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Bristool is a soda pop beverage that was invented in Bristol by Minecraft252 in February of 2021. Bristool contains six varieties of flavors: regular, diet, orange, chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Bristool is a take on the name of Bristol. Bristool is primarily sold at Bristool Drink Stand locations of which four presently exist within New World: Original located along Bristol Road, South Road located along South Road, Bristol Mall located within Bristol Mall property, and the lone drink stand outside of Bristol located within Rattlerville in the upstairs portion of the Bristol Center. There is no affiliation with Bristol Brew Coffee Company for Bristool. The two are not related whatsoever. They both do share a building together within Rattlerville though. On December 12, 2021, Bristool Beverage Factory was constructed along Apex Road within Bristol and is where Bristool is nowadays made. On June 18, 2022, Bristool entered into an agreement with the food franchise Tacodrum to sell Bristool drinks at all of its locations throughout New World. Contrary to what some have thought, Bristool is not a tool company.