Port Sonder

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Port Sonder
Coastal Port Sonder.png
The coastal housing area of Port Sonder
Flag of Port Sonder.png
Flag of Port Sonder
Founded byTheThirdOdd
Deputy MayorLondonThameslink
Rail  FLR  R13  Port Sonder  


Majority languageEnglish

Port Sonder is a city in Meridia and the southern Zeta region of the New World, founded by TheThirdOdd. It is a member of the Federated States of the New World. It currently hosts three main districts; the low density housing area, the high density residential/commercial district, and the tourism district. According to the Painted-Crafter Census Measurement, Port Sonder has a population of 1,824,000, making it the largest city in Meridia.


The city was founded in October 2020, a year after TheThirdOdd joined the server. Original plans were based arund Port Sonder being a tourism focused town, but now the city aims to be a trade hub for the south; controlling one of only two canals leading from the south to the Equinox ocean. The city features a tourism district which is estimated to see rapid growth following the creation of Port Sonder Airfield, and the addition to two MRT stations; "Port Sonder East", and "Port Sonder West". Main inspiration for the city stems from Japanese, Korean and Medditeranean cities, and the city's official languages include Japanese and English.


The city currently features 7 wards, each with a distinct purpose or theme. The most populous ward is Ward 3; the high-density commercial ward. Notably, wards 3 and 4 are joined by the overpass road that cuts through the center of the city, and split by the north-south avenue.

Current Wards:

  • Ward 1; traditional, low density residential
  • Ward 2; modern low density residential
  • Ward 3; High density commercial
  • Ward 4; Offices and industry 4.0
  • Ward 5; Low Density industry
  • Ward 6; Tourism
  • Special Ward 7; Government

Planned Wards:

  • Preliminary Ward 8; water industry and trade


Currently, the great majority of inter-city travel is planned to be above ground, split between bus and monorail. The absense of a significant underground network is a leftover from Port Sonder's beginnings as a tourism town- to allow people to take in the sites as they travel from place to place- and due to the presence of [REDACTED] underground. At this time, the bus network handles 90% of all trips, though there are plans to greatly expand the monorail network in the near future.

Bus Lines:

  • Green Line (Airport- City Link)
  • Blue Line (Wards 1 and 2- City Link)
  • Orange Line (Tourism Line)