Watchfield (district)

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Deputy Mayorthe_blockmaster
MRT A8  Serena West/Watchfield
Roadways A8 
Nearest airportWhitechapel Sky Harbor
RailSLT Metro:
 C1  Serena West/Watchfield 
 C8  Innovation Square 
  R4 Innovation Square 
Facts and figures
Coordinates-2548, 75, -1934
Founded2nd July, 2015

Watchfield is a ward of Serena located at station A8 on the MRT Arctic Line on the New World. Watchfield is the oldest of the Serena wards and is the location of the old town hall. Watchfield is the westernomst part of Serena city with Radiance Square located right across the  A8  highway. Watchfield was first fouded on July the 2nd and has since kept radiating towrds the east and west.

Noteworthy Sights in Watchfield

Below you find a selection of noteworthy sights in Watchfield

Town Hall

Transit Info
Type Station
Metro:  C1  Serena West/Watchfield 
MRT:  A8  Serena West/Watchfield

The Watchfield Town Hall is preserved as a living museum showcasing the history of Watchfield. Before the new city hall located in Serena Republica, this is where visitors and builders came to get more info about the town. Preserved in original condition are the offices of the mayor and depuby mayor. The Town Hall marks the northernmost point of Watchfield as no more development has gone beyond the old town hall. See the history section for more information on the old town hall.

North Hill

Transit Info
Type Station
Metro:  C1  Serena West/Watchfield 
MRT:  A8  Serena West/Watchfield

North Hill features some of the first, and likely the most compact apartments in Serena. The hill also is home to Watchfield Grand Hotel, the first hotel in the city. For more information on North Hill, see the history section.

Garden Stage

Transit Info
Type Station
Metro:  C8  Innovation Square 
  R4 Innovation Square 

The Garden Stage is a sentiment to the mayor powerminer01's love for music. It is the first of two live music venues in Watchfield, intended for artists to perform for a live audience under the starry sky.

Innovation Square

Transit Info
Type Station
Metro:  C8  Innovation Square 
  R4 Innovation Square 

Innovation Square is today mainly a transit hub, but it features many of the most bold examples of post-modern architecture in Watchfield. A must see for anyone passing by. More information on Innovation Square can be found in the history section.


Watchfield was founded on july the 2nd 2015 and has since grown from it's humble beginnings. Originally, the town featured a tram system as means of public transportation, a single line stretching from the  A8  Serena West/Watchfield station down to today's Prismarine Plaza, The system was entirely designed by mayor and town founder powerminer01 and suffered due to frequent technical problems. By 2017, a big revamp of the public transit system was done by autobus22 who established a bus network which today serves most of western Serena city. Between the years of 2015 to 2018, Watchfield saw frequent transformation with a slow expansion towards the neigbouring cities of Xilia and Cornus. As of february 2020, plans have been made to make Watchfield a ward of the larger Serena, in effect spltting up large areas of Watchfield far from the original MRT station, and make them new wards all under the Serena flag, the first version of which can be found waving in the wind in Watchfield.

The old town

photo of the Watchfield town hall with the illuminated clock at night.

Starting from the MRT station  A8  Serena West/Watchfield, the first parts of Watchfield were built in july of 2015. One of the first pieces of architecture appearing across the northern town hall square was the Watchfield town hall. Architecturally, the building draws from monumental influences and aestetics of city building games such as SimCity. The town hall featured a small welcome center with info for vistors and builders alike, having a large display room for figues and examples for the building guide "Arcitecture 101" written by mayor powerminer01 in July of 2015. The book and the figures were never used in practice but is a sentiment to the visionary long term planning which still very much is part of the Serena project to this day. The town hall also featured offices for mayor powerminer01 and deputy mayor the_blockmaster. The town hall exterior featured a clock which illuminates at night. Today, the town hall stands more or less untouched and serves as a museum for the old days of the city. The plaza between the town hall and North Hill adjescent to the railroad used to feature two tram stations which since has been replaced with a bus station.

The old town - North Hill

North Hill viewed from the North-west

Being the first residential area in Watchfield, North hill features by far some of the most compact apartments and commercial spaces in Serena. The Hill features three small houses along with Watchfield Grand Hotel, not to be confused with Central Watchfield Grand Hotel in Serena Republica. North Hill is directly adjescent to the  A8  Serena West/Watchfield station. Apart from the Grand Hotel, North hill features the first franchise in Watchfield, a tapas bar by the_blockmaster. Uniquely, North hill is the only part of Watchfield which features pedestrian only-roads.

Watchfield downtown

Watchfield downtown seen from the north.

South of the MRT tracks the Watchfield downtown started to appear in late July 2015. This part of town features larger and taller buildings with more commerce and apartments aswell as the town's first dedicated office buildings, one of which today houses the headquarters of the SPS Postal Service. To the south of the downtown lies a park with a large outdoor stage for music, a nod to mayor powerminer01's interest in rock music. Initially, streets in the downtown part of Watchfield, surrounding the park were supposed to be named in reference to certain musicians and songs which powerminer01 listened to at the time. Through the park runs a street which used to be tracks for the old tram wich ran underneath the small hill separating the downtown with Innovation Square. Eventually the hill became the site of an office building now used as the headquarters for SLT, the Serena Local Transit authority. Later an apartment building owned and operated by the Serena Public Housing Company was build aswell, bordering Birch Hill.

Watchfield downtown - Birch Hill

View of Birch Hill overlooking Watchfield downtown

Named for the natural population of Birch trees, Birch hill stood empty for the longest time, only to be built in 2017. The somewhat remote hill serves as a medium-density housing district surrounded by one small ring road. The hill features a staircase for access to the path across Observatory Hill into Serena Republica.

Innovation Square

View of Innovation Square from the north, showing the skyline of northern Serena Suburbia

Innovation Square was an early part of the downtown plan, however, it was not fully urbanized until the year 2020. In the beginning, the square mainly was built to accomodate the rather large tram platforms preceeding the buses which stop there today. Innovation Square was coined in reference to the more experimental architecture, being a site of more conceptual building and landscaping. The steep terrain contributed to the slow development of the architecture and made the square relatively remote despite its centrality. Much like the park between ISQ and Downtown Watchfield, the area remains largely as a pocket of air in the city serving as a central hub for buses and Metro. The final building to be added to the square surroundings is the Serena Technical High-School located between Watchfield and Serena Suburbia.


  • October 1st 2019 Watchfield joined the Epsilonian Republic!
  • September 29th 2019 New plans were revealed to expand Watchfield into a larger metropolitan area and give it the name Serena
  • May 15th 2017 Watchfield's malfunctioning tram system was replaced by a warp bus service provided by autobus22
  • September 11th 2015 The Class-A Highway  A8  exit "Watchfield" was re-opened
  • July 30th 2015 The Class-A Highway  A8  exit "Watchfield" was closed.
  • July 29th 2015 Watchfield's Tram system was officially completed.
  • July 24th 2015 The town was officially opened for builders.
  • July 20th Watchfield was connected to the Class-A Highway  A8 .
  • July 17th Watchfield got its own banner which swings from the facade of the town hall
  • July 16th The wiki page Watchfield was created.
  • July 2nd 2015 The town was officially named to Watchfield.
  • June 22nd 2015 MRT Station  A8  Serena West/Watchfield was claimed by powerminer01.