The Ultimate Renovation

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The Ultimate Renovation is a game created and held by MinecraftYoshi26 where contestants must renovate a visually pleasing and/or unfinished build, while incorporating random blocks chosen by a generator. It was created on June 28, 2015. Sometimes, a special guest judge critiques the build. The highest score wins the prize at the end of the game.


Contestants are only allowed to build inside the designated area and may dig below, but not over five blocks, keep the general shape of the original structure, and use all the blocks that you are required.

The winner is determined by the judges scoring using this current system:

Category Points available
House Exterior 25
Landscaping 15
Furnishing 20
Layout 20
Use of provided blocks 10
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 10
Total Possible Points 100

If it comes out to a tie, the judge will award one bonus point to the overall better house between the tied houses.


Episode 1 - Gopher's Unfinished House

The original and winning house.

Date: June 28, 2015

Contestants had to renovate an unfinished house by Gopher from Ilirea, which had little to no structure, to win a prize of $150. The special guest judge was _MajorMagpie_. They were given 1 hour.

Forced Block Quantity
Redstone Lamp 5
Green Wool 10
Sugar Cane 10
Granite 15
Emerald Block 15
Soul Sand 15
Cake 20
Category Gopher autobus22 mine_man_ _Kastle TonyTajiri
Use of provided blocks 3 5 5 4 5
Following Rules 5 5 5 5 5
Creativity 23 27 29 27 19
Design/Flow 18 29 30 29 25
Overall Build 19 29 29 28 24
Total Points 68 95 98 93 76

Episode 2 - The Cramped Wooden Box

The original and winning house.

Date: June 28, 2015

Contestants had to renovate a cramped house that had horribly placed walls from Ilirea. Their renovations were judged by Yoshi and special guest judge bryce_am, and the winner would receive $150. They were given 1 hour.

Forced Block Quantity
Hay Bale 5
Lily Pad 10
Red Sandstone 10
Snow Block 15
Piston 15
Polished Andesite 15
Brown Banner 20
Category _Kastle Gopher TonyTajiri jphgolf4321 autobus22
Use of provided blocks 2 2 Dropped Out Dropped Out 4
Following Rules 5 5 5
Creativity 20 19 30
Design/Flow 29 19 25
Overall Build 20 21 28
Total Points 76 66 92

Episode 3 - Dark Oak & 43:8

The original and winning house.

Date: June 29, 2015

Contestants had to renovate an house that only contained 43:8 and dark oak wood, and was judged by Yoshi and special guest judge Just_robinho, to win a prize of $150. They were given 1 hour.

Forced Block Quantity
Mossy Cobblestone Wall 30
Pink Stained Clay 25
Oak Wood Stairs 15
Nether Brick 5
Redstone Ore 5
White Wool 15
Cobblestone Wall 5
Category TonyTajiri Gopher _Kastle CortesiRaccoon KittyCat11231 _Ardy
House Exterior 19 21 19 14 10 12
Landscaping 5 10 8 8 7 6
Furnishing 13 15 12 13 12 7
Layout 10 15 11 15 10 5
Use of provided blocks 7 4 7 4 6 8
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total Points 64 75 67 64 55 48

Episode 4 - The Mole Renovation

The original and winning house.

Date: June 29, 2015

Contestants had to renovate the Mole Manor Season 3, and were given a special 2 hours to complete the house, and it was judged by MinecraftYoshi26 and special guest judge _Kastle. The first place was given $200, second place $100, and third place $50 (which was not awarded).

Forced Block Quantity
Dead Bush 5
Ice Block 5
Nether Quartz Ore 15
Dark Prismarine 30
Jack-o-lantern 5
Wet Sponges 15
Sand 5
Category KittyCat11231 Gopher _Kastle autobus22 TonyTajiri CortesiRaccoon
House Exterior 21 Dropped Out Dropped Out 23 Dropped Out Dropped Out
Landscaping 11 3
Furnishing 11 10
Layout 15 13
Use of provided blocks 9 2
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 9 2
Total Points 76 53

Episode 5 - Pretty Shabby

The original and winning house.

Date: June 30, 2015

Contestants had to renovate a previously nice house from Arisa, but had been wrecked when had been a part of the survival games arena. The special guest judge was _frozen, and they played for $100, and were given 1 hour.

Forced Block Quantity
Wooden Button 25
Water (Source Blocks) 5
Diamond ore 10
Brown Mushroom 15
Hardened Clay 15
Vines 10
Redstone Dust 5
Category KittyCat11231 TonyTajiri JohnNotTech Gopher _Kastle jphgolf4321
House Exterior 19 20 22 22 23 16
Landscaping 8 3 14 13 14 7
Furnishing 15 5 14 20 15 9
Layout 9 15 17 15 14 11
Use of provided blocks 4 7 7 9 8 5
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 8 8 6 10 10 10
Total Points 63 58 80 89 84 58

Episode 6 - Don't Forget The Interior

The original and winning house.

Date: July 9, 2015

Contestants had to renovate a house from Whelburn, which had a decent exterior, but a bad interior. The special guest judge was mikefishr, and they played for $150, and were given 1 hour.

Forced Block Quantity
Ice Blocks 25
Sandstone 30
Wooden Pressure Plate 5
Furnace 15
Jungle Fence Gate 15
Armor Stand 20
Wither Skull 10
Category TonyTajiri jphgolf4321 KittyCat11231 Gopher _Kastle
House Exterior Dropped Out 10 18 12 21
Landscaping 12 6 8 15
Furnishing 10 5 15 15
Layout 12 5 12 12
Use of provided blocks 8 9 9 10
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 10 10 10 10
Total Points 62 53 66 81

Episode 7 - Griefer!

The original and winning house.

Date: November 23, 2015

Contestants had to renovate a house from Appleton, which had been not been finished being torn down. The special guest judge was kekkomatic, and they played for $150, and were given 1 hour.

Forced Block Quantity
Stone Slab 5
Gray Wool 20
Flower Pot 5
Bookshelf 20
Light Blue Stained Glass Pane 5
Ladder 10
Sign 5

Category TonyTajiri CortesiRaccoon autobus22 RLcrafters _Kastle Narnia17 mine_man_
House Exterior 18 23 24 19 24 19 24
Landscaping 9 11 12 10 13 12 13
Furnishing 14 19 16 12 17 15 14
Layout 16 19 19 17 16 15 15
Use of provided blocks 6 7 8 5 8 5 7
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 10 8 10 10 10 10 10
Total Points 73 87 89 73 88 76 83

Episode 8 - Restaurant Remodel

Date: November 25, 2015

Contestants had to renovate a restaurant from Soiled Solitude to a home. The special guest judge was _frozen, and they played for $200, and were given 1 hour.

Forced Block Quantity
Clay 15
Dark Prismarine 25
Stone Brick Monster Egg 15
Bed 10
Water (Source Blocks) 10
Light Blue Banners 5
Glass 20

Category lalaboy KittyCat11231 _Ptld tdtspeedy MC_Protocol _Kastle
House Exterior 23 Dropped Out 12 8 18 23
Landscaping 15 5 2 8 13
Furnishing 12 8 5 1 16
Layout 15 5 1 1 12
Use of provided blocks 10 6 5 5 7
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 10 10 8 10 10
Total Points 85 46 29 43 81

Episode 9 - Chief + Frumpy's

The original and winning house.

Date: November 11, 2016

Contestants had to renovate a Chief + Frumpy's from Hillville to a home. The special guest judge was Just_robinho, and they played for $100, and were given 70 minutes.

Forced Block Quantity
Obsidian 5
Ice 25
Cyan Stained Glass 20
Jungle Leaves 5
Prismarine 10
Bookshelf 20
Netherrack 5
Category _Kastle KittyCat11231 MinecraftYoshi26 cal76 frankbros429 Narnia17
House Exterior 20 19 19 15 13 20
Landscaping 14 9 13 8 7 13
Furnishing 18 17 15 14 4 18
Layout 15 18 15 11 8 17
Use of provided blocks 8 10 9 10 5 9
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 10 10 10 6 6 8
Tiebreaker 1 0
Total Points 86 83 81 64 43 85

Episode 10 - School's Out

The original and winning house.

Date: November 12, 2016

Contestants had to renovate a school from Washingcube to a home. The special guest judge was Just_robinho, and they played for $100, and were given 70 minutes.

Forced Block Quantity
Melon Block 5
Slime Block 30
End Stone 5
Enchanting Table 5
Yellow Stained Glass 10
Chiseled Stone Bricks 5
Lily Pad 15
Category KittyCat11231 _Kastle RLcrafters godzilltrain autobus22 SpookySmae ModernArt mine_man_ jamess2912
House Exterior 18 14 18 15 21 14 19 20 7
Landscaping 9 3 12 11 12 9 12 13 8
Furnishing 6 10 17 9 17 2 16 17 5
Layout 10 16 13 12 18 2 16 17 7
Use of provided blocks 7 1 8 7 6 5 10 7 5
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 5 0 10 10 10 8 10 10 6
Tiebreaker 0 1
Total Points 55 44 78 64 84 40 83 85 38

Episode 11 - Face Lift Face-Off

The original and winning house.

Date: November 25, 2016

Contestants had to renovate a building with a face from Nihongo to a home. MinecraftYoshi26 judged, and they played for $50, and were given 65 minutes.

Forced Block Quantity
Granite 5
Moss Stone 30
Podzol 15
Tripwire Hook 25
Gray Banner 30
Coarse Dirt 15
Oxeye Daisy 10
Category KittyCat11231 _Kastle autobus22 cal76 mine_man_ jphgolf4321 Narnia17 SubwayGamerMC
House Exterior 13 20 22 15 22 8 17 Dropped Out
Landscaping 4 13 8 3 12 1 12
Furnishing 6 16 17 10 18 11 16
Layout 3 16 16 12 18 12 14
Use of provided blocks 3 8 8 7 7 6 6
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 10 10 2 8 3 8 8
Total Points 39 84 73 55 80 46 73

Episode 12 - Cramped & Bricky

Date: March 25, 2017

Contestants had to renovate a building from Brooklyn to a home. MinecraftYoshi26 judged, and they played for $50, and were given 60 minutes.

Forced Block Quantity
Dead Bush 15
Head 30
Anvil 10
Hay Bale 5
Sign 15
Nether Wart Block 25
Sand 10
Category KittyCat11231 cal76 _Kastle mine_man_
House Exterior 18 16 22 20
Landscaping 10 5 13 10
Furnishing 14 8 15 13
Layout 17 11 15 18
Use of provided blocks 8 7 9 7
Rules (keeping shape, using all provided blocks) 10 10 10 10
Total Points 77 57 84 78