TownTV is a commercial broadcast television network created by Minecraft252 on June 20, 2022. The network is headquartered within Halifax (New World).
TownTV is everywhere is the slogan for the network though only three stations exist for TownTV as of June 20, 2022. TownTV is a parody of irl Canada television service CityTV.
TownTV is named as a meme to poke fun of Minecraft252 failing to achieve senator concocted by Minecraft252 himself of course, lol.
Town of License/Market
Started broadcasting
Halifax (New World) serves as the headquarters for TownTV
TownTV Halifax (Channel 5)
June 20, 2022
Vale Oeste
TownTV Vale Oeste (Channel 6)
June 20, 2022
TownTV Bristol (Channel 17.5)
June 20, 2022