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Oh hi there! You probably want to learn about Schematica, the client mod that has just been approved for use on Minecart Rapid Transit. This page will teach you the basics.

I am going to assume that:

  • You are Trustee or higher (technically the mod is available for everyone, but Trustees and up have higher building privileges)
  • You have successfully installed Schematica and its dependencies
  • You are using the default keybindings, which are the divide, multiply, and subtract keys on your number pad. If you don't have one, be sure to change the keybindings.

So here's how to use the mod!


While there aren't any official rules surrounding Schematica, please do observe the following courtesy guidelines to avoid the risk of punishment and/or access rights to Schematica being rescinded!

  • DO NOT build replicas of other players' builds without their express permission or a license to do so (copyright rule)
  • DO NOT build replicas of anything inside of a WorldGuard region that you cannot access yourself (access rule)
  • Follow all other server rules involving placement of builds - ONLY place replicated builds within areas you own or have permission to build in. You also need to respect other builds in the area and do not make extremely land scarring modifications.

Remember that all replications done by Schematica are logged by CoreProtect and your name will be on them! So please keep that in mind, even if you print copies of your stuff from elsewhere, it will be logged.

If you use the Printer function, the mod will not allow you to place any blocks you don't have access to.

Schematica is being allowed on a trial basis. Please be a good role model and don't abuse this testing period. I recommend only using the mod if you're comfortable with installing and managing mods on your own. For best results, you should try it out on a single player world first.

How to create a schematic

  1. Go to the location where the thing you'd like to create is, and press the Create Schematic button (this is the Multiply * key, on your number pad, by default)
  2. Toggle "Save as schematic" in the bottom right to ON. (You should see the word ON appear.) This will persist between schematic creations.
  3. Go to one corner and press Red Point. Use the +/- buttons on-screen next to each coordinate to adjust its position. Remember that X is east-west (+X moves it east), Y is up-down (+Y moves it up), and Z is north-south (+Z moves it south).
  4. Repeat on the other corner with Blue Point.
  5. You should now see a wire frame enclosing the structure you want to copy. Again, use the adjustment buttons to make sure the corners are where they are.
  6. Enter a name for your schematic in the bottom right and click Save.

How to load a schematic

  1. Go to the place you'd like to build a replica of your schematic and press the Load Schematic button (this is the Divide / key, on your number pad, by default)
  2. Select the schematic you'd like to copy
  3. Press Done at the bottom of the screen
  4. Your schematic will appear in world. You now need to manipulate it to get it in position.

Manipulate the schematic

  1. Press the Manipulate Schematic button (by default the Minus - key on your number pad)
  2. Use the controls in the bottom right to rotate or flip the schematic. (Click "Up / North / East" next to the Flip or Rotate buttons to choose what axis the schematic is flipped over or rotated about. For best results, leave the Rotate axis to Up.)
  3. Use the controls in the center of the screen to position the schematic.
  4. Press Escape. The schematic will stay in place.
  5. Build the schematic (see below).
  6. Bring up the Manipulate Schematic screen again.
  7. Click UNLOAD in the bottom right to remove the ghost image from the world.

Building the schematic

There are two ways to build a schematic into the world:

  • You can build the schematic manually following the ghost image that is now in the world. You can walk through these blocks and only you can see them until you've placed them! The ghost image will go away once the schematic has been built correctly.
  • Or, you can activate the Printer by clicking the button underneath "Printer". You should configure the printer first, see below. Be sure to turn the printer off when you're done. You can set a keybinding for toggling the printer (I set mine to "P") if you want. Once the Printer is activated you need to fly around the schematic until all blocks have been placed, it will only print blocks in a very close radius to you (about five blocks).

Configure the printer

  1. Open the Mod Options (press Escape, then click Mod Options > Schematica > Configure)
  2. Choose Printer
  3. Set "Destroy blocks" to True
  4. Configure other options as desired.

more optimal configuration coming soon...