Cook Peninsula & Fort Cantberra

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The Territory of Cook Peninsula & Fort Cantberra (colloquially known as just Fort Cantberra) is a Norwestian colony, an exclave of Izumo, located in the swampland on Lake Takachsin. It is known as the Swamp River Colony officially as a county of the Izumo province. It was founded in 1803 as a colony of the Izumo Empire, and currently has a population of 512 (2022 census).


In 1803, James Cook Jr., an Izuman explorer, needed a place for his men to settle down before the Battle of Shadowpoint. He decided on a small tombolo near to Achowalogen Takachsin. This would be known as Cook Peninsula until 1925, when the Izumo Empire collapsed and was in the hands of the Republic of Norwest. Norwest officially named the colony the Territory of Cook Peninsula. In 2002, a joint Norwestian-Peninsular naval and airbase was built called Fort Cantberra, named after General Murphy Canberra, who had sabotaged the Peninsular naval 15th squadron months prior to the naming. The next year, the colony was officially renamed to the Territory of Cook Peninsula & Fort Cantberra (the ampersand is official) because most people referred to it as Fort Cantberra, as it was the most prominent building on the tombolo.