Template:Infobox Bahia province

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Infobox Bahia province
Provincial officials
Facts and figures


This template will create an Infobox, or Information Box, for a Bahian Province. It should be placed at the top of a page, ideally with code like this:

{{Bahia Province Infobox
| color = Color of the headers in the infobox. Use hexadecimal (with the #) codes or words.
| name = Province name, if it differs from the page title
| img = Flag. You need to use the full parameters, including brackets, file prefix and extension.
| premier = Name of premier. Use {{u|username|display name}} to link to userpages if you want.
| deppremier = Name of the deputy premier.
| governor = Name of the provincial governor.
| sheriff = Name of the user who is the sheriff of the province
| treasurer = Name of the treasurer
| councillors = Members who are on the provincial council but not included above
| pos1-6 = Used to customise the position names. Replaces Governor, Sheriff, Treasurer, Councillors, Premier, and Deputy Premier respectively.
| member1-4 = Used alongside the custom position names.
| mrt = MRT station. Use {{s|station}}. If there are multiple stations within the province, put a <br/> tag between them
| bus = Bus transit, use {{transit|Bus #}}
| road = Road connections, use {{road|TYPE|NAME}}
| water = Waterway connections
| air = Nearest Airport
| rail = Rail connections
| transit = Other transit - use {{transit}}
| population = population (please don't change all the time - maybe once a month)
| coords = Coordinates of the town hall of the capital city
| founded = Date the province was founded
| capital = Capital of the province
| largest city = Largest city in the province
| renamed = Date province was renamed from an older name
| state = Bahia (obviously)
| languages = Official language(s) of the province; should only be used in the event that the province uses 2+ languages.
| region = Which region of the mrt the province is located in (Gamma, Epsilon, Zeta)
| representatives = Number of representatives in the Bahian Government
| party = Political party the province is affiliated with
| other1-5 = Optional custom information, the label paired with below.
| data1-5 = The data associated with the "other" of the same number.
| below = Extra space for wide templates or when you do not want a label associated with the info