League of Cities/Meetings

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This page will contain information related to all League of Cities meetings.



🔷 = Primary Topic

🔹 = Secondary Topic


In Discord, the following procedures will take place: All meeting related stuff will take place in #meetings, however only officers/leaders may speak. If you wish to speak tell the GAC in #general, after which an officer will then give you temporary permission to do so. In the event that the general members need to talk, permission to do so in #meetings will be switched on for [members] temporarily. Anything that is not directly related to the content of the meeting will be said in #general. All election info must be put in #elections. Needless to say, #officers is for officers only, for discussing private matters not to be revealed to the general public at the time.


LoC Discord, owned by Camelfantasy, is considered LoC-sanctioned and thus all policies and consequences applying to LoC facilities will also apply to its Discord.

On Discord, your role is determined by your ranking in the LoC. Rankings may change temporarily for a meeting as necessary, such as assigning a non-officer to help run the meeting.

Role People Management (in addition to below) #general #meetings #officers #elections
Admin Founder, Secretariat, Deputy Secretariat Manage server and channels (all) S&R S&R S&R S&R
Official General Assembly Chief, Chief Justice Role change, manage messages, ban S&R S&R S&R S&R
Officer All other officers Kick, invite S&R S&R S&R S&R
Member All non-Officers and non-Observers None S&R R R
Observer All non-Officers and non-Members None S&R R R

Note: all candidates can send in #elections

December 12th, 2015


🔵 The first meeting is planned to be around the GSM to maximize attendance. Time will be around 6pm GMT, an hour before the GSM.

🔵 Chiefbozx has been appointed acting Secretariat for this meeting due to the planned absences of the Secretariat and the Deputy Secretariat.

🔵 Gopher has been appointed Clerk, and will record info, count votes, and bring up meeting agendas.

🔵 Possible topics:

  • Resolution 6 discussion
  • Clarification of roles of officers
  • CreepyChimps requested discussion of his SARoC position
  • Whether SaRO should intervene in a military state of emergency
  • The name of the division: SaRO or MRS?
  • Obligation to help cities not part of the LoC
  • Use of city codes from the postcode system for humanitarian and aid purposes
  • During Sealane attacks, official LoC communications used REF-SEA-FOR to denote refugee flow from Sealane to Formosa, and AID-FOR-SEA to denote aid flow from Formosa to Sealane
  • A preset or SMP catchment area to allow flexibility in accepting refugees
  • Formosa provided assistance to Sealane as they were in the same SMP
  • Offices built in Vermilion: Chiefbozx to give info
  • Proposal for a "Head Treasurer" to manage finances of the LoC directly
  • Proposal for a membership sum (Ex. $2-5 to join the LoC)
  • Any new resolutions to be proposed directly to the GA


Unofficially titled the "trainwreck meeting" due to general disorder; quote of the meeting: "This meeting is dedicated to Chief for pulling us through this trainwreck"-KittyCat111231

  • jamess2912 resigns as General Assembly Chief due to disorder; Chiefbozx temporarily appointed to replace him
    Jamess2912 will serve for at least one more meeting; Chiefbozx will be deputy GAC
  • SaRO position will keep its current name
  • Vermilion Postcode System 2.0 officially endorsed by the League of Cities
  • Offices open in Vermilion December 16, 2015
  • 6-month term for all officers
  • 2-term limit for each position, effective for all officers; one year total
  • _frozen elected as Secondary Transit Commissioner, deputy to RLcrafters
  • Treasurer position created, no one elected to position yet
  • Meeting protocols to be created
  • Future meetings to take place on Mumble
  • LoC official banner contest
  • Gopher appointed to serve as clerk when necessary

February 20th, 2016

This meeting will be held at 5pm UT, 2 hours before the GSM. It will be held on discord, so see _hnt or camelfantasy for the link, preferably before the actual meeting.


🔷 Decide if updates should take place in-game in a project channel for people without discord, decide whether to do it in chat or talk, and find a recorder if the latter 🔷 Discuss political parties - possible transformation into 2-3 parties with intra-party factions 🔷 Election preparations and procedures

🔹Answer any questions, forward any to camelfantasy as needed

🔷 Location of ICoJ and builder

🔹Set price limit

🔷 Official banner/logo needed - more submissions needed, ask if anyone would like to make one 🔷 LoC Complex at Formosa - continuation of tower and surrounding area

🔹*Formosa-Vermilion HSR link between League Campus at Vermilion and League Complex at Formosa - who builds it, where stations/tracks go at Formosa end

🔷 Debate building for elections and dates for debate note: other debates can take place at end of meeting, time and candidate attendance taking into consideration

🔹*If debates are necessary, and how they will work, i.e. through wiki, live, etc

🔷 Officer buildings

🔹 MATO/SaROC building
🔹 LoC embassies
🔹 TC building
🔹 HIA building

🔷 SaROC new program

🔹 CaptainChimpy will type something to be announced/discussed at meeting https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OuTaVzUoAKY_wUumx3_m8FFI2FJqw8WstIkoTt9vlYQ

🔷 Questions/Comments 🔷 Secretariat debate between _hnt, KittyCat11231, and Vulpicula, more debates if needed

🔹Appoint moderator first

Feel free to add more, do NOT add the blue diamond bullet points as it signifies an approved topic


Secretariat debate topics may include but are not limited to:

  • What do you aim to do during your tenure as Secretariat?
  • What past accomplishments/achievements do you have that may help you as Secretariat?
  • What is your stance on [insert some major topics]?
  • Is there anything you wish to say about the other candidates and/or their campaigns?
  • Take questions

Debate will go in the format of:

  1. Ask question
  2. One person answers
  3. Another person answers
  4. Third person answers
  5. Open debate between all candidates for the position
  6. Conclusive statement from each candidate
  7. Take questions from members, and if desired, non-members


  • Political parties developed separately from LoC
  • ICoJ will be built at LoC Complex, builder and price not known
  • SaRO program approval for development by SaROC
  • Secretariat debate canceled due to lack of attendance

Note: mine_man_ was appointed as acting General Assembly Chief due to initial absence of jamess2912, _frozen was temporarily given Official permissions on wiki to help manage the meeting

March ? 2016

As usual, the meeting will be held around 5PM GMT on the day of the GSM. This meeting will be short, with only several in-advance inaugurations, victory and term-end speeches, and any other topic that my come up.


💠 Inauguration - administer oaths

💠 Victory/Acceptance speeches

💠 Term-end speeches

💠 Anything else needed to be discussed
