MRT Radio

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The MRT Radio (also known as the MRT Unofficial Radio) was a community-run internet radio station site located at (shortened link). The current incarnation of the MRT Radio is run by AP_Red.

The radio works whereby players can search for music and share it with others connected users. Songs play live to everyone, where anyone can comment or upvote/downvote on what is playing.


MRT Radio in August 2013

The first MRT Radio was originally created by IHG5000 and was hosted by the social radio site Plug.DJ. The original MRT Radio was ran by the server staff. It worked similarly to Dubtrack.FM whereby users can use YouTube Search and SoundCloud to find and share music with others. Players could add music to their playlist and join the DJ queue to share their music. Users could either upvote (woot) or downvote (meh) a song. If enough people downvoted a song it was skipped and the DJ moves to the back of the line.

Plug.DJ was later abandoned, due to the service being shut down by its developers, and so players took it upon themselves to re-open the radio on Dubtrack.FM.