Minery City

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Minery City is a small town, owned by craftmaster1802. It is a modern metropolitan-styled city, which as for now, is growing rapidly with the help of other players in the MRT community. Minery City quickly gained popularity in it's early days, and as of now, it's almost become a Community Town. It is centered on the idea of an intracity economy, with it's own system of cash flow.

Minery City


Mayor: craftmaster1802

Co-Mayor: eurye

Major Contributors: yoshipie_, eurye, LondonThamesLink, _crepper_, DNAmaster10, ReallyTuck.

Building Style: Modern

Town Style: Metropolis

Town Level Status: Small City.

Population: 6

Reference Images:

Minery City, MRT A58 Station, Arctic Line.

Our town starts at an MRT Arctic Line train station, A58. From there, we have two entrances / exits, which also have special Tourist Pickup Locations outside them, which have free taxis for our guests.

Tourist Pickup Location's Tunnel to Hotel Road and Upper Tourista.

From the Tourist Pickup Locations, we have a tunnel that leads to the Hotel Road and Upper Tourista. Guests are free to take a room in our Minery City Tourist Hotel, or contact the owners of our apartment buildings in Upper Tourista and Central Minery.