GC (BluRail line)

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(GC) Glenbrook Connector
RouteUtopia to Pixl
Number of stations6
Line typeConnector
Rolling stockBluTrain Gen 1.1.1 (trainset)
BluTrain Gen 1 (signage)
Frequencies (role-play)
PeakNo additional service
Reverse PeakNo additional service
Weekdayevery 15 minutes
every 30 minutes (Utopia Central to Utopia - IKEA, Evella Airport)
Mon - Thurs Eveningevery 30 minutes
Friday Eveningevery 30 minutes
Saturdayevery 20 minutes
every 40 minutes (Utopia Central to Utopia - IKEA, Evella Airport)
Sundayevery 20 minutes
every 40 minutes (Utopia Central to Utopia - IKEA, Evella Airport)
Nightevery 60 minutes

The GC is a BluRail warp train line that runs from Utopia Central to Pixl. Trains run on a lower frequency of 15, 30, 20, and 60 minutes, with no additional trains during peak hours. Frequency is also halved between Utopia - IKEA and Utopia Central, as well as to Evella Airport.


The GC begins at Utopia Central, a RaiLinQ owned and operated station. Trains then share tracks with RaiLinQ through Utopia Stephenson station. After Utopia - Stephenson, trains continue on BluRail-owned track to Utopia - IKEA station, where trains enter a terminating platform and reverse to continue towards Glenbrook. After passing Glenbrook, trains enter a T-junction and continue north towards Evella Airport. Once arrived, trains reverse out of the station again and continue west in the T-junction towards Pixl, the last stop.


Stop ID Stop Name Transfers Notes
UCN Utopia Central
UST Utopia Stephenson
IKA Utopia - IKEA BluRail1X-01.png BluRail2X-01.png BluRail4-01.png BluRailOP-01.png
GBK Glenbrook BluRail1-01.png
EVL Evella Airport
PXL Pixl BluRail5-01.png