Talk:Kitania Intelligence Agency

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No AutoDesignZ busses type K2 Hybrid where aquired/bought under the name of kittycat11231. Your usage of this bus goes against the terms of use and buying of my products. Please remove bus from your fleet or pay for the bus as soon as we meet online. Autobus (talk) 08:39, 17 March 2016 (EDT)

The KIA acquired the buses from the Whiteley bus fleet with permission from AP_Red, and they are used exclusively in Whiteley. I'm not KittyCat11231's evil twin! (talk) 12:14, 17 March 2016 (EDT)
I have a no resell/giving of busses policy in my buying agreement. You will have to pay for it anyway. (22$) Ap_Red will recieve a note from me as reminder. Autobus (talk) 12:17, 17 March 2016 (EDT)