Northeast City

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This is from July 14, 2022, before Northeast City was created.
This is Northeast City on July 24, 2022.

Northeast City is a community town founded by Minecraft252 on July 24, 2022. The mayor is Minecraft252, and the deputy mayor is worrski. Northeast City is located at 29415, 63, -23285. There is no MRT train station near Northeast City due to the town being located in the far northeast Zeta New World. The town currently has several buildings that include an aquarium, a school, a church, and the Northeast City Public Beach among other things. Bristol Brew Coffee Company is a business franchise that has a location within Northeast City. The very first Bangor Borgir Company is located within the town. Anyone member or above is welcome to build within Northeast City provided no MRT server rules are broken.

Northeast City Aquarium

On September 1, 2022, Northeast City Aquarium was constructed within southern Northeast City. It is housed within a brick building featuring a calcite roof.

Minecraft252 Boat Corporation Service

As of February 28, 2023, Minecraft252 Boat Corporation provides boat service from Northeast City to Nashville.


In terms of remote location, Northeast City is nowhere near anywhere. U32 MRT Train Station is the nearest MRT rail connection to Northeast City and even it is very far west of town. Nashville is well southwest of Northeast City while Biwabik is well northwest of Northeast City.