Lacledic Republic/Exclaves

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This page is a list of the exclaves that exist within the Lacledic Republic's Laclede District. They will become part of the Republic's World Showcase north and east of T11 Station. To request an exclave, leave a note on the talk page.

Policies and Legal Jargon

NOTE: By building in an exclave, you agree to the following policies:

1. Don't talk about fight club.

2. DO NOT talk about fight club.

3. Modifying the existing roads is prohibited unless given permission by jphgolf4321. Building new ones is not, but they must follow the style of the existing roads.

4. Don't build on your border. Removing the wool markers is ok, though.

5. Don't do anything stupid.

6. Having fun is required. Violators will be subject to one hour's imprisonment with the puppies or the kitties.

7. No touching of the hair or face.

8. And that's it.

List of Exclaves and Owners

Border Color Exclave Owner
Blue City-State of Kitania KittyCat11231
Yellow Liten Gopher
Orange Kenthurst Aliksong
Black Janghwa City HanSangYoon
Brown Siletzian Laclede MeetMeInSpace
Cyan The Lacledic Colony of the Republic of Waterville Ptld
Green Ezzo City Ezzocraft
Red The Royal Ferry Monarchy MIKE24Dude
Pink New Covina Kastle