Zaquar World GameZ

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Zaquar World GameZ
RailsMRT Zephyr Line
TBD ArenaGames TBD
TBD Water Sport ArenaTBD Games
Level 5Music's Gems AMR Corp
Level 4TBD
Level 3TBD
Level 2TBD
Level 1TBD
Other Information
DayJuly 12, 2015
Time12pm EDT
Length1 Hour+
Staff ContributesTBD
Medal Rankings
3rd PlaceTBD

Zaquar World GameZ is a collection of multiple sports/challenges that will make the competitors fight to the brink of death. Located in Zaquar these gamez will happen on July 12th 12pm EDT. These gamez have no affiliation with the Olympics. Since the 3rd anniversary is coming up, and with only a few events in planning stage, Music3 0 decided the Zicronia World GameZ were a huge smash for the old world Senator city Zicronia. So why couldn't he replicate that success in Zaquar a beautiful Governor city on the New World. With planes connecting each world, is seems evil to not make a World GameZ on the new world with all the possible connections via airports. Also with 16 MRT Lines a draw will commence to see which 4 (or more) lines will be teams to compete for the gold. Prize will be determined but will most likely be money.

  • Sponsors can donate money to be represented in the games - all info will be on later date. Only levels 1-4 can be accessed.
  • Since kittycat11231 won the Zicronia World GameZ he is a honorary guest at the games and will have a tribute during the game.