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Hi! I am PeacemakerX5. I founded the town of Peacopolis and is its current mayor as of March 2020, it is a shared town in the municipality of the Region of Lumeva. I am currently a [Governor] on the MRT server.

I am the mayor of Peacopolis and Southbank. I own the franchise Peace Enterprises and am the co-owner of FlyLumeva and a member of Stanley Air Alliance.

Location Singapore
Time zone GMT+8
Language(s) English, half-decent Chinese
Gender Male
Birth date 14/01/2006
MRT Information
Current rank [Governor]
Notable projects Arch De Peacemaker
Joined ?/09/19
Accepted 29/10/19
[Citizen] 10/11/19
[Trustee] 26/11/19
[Councillor] 03/12/19
[Mayor] 18/12/19
[Senator] 11/02/20
[Governor] 23/5/20
 [Premier]  dang ill be happy
Trial Moderator nah
Moderator nah nah
Administrator nah nah nah
Supporter I do not have money
Social networks
Discord PeacemakerX5 #3082
Nickname(s) Peace, Peacemaker, X5, Pacemaker, SteakmakerX5