Miu Wan Bad Chunk

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The Miu Wan Bad Chunk in April 2024

The Miu Wan Bad Chunk is an area in Miu Wan that causes TPS to drop when a player comes near the chunk. The root cause of the bad chunk is unknown.


The root cause as to how the bad chunk appeared is unknown, but HarborRandom852 says that the best guess for the cause is that he launched some mobs into the sky for fun back in 2021. It was first noticed by players in May 2021, after they complained about TPS suddenly becoming low suddenly. There were several hypotheses as to what could've caused the TPS to drop when coming near the chunk, including too much data being present in a chunk, such as chest data, player heads or entities and Baymax's Cool Stuff (Not Weed), a store located just near the bad chunk. This led to Miu Wan being called "cursed" due to its existence of the bad chunk. The first hypothesis, player heads and entities for the cause was disproved when frogggggg and HarborRandom852 went into the chunk and removed these, but the lag remained.

According to godzilltrain in November 2021, when a person enters the chunk, the way the TPS drops is most likely caused by the server spending a lot of resources trying to "fix" the bad chunk, which gets prioritized over normal server operations. In some occasions, there were reports of the chunk not causing lag when loaded, which led to the conclusion that the chunk either disappeared or got fixed, but it only persisted for a short time. According to Frumple from a profiler test, "villagers ticking like crazy" was the cause of the TPS drop.

The existence of the bad chunk also influenced Miu Wan as a whole from when the bad chunk started to exist. This led to the route of Miu Wan Grand Prix being adjusted to avoid the chunk, and the lines of Miu Wan MTR that pass under the chunk, which are Smithfield and Topaz Lines were not upgraded to TrainCarts for the same reason. Later in February 2022, the area around the bad chunk were blocked off with barricades, and the area around the chunk were not considered when Miu Wan went for Premier. On some occasions, a couple of people accidentally AFKed in the bad chunk, and it was until only when the TPS dropped when people noticed and led to the AFK person being removed from the chunk.

Remedies to address the bad chunk included /regen'ing, WorldGuarding the area around the chunk, replacing the area from an old save, or deleting the chunks outright. Frumple tried diagnosing the problem in June 2022, but he said that the console gave no errors, and then in late June 2022, he used MCASelector to remove the area around the bad chunk, but the TPS drops still persisted, and __7d suggested using a profiler to figure out the cause. In February 2024 when woorich999 accidentally AFK'ed in the chunk, Frumple ran the profiler to find the cause, and it said that villagers ticking was responsible for the lag, which was probably the same cause that Erzville to have a bad chunk for some time in December 2023.