Jungleville Postcode System

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Jungleville Postcode System
2019-08-24 11.02.19.png
A road sign in Jungleville with the road name and the postcode on it.
Short Facts
Postcode Number(s)5000, 5001, 4999
"Postcode Confirmation"ZIP
Postcode creatorJasupa
Towns and cities that use the Jungleville Postcode SystemJungleville, Desertia, Strynbury

The Jungleville Postcode System is a postcode (or zip code) system that is originated only used in Jungleville. Jungleville and the colonies of Jungleville; Desertia and Strynbury are now the only cities that uses the Jungleville Postcode System

How does it work

The first 4 numbers (city number)

The first 4 numbers of the Jungleville Postcode System indicate the town or city of the postcode. Jungleville has the originated number 5000, because it's the exact number between 0000 and 9999. The next city or town that will use the Jungleville Postcode System, will get the number 5001. The next one will get 4999. And then the next one will get 5002. And then the next one will get 4998. And so on...

The last 2 letters (street letters)

The last 2 letters of the Jungleville Postcode System indicate the street of the city or town from the city number. When you start a new town or city the first street that you make will always get the letters AA. The next street that you make gets the letters AB. And then the next street that you make gets the letters AC. And so on... When you start a new district, a new part of your town (or whenever you decide to) the next letters will be BA. The next street will have the letters BB. And the next street will have the letters BC. And so on...

The ZIP confirmation

The ZIP at the end of every postcode (or zip code) from the Jungleville Postcode System will always have the letter ZIP at the end of the postcode. The ZIP-letters confirm that it's a (Jungleville) postcode (or zip code).

Postcode creator

Jasupa is the creator of this postcode system. He devised this postcode system, because he thought it would be fun to have his own Postcode System for his own town. So that's why the devised this postcode system.