and unusual punishments.

-Right to participate in the Cattington Congress.

-Right for civilians to have weapons as long as it doesn’t harm others.

-Right against soldiers staying in civilian homes unless the soldiers are family members to the current residents of said house.

-Right against searched and/or arrests without the police officer(s) having a judge approved warrant.

The rights listed here are not all the rights people have while in the Socialist Kingdom of Cattington.

Section WIP

Legislative Branch

This section describes the legislative body of the KoC.

Decree 2020-1

By decree, the Cattington Congress shall become the official legislative assembly in the Kingdom of Cattington, effective when the Cattington Meeting Hall is renovated.

a: The monarch of the Kingdom of Cattington shall still hold significant power after this decree goes into effect.

b: Each person who is connected to the KoC (Is either the mayor or deputy mayor of a town within the KoC) will get seats for every town based on their rank, using the Epsilonian model for said thing (see the [Epsilonian Republic/Constitution]] for a description of what I an talking about).

c: Resolutions may be proposed by anyone in the Cattington Congress and voted upon as dictated by the current Speaker of Congress. For a resolution to pass, there is to be a simple majority, determined by the number of votes for the majority, if that can't be done, the number of seats for the majority. If passed, resolutions go into effect everywhere in the KoC unless specified in the resolution.

d: The Speaker of Congress is the overseer of the Cattington Congress. This position will be defined in a later decree.

Decree 2020-2

By decree, details of the different positions within the Cattington Congress are to be presented in descending order of status.

Monarch: There is only one monarch, and that is currently Purrcat2010. The monarch is the highest authority in the KoC. Their job is to watch and guide the Cattington Congress from a seat of honor, as well as being a tiebreaker in elections within the congress, leaving most of the work managing the congress to the Speaker of Congress.

Speaker of Congress: The Speaker of Congress is underneath the Monarch in status. They serve as tiebreakers if voting on resolution and the day-to-day managers of the Cattington Congress. As of right now, the current Speaker of Congress is also the Monarch, Purrcat2010

Assistant Speaker of Congress: The Assistant Speaker of Congress is, to put it frankly, the assistant of the Speaker of Congress. Their main duty is to become the new Speaker of Congress in case the Speaker of Congress leaves or is banned from the MRT. In the event the old Speaker of Congress returns, they must give the role back to them unless the Monarch says otherwise. Same rank as Leader of the Opposition.

Leader of the Opposition: The Leader of the Opposition is the person who comes in last in a Speaker of Congress election. Their role is similar to other Leaders of the Opposition in other states like the RoE, to scrutinize the majority and protect the political interests of the minority.

Decree 2020-3

By decree, procedure for KoC elections are as follows.

a: Positions that can be ran for are Speaker of Congress and Assistant Speaker of Congress. The monarch manages the election.

b: Elections occur every month unless under emergency circumstances starting one month after Decree 2020-1 comes into effect (see Decree 2020-1 for details).

c: The campaign period lasts for one week before a scheduled election. However, people can announce their candidacy for either aforementioned positions.

d: By default, there are no government sanctioned debates in the KoC. This, however, should not stop MRT media companies from hosting debates as long as they are optional for candidates to attend.

e: The voting period shall last for 24 hours starting on the day of the election, be done through Google Forms. After this period, the votes are counted and released to the Cattington Congress. The candidates with the most votes to them wins the respective position they are running, in which they take the position immediately after being notified of this by the monarch The candidate for Speaker of Congress with the least votes to them becomes the Leader of the Opposition, in which they take the position immediately after being notified of this by the monarch.

f: No player in the Cattington Congress shall be blocked from running for any position for any reason unless in a manner prescribed by the KoC Constitution.

Section WIP

Executive Branch

Section WIP

Judicial Branch

Section WIP


Amendment 1 (Amending Decree 2020-1)

The SKoC Constitution is to be amended to allow town councilors affiliated with towns in the KoC to be involved in the government.

In addition to mayors and deputy mayors affiliated with towns in the KoC, town councilors affiliated with towns in the SKoC can now be involved with the government in full.

Amendment 2 (Amending Decree 2020-2)

The SKoC Constitution is to be amended to make the (to put it simply) unique jargon of the KoC, especially the SKoC Constitution conform to regular jargon associated with other MRT nations and real-world nations.

a: Any jargon that isn't the same as normal jargon associated with nations, is to be changed to fit said normal jargon at the monarch's earliest convenience.

b: It is the monarch's sole power to define and change any "unique" jargon to make it conform to normal jargon associated with nations.

Amendment 3 (Amending Decree 2020-3)

The SKoC Constitution is to be amended to remove all references to the Republic of Epsilon in all of the SKoC and not just it's constitution.

Any references to the Republic of Epsilon in the KoC, especially the constitution, are to be removed since the current monarch of the KoC (Purrcat2010) is no longer in the RoE as of August 8th, 2020.

Amendment 4 (Amending Decree 2020-4)

The KoC Constitution is to be amended to provide information regarding Discord, a popular communication aid among members of the MRT Server.

a: A Discord server is to be created at the Monarch's earliest convenience .

b: The monarch is to be the owner of the Discord for the Kingdom of Cattington and the power to make decisions regarding said Discord is vested solely in the Monarch.

c: The monarch and the heir are to be the only people with the role of Discord Admin in the Kingdom of Catiington discord.

d: While the Discord for the Kingdom of Cattington is the main method of communication outside of the MRT. It is not mandatory to become a mayor, deputy mayor, or town councillor in any towns within the Kingdom of Cattington. Along similar lines, if a person who is any of the three aforementioned positions can't or doesn't want to use Discord and has a legitimate reason for this, then it is the monarch's power alone to grant them reasonable accommodations at their discretion.

e: This Amendment is to be the final word on regarding Discord in the Kingdom of Cattington.

Amendment 5 (Amending Decree 2020-5)

The KoC Constitution is to be amended in response to the current monarch (Purrcat2010) changing the name Socialist Kingdom of Cattington to Kingdom of Cattington (see Royal Statement 2020-1 for more info).

The wiki pages in the Kingdom of Cattington are to be changed at the monarch's discretion to reflect the aforementioned name change.

Amendment 6 (Amending Decree 2020-6)

The KoC Constitution is to be amended to have information regarding the KoC's constitution's potential suspension periods, clarification of amending methods besides Amending Decrees, and even completely rewriting the Constitution.

a: The KoC Constitution may not be suspended at any time, even in periods of national crisis.

b: The other way the KoC Constitution can be amended in a manner other than by Amending Decrees is by a 3/4 majority in the Cattington Congress.

c: The KoC Constitution may be completely rewritten provided a 3/4 majority approval of a rewriting motion in the Cattington Congress. If said rewriting motion is approved, then a committee may be formed that must at the very least consist of the current monarch, heir, speaker of congress, assistant speaker of congress, and the leader of the opposition. This group of people will write the new KoC Constitution. Once finished, the committee will propose it to the Cattington Congress, which in order to bring the new constitution into force, must approve it by a 3/4 majority in the Cattington Congress. If that motion passes, then the new Constitution for the Kingdom of Cattington instantly comes into effect.

Amendment 7 (Amending Decree 2022-1)

Non-retroactively, the "The KoC Constitution is to be amended..." statements will not be included in this or future amendments as they are too cumbersome. This should not be construed to also abolish sections, which are needed for longer amendments.

Amendment 8 (Amending Decree 2022-2)

The KoC Constitution is to be amended to remove the Decree section, as it is redundant in the context of the constitution.