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ABStock staff
Facts and figures
HeadquartersStanley ABStock HQ
Founded14 June 2014
Number of Companies ListedCOMING SOON

ABStock is a stockmarket created on june 14 2014, to break the monopoly off cortesi's MRT Stock. The founder is autobus22.

Index types

Transit All kinds fo transit are listed in this catogory. All of the stations will count as 2 points, Every line will count as 1 point, every connected city in every line will count as 1 point (if station is in between 2 city's you will get 1 point) (if its not a city/town but a transit hub or any large thing on the MRT with no city around it will count as 1 point)
Food stores This will include all kinds of sotres that sell (mainly) food. Each store will count as 1 point, each mega store will count as 2. Each express thats actually on a station or trnaist hub will count as 3 points.
Other stores This is for all non food based stores. Each store will count as 1 point, each mega store as 3 points.
Hotels For every hotel you get 10 points, +1 point for each room and +2 points for each facility.
corp's covers those companies that provides umbrella coverage of all types of franchises. (this does not include franchises like ATTS that uses another name to catagorise) For the score here, we count up each points form all franchises in the indexes above, exept the hotel index. For the hotel index, you get 1 point here for every 10 points in the hotels section.


Founder/President: autobus22 Vice President: Not Decided Yet Workers: Not Decided yet


please be fair when submitting scores, if you cheat, you will be banned from the ABStock and staff members will be noticed! Please remind, whe are humans and can't do everything directly and we cna amke mistakes!

Submitting points/franchises etc.

Submitting new franchises/company's: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f1cYKc99rD6mvUYoiS0yeX0K82uwOE_SiiljXk5_PUY/viewform?usp=send_form
Changing score or owner/pw of a stock: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HX-uimlV7nbQqLKG6_VD6h6I6KEVFToYHJ9wCb5Jb4U/viewform?usp=send_form

Stock can be found here:
