Minecart Rapid Transit Wiki:Featured content/Week 43, 2023

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Featured article: Cookie46910 in the MRTvision Screenshot Contest
Sail Away and Find Tranquility.png
Cookie46910 has participated in the MRTvision Screenshot Contest eleven times since his debut in the first contest. He has participated in the contest under his city of Peripotamia. Cookie46910 has come third twice and is one of only four participants who have participated in every contest.

Cookie46910 was one of the first participants to sign up for the MRTvision Screenshot Contest 1 and submitted the screenshot "Midnight Picnic in Central Park". The screenshot was taken in Central City and featured JTrain77 sitting in a park bench facing the direction of the MRT Welcome Center looking at the full moon. The screenshot received 154 points and placed 6th. In the following contest, Cookie46910 became the first person to take a screenshot on the Games World, entitled "May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor", which placed 27th. In the third and fourth contests, Cookie46910 placed 19th with the screenshot "Let's Take A Ride Together", receiving 131 points, and placed 14th with the screenshot "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, No It's Godzilltrain", receiving 147 points. (Full article)

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Featured image
Cony Hawk Memorial Statue.png

The Cony Hawk Memorial Statue is a statue built in the Cony Hawk Memorial Skatepark in East Mesa. The statue is a 19-block-tall delineator post cone and is adjacent to a "Legal Graffiti Wall", which members are free to add to.
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