Desert News

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Desert News is a news channel about what happens on DesertView, and some other news of around the MRT.

Hanging Gardens Square Renovation Nearly Finished
The renovation on the hanging gardens square is nearly completed.

DesertView, 1/5/2017

The renovation process is nearly completed, only the hotel and some shops need to be finished. lfpp003 says that this will make DesertView more attractive to tourists.

lfpp003 wants to make a new market
"Kebab is too far away".

DesertView, 1/5/2017

Citizens of DesertView want a new market space. "Kebab is jut too far away" says a citizen "also, it is too small, I can't find fake apple products there".

lfpp003 Dragged Off A Plane
lfpp003 says he was drgged off an Eastern Airways flight, Eastern Airways denies it.

Siletz, 1/5/2017

lfpp003 says he was dragged off a Eastern Airways flight from Airchester to Elecna Bay after he failed to find the warp sign. "I don't know why I had to get off the plane." says lfpp003. Eastern Airways says that the sign was clearly visible, and when lfpp003 couldn't find it, staff helped him.

leaked lfpp003's plans for getting Senator
Desert News show leaked information on lfpp003's plans for getting senator on the next batch after failing for the second time.

Achowalogen Takachsin, 1/5/2017

lfpp003's plans are:

  • Making landscarring less noticeable
  • Furnishing unfurnished buildings
  • Making more parks
  • Making more tourists attractions
  • Making more detailed buildings
  • Filling empty areas

The hacker found more information, but couldn't decode it.

Frogggggg Has A Plan For Getting Governor
Frogggggg claims that he has the perfect plan for getting Governor on the next batch.

Titsentaki, 1/5/2017

Frogggggg has an elaborate plan for getting governor on the next batch, his plan, is basically adding a YUGGGE new part of the city area.

SoSo123 is now Governor
Desert News has an exclusive interview with the new Governor.

Amestris, 1/5/2017

Desert News: Did you expect to get Governor on this batch?

SoSo123: Nope

Desert News: How do you feel about getting Governor?

SoSo123: Happy

Hanging Gardens Square Renovation
Shops, Restaurants and Hotels are being built on the hanging gardens square.

DesertView, 1/5/2017

The hanging gardens square is being renovated to make it a better place for visitors, visitors can shop, eat and stay on hotels without needing to get out of the square. The mayor, lfpp003, says that this is a very important step for DesertView, not only making it more likely to get Senator on the next batch, but because it will attract more tourists to the town.