The Federation/Proposals

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The following is proposals for the Monthly Campaign as discussed and put out for voting by all the members of The Federation.

July 2, 2016

Monthly Campaign Proposal Votes Recieved
"The Federation, working with the regional MPOs, shall provide,listings of areas where town development is desired and try to advertise,it to players seeking to start a town." 4
"The Federation shall plan and construct segments of highways to,create a outer ring around the world, and they shall be numbered in the,AX0 format." 2
"The Federation will establish a highway department that will,govern and encourage standards in road construction, interchanges, and,signage all over the server. This will include designs that can be,pasted in if desired, and available for use by the road builder. The,Highway Department will also investigate the possiblity and actions of,changing server-wide highway route numbers" 4
"The Federation will plan to construct an canal serving Central,City with the express purpose of creating an industrial harbor for the City." 2
"The Federation shall set up a bus-based transit company to provide,a single bus route to cities eligible to recieve one from a regional hub." 2