MRT International/Central Committee

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MRTInternational.png Main Page | Central Committee | Motions | Local Division

Central Committee

Central Committee of the MRT International consists of members who partake an active role within the community. Each of the members in the committee hold a title, given on their areas of profiency. The committee is transparent and open to the regular members, who can join the committee any time by claiming a title based on their area of profiency. Holders of the titles aren't necessarily the sole people responsible for the given action, other members might as well as cooperate and fullfill the role in the event of inactivity of the members.

Director of Party Programme

Current Holder: AyyLion
The Director of PP is responsible for deciding the direction the organisation takes. He drafts and maintains the Party Programme. PP is also responsible for maintaining the organization during times with minimal member activity.


Current Holder: pending
The Spokesman is responsible for writing and publishing official statements on behalf of the MRTI.

External Affairs

Current Holder: CaptainChimpy
Director of External Affairs is responsible for managing the organisation's stance regarding operations involving external communities.


Current Holder: Ezzocraft

Research & Development

Current Holders: Ardyle and Ezzocraft

Construction Works

This role is under discussion.

Graphics Design

Current Holder: MikeRoma

Arbitration & Dialectial Process

This role is under discussion.


Current Holder: CaptainChimpy
The Auditor is responsible for auditing the organisation and the elected officers.


Current Holder: mdbro55
The Director of Transit is in charge of building and making improvements to transit infrastructure.

Local Division

Current Holder: Ardyle
The Director of Local Representation is responsible for arranging political parties to represent MRTI in local parliaments, congresses and small MPOs.


Current Holder: CaptainChimpy
Maintains party discipline, sets out the coalition's official views, acts as a link between the backbenchers (general members) and the leadership.