Freeways in Northern Peninsula

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There are multiple freeways in Northern Peninsula that run throughout the country. There are currently 4 'National' roads and 1 'Motorway'.


Motorways are the biggest class of roads. As of now, there is only one, the M-1, running concurrent along the B22 from Sealerwhale to Port Peninsula via Titsensaki City and Craftsville. From Port Peninsula, cars cross through the immigration checkpoint and continue along the B22 to the Ottia Islands, ending at Cape Dios. The M-1 (B22) originally had 3 lanes on each side, but has since been renovated and downgraded to just 2.


National roads are the secondary class of freeways. The N-01 (including the N-01B) and the N-02 run along each coast in the more rural zones of the country. The N-01 goes from Subton-on-Sea (and the N-01B from Ironhill) to Peninsula Capital via Marshville and Subton Fields. The N-02 goes from Heaven City to Port Peninsula via Morang and other coastal villages. While both roads have normal non-grade separated exits, the N-01 is dual carriageway. Both roads have 1 lane on each side in each direction. The N-03 (including N-03B) runs entirely within the jurisdiction of Titsensaki, from Titsensaki City and Ashton in the north to Titsensaki Sealerwhale International Airport in the south, continuing on to the A12. The road is entirely dual carriageway and runs with two lanes going each direction. The N-05 was a highway from South Rincon to Sealerwhale via Cairnhill Dry, and it operates with two lanes in each direction, however not entirely dual carriageway. The N-05 closed in 2013 and returned to its original name 'Titsensaki Road', and now acts as a connection from Mountainfarm to the N-03 via Cairnhill Dry and Frostyville Heights, however construction of the viaduct is still incomplete. The N-04 is still under construction, and is planned to go from Subton-on-Sea to Sayando, however it only goes as far as Westbeach owned land Lantau Bay. The current section is not dual carriageway and has one lane on each side.