MRT Server Museum

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MRT Server Museum
MMRT Ext.png
Exterior of MRT Server Museum
LocationNew Chandigarh
Construction periodOctober 1, 2023 - November 24, 2023

The MRT Server Museum is a museum built by Saltedline, holding over 120 builds and structures from both the Old World and New World. Located in the western part of New Chandigarh, the museum displays the 10-year history of the MRT Server, the diverse playerbase of the server, and towns and cities built around the server.


The design of MRT Server Museum Library was taken from both the Round Reading Room of the British Museum and Lower House Chamber of the Palace of Assembly, Chandigarh

The museum that covers the history and culture of the MRT Server was in the talks since the MRT Server had a sizeable community and multiple years of history. From Spawn City Museum and the Central City MRT Museum, there were several museums dedicated to the MRT Server and its community. However, a lot of museums had limited coverage of the MRT Server History and mostly lost traction since the original managers became inactive.

After the success of the New Chandigarh City Museum, Saltedline opened a second branch of the city museum in the building west of the main wing of the New Chandigarh Museum of Art. Now used as the M3 building of the NCMA, 7 block high ceiling allowed much bigger builds to be displayed in the museum, compared to 4 block high ceiling of the original museum. The museum didn't draw much attention from other members, the collections from the museum was later added to the MRT Server Museum.

When the Western Expansion of the New Chandigarh began, Saltedline realized that his planned location for transit hub is too small to fit a warp rail station. Looking for the idea to fill the now-empty plot for transit hub, Saltedline remembered that he wasn't able to build Chandigarh Palace of Assembly in the New Chandigarh Government Complex due to limited space. With some landscaping, the Palace of Assembly would fit nicely for the former transit hub plot. Inspired by the success of other museums in New Chandigarh and the shortage of decent ingame documentation of the MRT Server's long history, Saltedline decided to build a museum dedicated to the whole MRT Server.

Empty museum building were completed in October 1, 2023 in Saltedline's singleplayer world and was pasted in New Chandigarh in the same day. Since the MRT Server rule disallow people plagerizing builds without their owner's approval, Saltedline had to get all the permissions for the displays. After screeing the towns with no active owners and caretakers, 144 towns around the New World, 16 towns for each ward and 36 towns from the old world were selected. Sending Discord DMs for museum display permission took several days, and triggered a discord warning for admins. Most of the mayors allowed their build to be displayed in the museum quite nicely. Deputy mayors and caretakers were contacted instead if the original owner and mayor became inactive and likely to not respond in discord DMs. Some inactive members including Thomasfyfe, _HeavenAngel_, and MikeRoma responded and gave permission to feature their builds in the museum, and members with multiple towns including McYoshi26, EliteNeon, and KittyCat11231 were contacted for multiple towns.

Starting from Reallytuck's Stillwater City Hall porch and Eurye's water transit vehicle from Erzville, Saltedline asked various conductors to move collections from all over the world to the museum display case. In October 30, 2023, all display spaces in the MRT Server Museum dedicated to builds from the New World were all filled up, featuring over 120 builds across the server. MRT Server Museum was fully completed in November 24, 2023 with the completion of the Central City and the Old World section.


The design of the MRT Server Museum was mostly taken from the Palace of Assembly from Chandigarh, India, designed by architect Le Corbusier as a part of Chandigarh Capitol Complex.

While getting ideas for the museum building, Saltedline thought that the plan of Palace of Assembly resembled the British Museum, with great court surrounded by main wing of the complex and a circular building at the center. The design of Palace of Assembly was big enough to fit a much larger museum.

Saltedline had to adjust the ceiling height of the office wing from 3 meters to 7 meters to allow collections to be displayed in the museum. Three office wings, each with 3 floors were to be used for Collection from each ward of the New World. Inspired by the British Museum plan, Circular assembly chamber of the original building was converted into the library. Senate meeting chamber was originally meant to be used for special exhibition, but it now houses the collections from the Central City.


Most of the displayed builds in MRT Server Museum is a section of a larger build, mostly a decorated room from single house, apartments, offices and stadiums. Each builds were allocated 7 blocks wide, 7 blocks high and 5 blocks deep, which isn't enough to display a whole build from the city. Builds to display were decided after evaluating its historical significance, artistic and cultural value both in the server and the real world, and representativeness of the city. Sometimes the donor requested particular build to be displayed in the museum.

The MRT Server Museum is divided into 12 departments with 9 departments covering each ward from the New World, two departments covering the Old World, and one department convering the builds from Central City. Each department holds around 15 collections.