Detroit Dumplings

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This is an example of a location of Detroit Dumplings.

Detroit Dumplings is a business franchise founded by Minecraft252. It was founded in April of 2022 on the New World in Nashville and is based in Nashville. The first location opened within Nashville on April 5, 2022, and the business became a business franchise a week later on April 12, 2022. A headquarters building for Detroit Dumplings was constructed within Nashville on April 15, 2022. If you would be interested in having a business franchise of Detroit Dumplings placed within your town or city, just let Minecraft252 know in-game. The cost for a business franchise of Detroit Dumplings is just $1 per location for each location.


Nashville/Original (the very first location)
Bristol (2 locations: Bristol and Old Kingsport)
Vale Oeste
Halifax (New World) (a suburb of New Mayton City) (located within Halifax Food Hall)
Bristol Forest (located within TriTowns Mall)
Chicagoland (located north of Chicagoland Aquarium)
Chattanooga (located within Chattanooga 5-1 Building)
Nibel (located within the 2nd floor of Nibel Central Business District Mall)
Peach Bay at Bristol Center (located within Peach Bay at Bristol Center)


The name Detroit Dumplings comes from Needn_NL as they suggested the name Detroit Dumplings for a restaurant in chat one day. As they say, the rest is history.