United Cities/Former Constitution

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Note: When a subsequent amendment edited the constitution, relevant parts are annotated with a strikethrough (example), new parts italicized (example), and a footnote (0).

The Prime Directive of the United Cities

The United Cities exists for the purpose of building a stronger MRT community through large, cooperative projects; fostering good relations among towns and cities across the server; engaging in good-natured role-play; and boldly going where no Metropolitan Planning Organization has gone before.

Article 1: Structure

The United Cities is divided into two levels of assembly: the Security Council and the General Assembly has one level of assembly: the General Assembly 9. It also has three classes of membership: Observer, City-State, and State. Note: any mention of ranks refers to town ranks, not the tags individual players have. For example, someone with the Mayor tag who has only a Councillor town will be treated as a Councillor in the eyes of the United Cities.

Article 1.1: Memberships

Article 1.1.1: Observers

Observer states are members of the United Cities which do not have the right to vote on resolutions put before the General Assembly, though they are invited to attend meetings. Observer states hold their status as Observers either by choice as they consider full membership, while working their way to the Councillor rank and full membership, or as a disciplinary measure as proposed by the Security Council and approved by the President. 9 27

Article 1.1.2: City-States Member States

City-States are full members of the United Cities. They have full voting rights in the General Assembly and Security Council 9 when applicable. They consist of one city represented by its Mayor ranking Councillor or above. Examples of City-States include Utopia, Segville, and the Hummingbird Islands. Players interested in joining with multiple cities who choose not to organize them into a State will automatically represent their highest-ranking city as a City-State in the United Cities. Note: For those in need of further explanation, this means that no person other than an officer will ever be able to have more than one vote in the General Assembly or Security Council. 9 65

Member States are full members of the United Cities. They have full voting rights in the General Assembly when applicable. They consist of one or more city represented by its Mayor ranking Councillor or above. Players may choose to represent their group of cities as a single entity (e.g. the Lacledic Republic and the City-State of Kitania) so long as at least one of the entity's constituent cities ranks Councillor or above. 65

Article 1.1.3: States

States have all the same rights as City-States. The chief difference between a State and a City-State is that States commonly consist of multiple cities governed by the same Mayor. Also unlike City-States, the rank of a State is determined by the highest ranking city that is part of the State. Examples of States include the Lacledic Republic, the City-State of Kitania, and the United Republic of Sealane. 65

Article 1.2: Councils

Article 1.2.1: General Assembly

The General Assembly consists of all non-Observer 45 members of the United Cities excluding the President. 45 Each full member (State or City-State) has one vote. The General Assembly is theoretically always in session due to the ability of its members to vote using the wiki or Google Forms. However, the General Assembly will also meet every few months to vote on resolutions, propose resolutions to be voted on later, etc. It is led by the General Assembly Chair Vice President 10 who is in charge of calling meetings, drawing up agendas for said meetings, and facilitating the meeting as it is in progress. Resolutions are passed with majority approval, and Security Council vetoes can be overridden with 60% 75% of the votes cast approval. 8 9

Article 1.2.2: Security Council

The Security Council consists of all States and City-States with at least the rank of Governor. Sitting members, have the power to vote on disciplinary action against a state, discuss threats to the stability of the United Cities, and vote to approve or veto a resolution passed by the General Assembly. It is led directly by the Security Council Chair whose role is the same as the General Assembly Chair's in his respective council. Resolutions are either confirmed or vetoed with majority approval and presidential vetoes can be overridden with 60% approval. Note: Sitting members of the Security Council are also sitting members of the General Assembly as can be seen on the main wiki page. 9

Article 2: Leadership Roles

In order to ensure the successful administration of the United Cities, provisions must be made for officers to run the organization. The first officeholders will be appointed rather than elected until there are enough members to facilitate elections. At this point, there will be elections every second third 4 month beginning in February January 24 2017 to name people to the leadership positions. All officers except the President 1 perform their duties while also being sitting members of the General Assembly. and, if applicable, the Security Council. 9 Officers must hold at least the rank of Senator Mayor 5 12

Article 2.1: General Assembly Chair

The General Assembly Chair is in charge of organizing General Assembly Meetings, drawing up agendas for the meetings, and facilitating the orderly procedure of the meetings. If necessary, he owns the tiebreaker vote in the General Assembly. 10

Article 2.2: Secretary of State

The Secretary of State is in charge of facilitating negotiations amongst members of the United Cities. He is tasked with acting as an impartial arbitrator when requested by either members themselves or the President. At his discretion, the power of arbitration may be given to the General Assembly via a resolution. 98

Article 2.3: Vice President

The Vice President of the United Cities is the second-in-command to the President. He presides over the Security Council General Assembly 10 and owns the tiebreaker vote if necessary. In the event of a president's impeachment or resignation, the Vice President will step up to fill his office. The Vice President is in charge of organizing General Assembly Meetings, drawing up agendas for the meetings, and facilitating the orderly procedure of the meetings. If necessary, he owns the tiebreaker vote in the General Assembly. 10

Article 2.4: President

The President of the United Cities is the head of the organization. He has the final say in the passage of a resolution with the power to either enact or veto a resolution. All other officers report directly to the President and are expected to carry out his instructions when given. The President also has the right to facilitate negotiations like the Secretary of State and preside over the Security Council or 9 General Assembly when the Vice President or General Assembly Chair 10 is unavailable.

Article 3: Elections

Every two three 4 months beginning with February January 24 2017, the United Cities will elect new officers.

Article 3.1: Voting

All States and City-States and Observers 15 may cast one vote for each officer position. The winner will be whichever candidate of those running secures the most votes. The winner for each race will be determined by an instant runoff system.17

Article 3.2: Terms

Each officer may be elected to an unlimited number of terms. However, they may serve no more than two consecutive terms. For example, a President can serve for two terms but must step aside for at least one term before running for his third.

Article 3.3: Political Parties

Any and all political parties registered in the Political Party Association of the MRT and independents 38 may run a candidate for any office, but each party is limited to one candidate for each office. In order to enforce the one-per-office rule, each party interested in running candidates must come together somehow to nominate someone to run (Discord group chat, in-game convention, etc.). 28

Article 4: Resolutions

Resolutions may be proposed by anyone in the General Assembly who can find at least three other members to endorse the proposal unless a special exception is granted by the President. Voting will last for 48 24 9 total hours: 24 for the General Assembly voting and 24 for the Security Council voting 9 and Presidential voting. In the event of a Security Council veto, an additional 24 hours will be granted to the General Assembly to attempt an override. 9 In the event of a Presidential veto, the Security Council General Assembly 9 will be given another 24 hours to attempt an override. Resolutions will be added to this Constitution if passed as constitutional amendments 22 as amendments once passed by the General Assembly, approved by the Security Council 9, and enacted by the President.

Article 4.1: Arbitration Resolutions

At his discretion, the Secretary of State may put an arbitration resolution before the General Assembly. Arbitration resolutions involve the two sides of the argument presenting their cases for the General Assembly to vote upon. In doing so they agree both that they will accept whatever the result of the voting and that they will not interfere in the proceedings of the voting in an attempt to sway opinions. 98

Article 4.2: Impeachment Resolutions

If an officer fails to fulfill his duties, the Security Council has the authority to vote to impeach the officer. If the Security Council passes the impeachment motion, 9 the resolution is sent to the General Assembly for a vote with requires a 60% majority. The President has no power to veto impeachment resolutions.

Amendment 1: The Checks and Balances Act

In order to institute a more effective system of checks and balances, Security Council members are hereby prohibited from voting as part of the General Assembly. 9 In addition, the General Assembly Chair may no longer vote in the General Assembly unless a tiebreaker is needed. The Vice President's may no longer vote in the Security Council unless a tiebreaker is needed there. 6 The President may no longer vote on any resolutions aside from his pass/veto vote at the end. As the Secretary of State has no special tiebreaker role, the officeholder is allowed to retain his vote in either the General Assembly or the Security Council. 9 To compensate for officers' loss of voting power, they are hereby granted the power to propose resolutions without having to collect three endorsements beforehand. 23

Amendment 2: The Easing of Rank Restrictions on Officer Positions Act

From now on, the rank requirement for those running for an Officer position is lowered to Mayor. 12

Amendment 3: The Judicial Procedure Act

An official Supreme Court of the United Cities will be established, which will have the jurisdiction to enforce the provisions set forth in this Constitution and settle disputes regarding the interpretation of the Constitution through binding court orders.

The Court will consist of a three Justice panel, including a Chief Justice and two Associate Justices. The Chief Justice will be elected in the same manner as all other officials at United Cities elections. Following the election of the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice will nominate two Associate Justices, who must then be confirmed by individual resolutions that will automatically go to voting upon the announcement of the nominations. They shall not require Presidential approval to pass like normal resolutions. 48 In the event that a new Chief Justice is elected and decides to nominate an incumbent associate justice, the associate justice must be reconfirmed by resolution, as mentioned above. The rank requirement for Chief Justice and for the associate justices will match that of the majority of other official positions in the United Cities. The Chief Justice and associate justices will not be eligible to sit on either the General Assembly or Security Council, or 6 hold any other office within the United Cities.

The Court maintains the right to conduct proceedings as it sees fit with regards to general logistical procedure. The Chief Justice is responsible for the administration of the court. The Court has the power to issue binding court orders by a majority vote among the justices following a hearing as prescribed in Amendment 26. 26 Each case must be presided over by the Chief Justice and at least one of the two associate justices. 26 Any complaints made to the court must be responded to within one week 48 hours 11 of the complaint being issued. If this deadline is not met, due to the absence or negligence of any of the justices to appear to hear the case, the justices that are present must sign an affidavit, to be published on the wiki, of their presence with an explanation of the court's failure to meet the deadline. If the Chief Justice is the present justice in this occurrence, but the Court cannot continue due to the absence of the associate justices, the Chief Justice may appoint two interim justices to preside over the case. If the two associate justices are present, but the court cannot continue due to the absence of the Chief Justice, the associate justices may preside over the case, with the Secretary of State presiding beside the Associate Justices. The Secretary of State, in this situation, is responsible for the administrative duties normally presided over by the Chief Justice, but is not granted a vote unless a tie-breaking vote is necessary. If the Secretary of State is unavailable, the Vice President will take the place of the Secretary of State, and if the Secretary of State and Vice President are unavailable, the General Assembly Chair will take the place of the Secretary of State. 10

Cases decided by the Court are limited in scope strictly to manners of enforcement and interpretation of the Constitution, and the power of the court shall not be construed to enforce policies not written in the Constitution. Each Justice of the Court may be individually impeached by resolution in the same manner as any other official of the United Cities. In the event that an associate justice is impeached or leaves office, the Chief Justice must nominate a replacement associate justice, who must be confirmed, as mentioned above, by resolution. In the event the Chief Justice is impeached or leaves office, a special election must be held, as explained below, 20 to elect a new Chief Justice, unless the Chief Justice leaves office within 15 days of a general election, in which case the process of replacing the Chief Justice will be postponed until the previously scheduled general election.

A special election will automatically be put up to voting as a resolution to elect the first Chief Justice, and in any case in which the Chief Justice is impeached or leaves office. 20 First, a nomination resolution will be put up for 24 hours, in which any player may nominate a member of the United Cities to become Chief Justice, upon the agreement of the player being nominated. Then, a resolution will be opened for voting to elect the Chief Justice, which will remain open for 48 hours. In such resolution, the General Assembly and Security Council will vote at the same time, and each member's vote will count the same, regardless of whether the player is a member of the General Assembly or Security Council. 9

Amendment 4: The Term Length Act

Officer terms are hereby extended from two to three months.

Amendment 5: The COMMON SENSE Act

Formal Name: The Confirming that Officers' Membership in the united cities Must be Officially true and Not Spending Excessive time Nominating abSurd candidates for Elections Act

All officers in the United Cities must be a member of the United Cities. This retroactively applies to anyone who was not a member of the United Cities who already signed up to run for an officer position prior to this amendment's enaction.

Amendment 6: The Voting Rights Act

This resolution grants officers who are not the President a vote in their respective council (either General Assembly or Security Council but not both) the General Assembly 9 to ensure councils cannot be reduced to a single active vote. This amendment repeals parts of Amendment 1.

Amendment 7: The Voting Deadline Act

This amendment clarifies the process for voting on resolutions. In the case that, following the 24 hour limit of voting for the General Assembly or Security Council 9, the wiki is not updated to reflect the ending of voting, any additional votes will be counted until voting for that council is closed and sent to the next council for voting. This amendment applies retroactively to all previous cases.

Amendment 8: The General Assembly Override Act

The General Assembly override hereby requires 75% of the total votes cast in the override to succeed instead of 60% of the entire council. This does not retroactively apply to previous resolutions.

Amendment 9: The Restoration of Democracy Act

The Security Council is hereby abolished, and the former members of the Security Council become members of the General Assembly and have full voting power there.

The General Assembly hereby has override power over Presidential veto. This resolution supersedes any mention of the Security Council in any previous articles and amendments. All resolutions will be open for a 24 hour voting period for the General Assembly.

Amendment 10: The Security Council Postmortem Act

This Amendment is meant to address some issues left unresolved with the dissolution of the Security Council, namely the roles of the General Assembly Chair and the Vice President.
The office of General Assembly Chair is hereby abolished, and all its powers and responsibilities are hereby entrusted to the Vice President, though the President may call a meeting if he feels it is necessary.

Amendment 11: The Legal System Adjustment Act

The amount of time specified in Amendment 3 for legal complaints to be responded to by the United Cities Court is lowered to 48 hours following the complaint being made on the wiki. What is considered a "response" to a complaint is also clarified, in that the Chief Justice may, with the approval of both Associate Justices, rule that a hearing is not necessary for the complaint, however without the approval of both Associate Justices to not hold a hearing, a hearing must be held, and the case will continue as specified by Amendment 3 or Amendment 26. 26 If, when such a hearing is required, the Court should fail to proceed by the time limit, due to the absence or negligence of the Chief Justice or the Associate Justices, the same procedure will apply as specified in Amendment 3 and Amendment 26. 26

Amendment 12: The Councillor Act

All non-Observer member states of the United Cities are hereby allowed to run for and hold any office, including the upcoming election.

Amendment 13: The Election Procedure Act

The President is hereby tasked with the nomination of an Election Clerk confirmed by the General Assembly who is not a current member of the United Cities. A new Clerk is to be nominated for each election, though the same player may serve as Clerk for as many elections as they are nominated and subsequently confirmed. The Clerk is in charge of both creating and publishing the results of a Google Form to be used for official voting. The ballot will request voters submit their username to ensure nobody votes twice, though the usernames will never be released to the public. 14 49

Amendment 14: The Electoral Compromise Act

The ballot for elections shall hereby request the voter submit a permanent identification code assigned to them by the President from a randomly-generated list of codes. The list of possible ID numbers shall be handed over to the Clerk, who will use them to validate ballots. With new members joining, new codes will be assigned accordingly from the registry of available codes. 49

Amendment 15: The Voice for the Voiceless Act

All observers hereby are given the right to vote in officer elections as normal member states are.

Amendment 16: The Elections Act

The voting for the January 2017 election shall not begin until the conclusion of debates for each position up for election. The debate must be at a time scheduled at least 48 hours in advance with each candidate notified of the debate. If a candidate does not attend the debate, the United Cities is not responsible for their absence, however they may notify of their absense and appoint another player to speak on their behalf. If the debates fail to happen before the time established in The January Election Act, the voting will open immediately upon the conclusion of the debates. If the debates are finished, voting shall open at 7 PM UTC-6 on Sunday, January 15th, 2017. Voting shall last for exactly seven days, and if there are any delays in the opening of voting, the time limit for the closing of voting must be adjusted. In the event the voting form is not closed by the deadline for the conclusion of voting, any votes submitted until the closing of the vote will continue to be accepted. In the event the debates should have not happened by one week following the scheduled opening of the voting form, the United Cities Court will have the power to schedule an emergency hearing with the leaders of the United Cities and the candidates up for election and will have the power to appoint an organizer of the debates and provide a time mandate for the debates. The clauses of this amendment will also apply to future elections except those pertaining to the scheduling of debates 47, minus the specific date of the election.

Amendment 17: The Alternative Vote Act

  1. The system of voting hereby changes from a plurality to a majority of votes (50%) needed to win the election.
  2. The voting shall henceforth use an Instant-runoff style of voting.
    1. Each voter shall, rather than vote for their preferred candidate, vote by writing all the candidates in a list, from most to least preferred.
    2. The Clerk shall then add up all of the first preference choices.
      1. If one choice has more than 50% of the vote, then that candidate will automatically win the election.
    3. The Clerk must eliminate the candidate with the lowest amounts of votes if no candidate wins over 50% of the vote.
    4. The Clerk shall then look at all the people who voted 1st preference for the failed candidate and instead add their 2nd preference vote to their candidates total votes on the original voting form.
    5. If no candidate has not yet reached 50%, then the Clerk will need to repeat the process with eliminating the 2nd lowest ranking candidate.
      1. If the 2nd eliminated candidate was a voters 2nd preference vote, then their 3rd preference shall be added (and so on).
    6. In the event that someone's 2nd preference vote has already been eliminated, then that vote will be discarded.
    7. The election will only be won when either one candidate has over 50% of the vote, or they are the only candidate left.
  3. This amendment is enacted immediately for all future elections, including the first major elections in January.

Amendment 18: The Shared Power Act

After completing two consecutive terms, any officeholder except the President is hereby permitted to run for any office except the one they currently hold. For example, an outgoing two-term Vice President may run for President, Secretary of State, or Chief Justice but not for a third consecutive term as Vice President. Outgoing two-term presidents may not run for any officer position. However, they may run for any position after spending one term out of office.

Amendment 19: The Fixing of Debate and Election Times Act

Elections officially are hereby fixed to have voting begin on the third Sunday of every third month, starting in April 2017, at 7 PM GMT-6. The election shall last for a week (7 full 24-hour days), and officers shall take office immediately upon the release of results of the election. In addition, debates shall occur at 10 AM GMT-6 on the Saturday immediately preceding the election. 47

Amendment 20: The Officer Succession and Inactivity Act

The President shall, as already stated in the main body of the Constitution, be succeeded by the Vice President in the event the seat of President becomes vacant; if there is no Vice President, then after the Vice President is the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Chief Justice, Secretary of Enforcement 69 and the Associate Justices, ordered by either earlier date of the assumption of office and then earlier join date in the United Cities.

If the office of Vice President, Secretary of State, or Chief Justice become vacant, then the President shall nominate the successor and the nominee shall become confirmed by a simple majority of the General Assembly.

If the office of Associate Justice becomes vacant, the Chief Justice shall nominate the successor, and the General Assembly shall confirm the nomination normally; the President shall reserve the right to veto such resolutions.

If any officer fails to join the MRT Server or vote on a United Cities resolution for 15 days, they shall be marked inactive and have their powers stripped. The powers of such office shall be given to another person who shall be entitled “Acting [Officer].” If any officer fails to join the MRT Server and fails to vote on a United Cities resolution for 15 days, they shall be marked inactive and have their powers stripped. The powers of such office shall be given to another person who shall be entitled “Acting [Officer]. 63 If this occurs to the President, the Acting President shall be given to the Vice President, but if the Vice President is inactive, it follows the line of succession. If this occurs to any other officer, the President shall choose someone to execute the powers without needing approval of the General Assembly.

If an officer returns after having his power stripped by voting on a United Cities Resolution or joining the MRT Minecraft Server, then he/she shall receive his powers back from the person acting in his/her office. However, if an officer reaches 30 days of inactivity, an impeachment resolution must automatically be put to the General Assembly for voting on that officer.

Finally, if an officer knows that he/she will become inactive and unable to execute their powers, the officer may publicly declare that he/she will be inactive on the MRT wiki, in which case the succession for a replacement to act in his/her place shall be commenced in the same manner as if powers were taken away involuntarily. If this occurs, the officer shall not be marked inactive and will not be automatically impeached after 30 days of inactivity.

It should be noted that Acting officers fully take all the powers of the inactive officer. For example, if a Vice President becomes Acting President, then that person shall lose voting rights in the General Assembly but gain the ability to pass or veto any resolution, and the original President shall receive voting rights in the GA back but cannot veto resolutions anymore. Vice Presidents acting in the position of President shall also choose someone to act as Vice President as he shall lose tiebreaker votes in the GA while acting as President.

Amendment 21: Election Clerk Management Act

This amendment serves as an extension to Amendment 14 and declares any previous president banned from being voted into the election clerk role due to his ownership of the member codes. The new president will be given a separate role as Election Manager in which it is his job to hand out valid codes to new members before an election. 49

Amendment 22: The Constitutional Clean-Up Act

Current and future passed resolutions must be sorted between formal amendments and a separate page with other ones. Resolutions that pass that alter the constitution are to be considered amendments and must go on the constitution page, while other resolutions concerning other topics must go on the Enacted Resolutions Page. In the future, when a resolution altering the constitution is proposed, it must be labeled as an “Amendment”.

Amendment 23: The Resolutions Act

The clause in Amendment 1 that officers may propose resolutions to the General Assembly without gathering three endorsements beforehand is hereby repealed, and no member of the United Cities, with the exception of the President, is permitted to propose resolutions to the General Assembly without the endorsement of three other members of the United Cities, unless given a special exemption by the President.

Amendment 24: Emergency Amendment to Article 3

This resolution immediately repeals the section of Article 3 which states that elections will begin in February, since they officially occurred in January. The current text stating that elections began in January will remain.

Amendment 25: The Department of State Act

This amendment establishes the procedures of the Department of State.

The Department of State is responsible for providing a means of conflict resolution between two parties. The Secretary of State, who may appoint additional staff to carry out some of his or her duties, presides over the department. The Department of State may maintain its own wiki page and Discord channel, as seen fit by the Secretary of State.

Two or more players who are involved in a dispute may choose to file a request with the Department of State to review their dispute. The Secretary of State has the discretionary power to deny requests for arbitration, and a request can only be accepted if all players involved agree to resolve the dispute with the Department of State. If a request is accepted, the Secretary of State may meet with the involved players and attempt to resolve the dispute. The Secretary of State will negotiate with the involved players and attempt to reach a resolution to the conflict. If all players involved agree to the terms of the resolution, of which there must be documented written proof, the terms of the resolution will be binding and enforceable by the United Cities.

The players involved may also agree to an arbitration resolution, as specified in Article 4.1, to be put before the General Assembly. All players involved must agree to the arbitration resolution beforehand for it to be valid, as properly documented. The arbitration resolution will allow the General Assembly to vote on a set of pre-determined resolutions to the conflict, and is not subject to Presidential approval. Upon the passage of the resolution, its result will be legally binding and enforceable by the United Cities.

To clarify, the Department of State is strictly responsible for the resolution of extra-legal conflicts, which do not include disputes related to United Cities law. Any dispute regarding United Cities law is under the jurisdiction of the United Cities Court. However, should a resolution to any dispute filed with the Department of State become legally binding, as specified in the above paragraphs, the United Cities Court will have the power to enforce it as law. 98

Amendment 26: The Judicial Adjustment Act

As specified in Amendment 11, any complaint filed with the United Cities Court must be responded to within 48 hours. The appropriate responses are detailed below.

Any justice of the United Cities Court may, in response to a complaint, schedule a hearing to resolve the complaint, which will be presided over by such justice. This hearing must be scheduled within 24 hours of the response to the complaint. However, if the case is requested to be reviewed en banc, all justices must agree to a hearing date within the original timeframe (see below for more information). The justice will hear arguments from any and all sides involved in the complaint. If any party involved in a dispute is not present, the hearing will not proceed, and the justice may reschedule, however if the party fails to appear within a week of the original hearing date or after three scheduled hearings, whichever comes last, the case will be continued as follows: if the party absent is responsible for filing the complaint, the case will be dropped; if the party absent is targeted in the complaint, the case will continue under their absence. If any party involved in a dispute is not present, the hearing will not proceed, and the justice may reschedule, however if the party fails to appear within three days of the original hearing date or after three scheduled hearings, whichever comes last, the case will be continued as follows: if the party absent is responsible for filing the complaint, the case will be dropped; if the party absent is targeted in the complaint, the case will continue under their absence. 58 The justice presiding over the case must ensure a fair courtroom and all parties must be ensured equal protection under United Cities law, and, upon conclusion of the hearing or hearings, may render a legally binding decision. When such a decision is made by an individual justice, their decision must align with precedent set by the court.

Cases may also be decided en banc, with all justices of the court present. This occurs under the following conditions: any party involved in the case requests the case be reviewed en banc following the issuance of the complaint; any party involved in the case files an appeal against a decision made in a case presided over by a single justice; any justice requests the case be reviewed en banc following the issuance of the complaint, or; any justice files for review of a decision made in a case presided over by a single justice. If the court decides to review the case en banc following the issuance of a complaint, all justices have within the initial 48 hour timeframe to agree on a date for a hearing. If a decision by a single justice is to be appealed to the entire court, by either the request of one of the parties involved or any justice, the justices have within 48 hours of the request being filed to schedule a hearing date. The procedures and rules for the hearing will be the same as stated above. Any decision, requiring the majority vote of the justices, is final.

With regards to the initial complaint process, the justices may also decide to not review the case. This requires the approval of all justices within the 48 hour timeframe specified following the complaint. If at least one justice requests the case to be heard, one of the other responses specified to the complaint must be made before the end of the 48 hour time window.

In the event the complaint is not responded to within 48 hours, the following response must be made. If the case cannot continue due to the absence of a justice when the case is to be heard en banc, the respondent justices must sign a declaration stating the failure to proceed. The case may then continue with the Chief Justice and one Associate Justice present, however if both Associate Justices are absent, the Chief Justice will preside alongside two interim Associate Justices appointed by the Chief Justice and agreed to by the parties involved in the case. If the case cannot continue due to the absence of the Chief Justice, the Secretary of State will be the Acting Chief Justice, with the line of succession including the Vice President and President, however they shall only be in charge of the administration of the court and will only receive a vote if necessary to break a tie.

To clarify the powers of the court, as not explicitly stated in Amendments 3 and 11, the court can only issue a full decision with binding legal force if a proper hearing is held as described in this resolution. The court may not issue binding decisions without a hearing. Should a complaint with the court be declined for further review, the court may detail its reasons for declining to hear the case, however no text of this reasoning is considered a binding legal decision by the court. This provision applies retroactively.

Amendment 27: The Bill of Rights

The following rights are granted to all members of the United Cities by this amendment:

1) All members of the United Cities are granted the right to freely express their opinions and ideas.

2) All members of the United Cities are granted the right to leave the organization at any time and rejoin without penalty.

3) All players who meet the eligibility requirements to become a member of the United Cities have a right to do so at any time.

4) No member, who meets the membership eligibility requirements, shall be removed from the United Cities, or have their membership status reduced to observer, without their consent, except by constitutional amendment.

5) All members of the United Cities are granted the right to engage in political activities related to the United Cities, including campaigning and the proposal of resolutions, without restriction.

6) All members of the United Cities are granted the right, in elections, resolutions, and any other case whatsoever, to vote for any candidate or choice presented to them, without penalty.

7) All members of the United Cities, who meet the eligibility requirements for any officer position up for vote at any election, are granted the right to register as a candidate for that position, without obstruction or penalty, provided they register before the constitutional registration deadline for the election in question.

8) The United Cities shall take no action, executive or legislative, to restrict any of the aforementioned rights granted to the members of the United Cities. Any enacted resolution or portion of an enacted resolution in conflict with this amendment is hereby unconstitutional.

9) The previous section of this amendment shall not be construed to deny the General Assembly the power to amend this amendment through the passage of additional constitutional amendments.

Amendment 28: The Parties Act

The section of Article 3.3 limiting political parties to a single candidate per office is hereby repealed.

Amendment 29: April 2017 Election Act

The deadline for applying for an officer role will be set as Midnight GMT on April 8th 2017.

The debates for the April 2017 United Cities election will be held on the date with the most available attendees in the results of the United Cities Election Times Poll. The debate will start at 7 PM GMT on Saturday, April 15th 2017. 35

The host of the debates will be chosen by the president and approved through resolution. The host must not already be part of the United Cities. The location of the debates will be chosen by host without approval through resolution. 35

If a candidate does not attend the debate, the United Cities is not responsible for their absence, however they may notify of their absence and appoint another player to speak on their behalf. 35

The Election Clerk will be chosen by the President through powers of Amendment 13.

Voting will open at 9 PM GMT on Sunday, April 16th 2017.

Voting will last for exactly seven days, and if there are any delays in the opening of voting, the time limit for the closing of voting must be adjusted. In the event the voting form is not closed by the deadline for the conclusion of voting, any votes submitted until the closing of the vote will continue to be accepted.

Amendment 30: The Law Act

A new officer position of the United Cities, to be known as the Attorney General, is created. The Attorney General of the United Cities shall be responsible for manners related to United Cities law, including maintenance and updating of the Constitution, the Enacted Resolutions list, and the Resolutions Archive, for acting as a legal advisor to the President, and for representing the United Cities in the United Cities Court.

A new cabinet-level department, the Department of Law, is created, led by the Attorney General. The Department of Law includes the Attorney General and any staff members the Attorney General may appoint to assist in his or her duties. For the purposes of definition, a cabinet-level department is considered to be a department led by an elected officer, which include the Department of Law and the Department of State.

The Attorney General is subject to the same conditions as the majority of other officer positions of the United Cities with regards to eligibility and term limits. The Attorney General is elected alongside other officers at United Cities elections. The first Attorney General is to be elected at the April 2017 Election. Between the passage of this amendment and the announcement of the results of the April 2017 Election, the President may appoint an Acting Attorney General, who may be themself, to lead the Department of Law.

In the event an Attorney General leaves office and it is more than 15 days from a United Cities election, the President is to nominate a successor, who is to be confirmed in the same manner as described in Amendment 20 for other officers. In the event an Attorney General leaves office and it is within 15 days of a United Cities election, the President may appoint an Acting Attorney General, who may be themself, to lead the Department of Law until a new Attorney General is elected.

This amendment amends Amendment 20, placing the Attorney General behind the Secretary of State and ahead of the Chief Justice in the line of succession for the Presidency.

Amendment 31: The Simplification Act

All votes to resolutions must be single word synonyms of YEA/Yes or NAY/No to prevent debate over the implied meaning of a vote. 41

Amendment 32: The Officer Succession Term Limits Act

If a person fills a vacant officer position, if they serve more than half of their predecessor's term, it shall count as a full term. However if they serve less than half, it shall not. 'Half' shall be defined as 45 days.

Amendment 33: The Impeachment Process Act

An impeachment resolution is hereby defined as a resolution which if passed removes a person from their office in the United Cities. They shall be the only way to remove an officer - normal enacted resolutions may not remove an officer from their position. Officers that are removed from an office in addition to removal are also disqualified from holding an office or acting in place of an officer in the United Cities until the General Assembly by a simple majority returns this qualification to them through a normal resolution, which may or may not be vetoed by the President. Impeachment resolutions, like other resolutions, must get 3 endorsements in order to be put on the floor of the General Assembly. However, unlike other resolutions, impeachment resolutions must have had at least 15 people vote on it before voting closes. If, after 24 hours, at least 15 people have not voted, voting will remain open until a 15th person casts a vote. Impeachment resolutions also require 60% of all the votes cast to be in favor to pass instead of a simple majority of the votes cast. Impeachment resolutions may not be vetoed by the President and come into effect immediately following passage of the General Assembly. Finally, it is established that the power to impeach and remove an officer from their position shall be with the General Assembly and only the General Assembly and that the neither the Court nor any other body in the United Cities shall have the power to remove an officer.

Amendment 34: Emergency Start Time for the April 2017 Debates Act

The start time of the April 2017 Debates is hereby moved to 5 PM GMT. The date shall still be April 15, 2017. 35

Amendment 35: April Debates Waiver Act

The constitutional requirement for a debate to be held for the April 2017 election is hereby waived.

Amendment 36: The Election Tiebreaker Act

A tie is defined as a scenario in which the election ends with the top two candidates each receiving exactly 50% of the vote, after all other candidates have been eliminated and their votes redistributed in the instant-runoff voting system detailed in Amendment 17. Should an election for any office of the United Cities end in a tie, the Election Clerk Electoral Commission 49 must declare a tie upon the release of the election results, and the position for which the election is tied is to be declared vacant. The incumbent officer for such position will be designated the acting officer for that position, except for the position of the Presidency, until the vacancy is filled, and a modification of the procedure prescribed in Amendment 20 will be used to designate the officer for that position. If the vacant office in this situation is that of the President, the newly elected Vice President will become Acting President. The Acting President must then, within 48 hours, nominate one of the two candidates who tied in the Presidential election to become President, who must be confirmed by resolution as detailed in Amendment 20. If the vacant office in this situation is that of the Vice President, Secretary of State, or Chief Justice, the incumbent for the position is to be designated the acting officer for the position until the vacancy is filled, and the newly elected President is to nominate one of the two candidates who tied in the election for that position, who must be confirmed by resolution as detailed in Amendment 20. 81

Amendment 37: Term Limit Clarification Act

The terms of the original Chief Justice and Associate Justices, between December 2016 and the conclusion of the January 2017 election, are hereby defined to be a full term, subject to term limits, despite the term lasting less than 45 days.

Amendment 38: The Partisan Libertarian Act

The text in Article 3.3 which requires a candidate's party be registered with the Political Party Association of the MRT in order to contest in elections is hereby repealed, and membership in a party is not required to contest in elections. This amendment applies retroactively.

Amendment 39: The Executive Act

This amendment creates an official wiki page of the United Cities containing Executive Actions of the President of the United Cities. Executive Actions are defined to include any action the President has the authority to take without the approval of a resolution. This includes the creation and disbandment of Executive Committees, nominations of officials, and other orders, which, if within the authority granted to the President, are legally valid. No Executive Action may conflict with the Constitution or any Enacted Resolution, nor may it seek to create law, rather it shall serve to execute existing law as authorized by the General Assembly. The record for Executive Actions will include the President who issued such action, any additional authorization needed to issue such action (such as the approval of two officers to create Executive Committees), and the full text of the order. The page is to be the responsibility of the Department of Law. The Attorney General is to codify previous uncodified Executive Actions.

Amendment 40: The Gender Equality Act

The usage of gender-specific pronouns in legislation shall not be construed to deny equal rights and protections to people of all genders.

Amendment 41: The Second Simplification Act

Amendment 31 is hereby repealed. All resolutions must be voted with YEA (in favor of the resolution), or NAY (against the resolution). Votes not in that style and format will not be counted and are subsequently deleted.

Amendment 42: The Resolution Amendment Bill

In any such case where the author of a resolution, currently in the voting process, they must show the edited text to either their cosponsors, or any other member of the UC in the case where they may choose to use a different cosponsor (or the President in the case of an exemption). All the cosponsors (or President) must give their blessing for the resolution to be edited. Furthermore, an edited resolution must have both the voting time and any votes reset, as if it was a brand new resolution. An announcement that the Resolution has been changed will then need to be announced somewhere in the UC Discord, using the @everyone tag. Edits do not include simple spelling or grammar mistakes.

Amendment 43: The Election Clerk Reform Act

This resolution requires that the election clerk not be a member of the United Cities for a period of 45 days prior to the United Cities election they serve in, as well as for the entire duration of the election. 49

Amendment 44: The Court Amendment Act

This resolution authorizes that, upon the filing of a complaint with the United Cities Court, a justice of the court may issue a preliminary injunction, acting as a temporary binding court order, until the case is fully reviewed by the court. A preliminary injunction shall expire after 24 hours, or upon the delivery of the final verdict in the case, whichever should come first. Should a verdict not be delivered within 24 hours of the preliminary injunction being issued, it may only be extended with unanimous approval of the justices of the United Cities Court.

Amendment 45: The General Assembly Meetings Act

This amendment sets the procedure for General Assembly Meetings of the United Cities. General Assembly Meetings are defined as periodic organized meetings of the United Cities General Assembly for the purpose of debating policy proposals, receiving testimony regarding the activities of the United Cities from officials and committee members, and other related purposes. A General Assembly Meeting is to be authorized by a motion passed through resolution. The Vice President, as the chair of the General Assembly, may propose such a resolution without the endorsement of three other General Assembly members. The Vice President is responsible for organizing and facilitating the meeting, although the President reserves the right to assist the Vice President, or to assume the Vice President's role, or assign it to another player, should the Vice President be unavailable. The time and date of the meeting must be specified in the authorizing resolution for it to be valid. The Vice President has the discretion to delay the meeting in events including the absence of members, but if the meeting is delayed longer than a period of two hours the meeting is considered cancelled, and a new resolution must be passed to hold a meeting if desired.

The Vice President is responsible for directing the agenda of the meeting. Any General Assembly member present at the meeting may propose a policy proposal for the Vice President to add to the agenda. Proposals are to be debated on and presented for comment of General Assembly members. The purpose of this debate is to make appropriate amendments to the proposal and encourage the sponsor of the resolution to incorporate suggestions by other General Assembly members. However, the resolutions proposal process will still remain as is, and General Assembly Meetings may not be used to pass resolutions.

Article 1.2.1 is hereby amended to define the General Assembly as consisting of all non-Observer members of the United Cities, excluding the President.

Amendment 46: The Improvement of the Pocket Veto Act

This amendment establishes deadlines on the action a President takes on legislation. Once a resolution passes the General Assembly, the President has 72 hours to either sign or veto the resolution. If the President does neither within 72 hours, it shall be assumed that the President does not approve the resolution and it shall be sent back to the General Assembly as a "pocket veto." Pocket vetoes, like normal vetoes, may be overridden, however they only require 60% of all the votes cast to be in favor for an override, as opposed to 75% for an override of a normal veto. Finally, if a President "pocket vetoes" 3 consecutive resolutions that have passed the General Assembly, then the President shall be marked inactive and his powers shall be stripped and given to the Vice President to become Acting President as if the President has been away for 15 days.

Amendment 47: The Election Debates Reform Act

The United Cities is no longer be required to run a debate between all candidates in order for an election to proceed. This shall not be construed to ban the sponsorship of debates by the United Cities or any non-United Cities organizations.

Amendment 48: The Associate Justice Confirmation Act

Resolutions passed by the General Assembly to confirm an Associate Justice shall hereby no longer require Presidential approval. Nominees shall take office immediately upon the passage of a confirmation resolution.

Amendment 49: The Second Electoral Reform Act

The position of Electoral Clerk is hereby abolished and replaced with a new body titled the Electoral Commission. The Electoral Commission is tasked with running United Cities elections, and consists of five Electoral Commissioners, which shall be appointed by the President with the approval of at least seven three 53 non-officers, and each of which must be confirmed by the General Assembly in separate resolutions. Electoral Commissioners may or may not be members of the United Cities, however they may not be an incumbent officer at the time of the election or be a candidate in that election for any officer position. Electoral Commissioners are not considered to be officers of the United Cities.

The Electoral Commission is responsible for creating the voting form and collecting votes during the United Cities election which they are assembled for. The Electoral Commission shall internally decide on a chair, who shall be designated as the Chief Electoral Commissioner. The Electoral Commission is to create an online form in which players can submit their votes for the election. All Electoral Commissioners must be granted access to the responses to this form. Each voter must submit their username along with a validation code, which is to be assigned to them by the Electoral Commission. Each member of the United Cities who is eligible to vote in the election must receive a unique validation code for use in that election.

Candidate registration for any United Cities election is to begin 21 days prior to the scheduled start of the election and end 10 days prior to the scheduled start of election. If the constitution is amended to delay the start of the election after candidate registration has already opened, registration shall remain open until 10 days prior to the new scheduled start of the election.

Upon the closing of the election, the Electoral Commission is to count all votes and release the results of the election, which must include vote tallies and percentages, and which must be accurate and truthful. The newly elected officers will take office 48 hours following the release of the results, and incumbent officers will remain in office until this time. At this time, the seats of Associate Justice will immediately be vacant until new justices are confirmed or incumbent justices are reconfirmed.

This amendment repeals Amendments 13, 14, 21, and 43. Any text within the Constitution that mentions the Election Clerk is hereby amended to refer to the Electoral Commission.

Amendment 50: The Arbitration Resolution Exemption Act

Arbitration Resolutions are now exempt from Amendment 41. Arbitration Resolutions must specify in the first paragraph a set of conditions of voting to specify which side of the arbitration resolution a member agrees with (For example, If in favor of option 1, vote "Option 1", if in favor of Option 2, vote "Option 2"). These conditional phrases are to be the only way an Arbitration Resolution is voted upon. 98

Amendment 51: The Lets-Not-Have-Resolutions-Sitting-Untouched-For-Weeks Act

If a resolution goes to a tiebreaker when the office of vice president is vacant or the occupant fails to break the tie within 24 hours, the next non-vacant office from this list will have the tiebreaker vote for 24 hours, whereby if it still doesn't get voted upon, it will pass to the next officer: Secretary of State, Chief Justice, Attorney General, Secretary of Enforcement. 69 If all of these are vacant or fail to vote within their allocated 24 hour period, then the resolution passes immediately to the President.

Amendment 52: The Proof Of Voting Act

Votes may be put on the wiki for another person if the person is unable to vote on the wiki. If this occurs, screenshot evidence that the person wants the vote to be placed on the wiki for them must be posted to the UC Discord in the #law-department channel. Otherwise, the vote shall be invalidated.

This shall not retroactively apply to prior resolutions.

Amendment 53: The Electoral Commission Appointments Simplification Act

Nominations for the Electoral Commission by the President shall now only require 3 non-officer endorsements instead of 7. Nominations must still be confirmed by the General Assembly with a simple majority through the resolution process.

Amendment 54: The Delay of the Election Act

The July 2017 election, and any other election where there is not a full Electoral Commission by the start of the election, shall be delayed until 24 hours after a full Electoral Commission is confirmed.

If a full Electoral Commission is not confirmed within 72 hours of the scheduled start time of an election, anyone in the General Assembly shall be allowed to nominate any person for the Electoral Commission as long as the nomination has three non-officer endorsements. Nominations from the general public shall be confirmed by a normal General Assembly vote as are those from the President, however the President shall not be required to sign a nomination resolution in order for the nominee to be confirmed.

Amendment 55: The CaptainChimpy Membership Act

This amendment declares that CaptainChimpy is a member of the United Cities as of the passage of this resolution, and has been a member of the United Cities since June 28th, 2017, and that his votes in every resolution since then and in the July 2017 are legally valid. This amendment shall not be construed to deny CaptainChimpy the right to leave the United Cities.

Amendment 56: The Membership Confirmation Bill

From henceforth to be granted the rights and privileges of being a member of the United Cities, the user must have their username, town name, political party affiliation and member status in the main United Cities page, on the MRT wiki.

Amendment 57: The Election Voters Act

This amendment clarifies that any vote cast in a United Cities election must be cast by a player who is eligible to vote at the time they cast their ballot, and the player must remain an eligible voter for the entire remainder of the election, otherwise the vote shall be null and void. This amendment applies to all elections from the July 2017 election onward, unless it is enacted following the conclusion of the July 2017 election, in which case it shall only apply to all future elections.

Amendment 58: The Increased Court Efficiency Act

The fifth sentence of the second paragraph of Amendment 26 shall now read as follows: "If any party involved in a dispute is not present, the hearing will not proceed, and the justice may reschedule, however if the party fails to appear within three days of the original hearing date or after three scheduled hearings, whichever comes last, the case will be continued as follows: if the party absent is responsible for filing the complaint, the case will be dropped; if the party absent is targeted in the complaint, the case will continue under their absence."

Amendment 59: The First Technicality Repair Act

The President of the United Cities has had the right to propose resolutions to the General Assembly at all times from the beginning of the United Cities to the enactment of Resolution 124 on July 30, 2017.

Amendment 60: The Second Technicality Repair Act

The President has the right to propose resolutions before the General Assembly.

Amendment 61: Presidential Inclusion for Associate Justice Nominations Act

The President is now enabled to vote on Associate Justice nominations as if they were a member of the General Assembly. This shall only apply to nominations put up for voting after the passage of this resolution, August 12, 2017.

Amendment 62: The Timely Nominations Bill

This applies separately for each Associate Justice position.

Should an Associate Justice position become vacant for whatever reason, the Chief Justice shall have a 14 day countdown, starting from the moment the vacancy is created, to pick a nominee to fill such vacancy. When a nominee has been chosen, that countdown will be stopped. If the nomination fails to pass the General Assembly, then the Chief Justice will get 5 days to pick a replacement nominee. Every time a nominee fails a General Assembly vote from that point on during the vacancy in question, then the Chief Justice will always get an extra 5 days to pick a replacement. The 5 days is only for an ongoing vacancy; any new vacancy will get 14 days to start.

If the Chief Justice has failed to nominate an Associate Justice by the time the countdown is up, then the right to pick an Associate Justice for that vacancy will be stripped from the Chief Justice. Instead the power to nominate will be handed to the President, who will need at least one extra endorsement from any other officer (Can even be the Chief Justice), before putting a nominee up to the General Assembly. If that nomination fails then the President must choose again.

Amendment 63: The Grammatically Correct Act

The statement "If any officer fails to join the MRT Server for 15 days or vote on a United Cities resolution for 15 days, they shall be marked inactive and have their powers stripped. The powers of such office shall be given to another person who shall be entitled "Acting [Officer]." in Amendment 20 shall be changed to state "If any officer fails to join the MRT Server and fails to vote on a United Cities resolution for 15 days, they shall be marked inactive and have their powers stripped. The powers of such office shall be given to another person who shall be entitled “Acting [Officer]."

It is officially clarified that both need to be satisfied to be marked inactive.

Amendment 64: The Associate Justice Amendment Act

Upon being nominated by the Chief Justice and confirmed by the General Assembly, Associate Justices serve their term until the next election, unless they are impeached or otherwise leave office before their term ends.

This amendment applies to Associate Justice Ryanfr.

Amendment 65: The Membership Simplification Act

Articles 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 are hereby struck from the Constitution and replaced with a new Article 1.1.2 which reads: "1.1.2: Members States. Member States are full members of the United Cities. They have full voting rights in the General Assembly when applicable. They consist of one or more city represented by its Mayor ranking Councillor or above. Players may choose to represent their group of cities as a single entity (e.g. the Lacledic Republic and the City-State of Kitania) so long as at least one of the entity's constituent cities ranks Councillor or above."

Amendment 66: The Electoral Loophole Elimination Act

The Election Commission shall be required to release the results of an election within 36 hours following the closure of the polls. Should they fail to do so the court must subpoena the results. Failure to comply with the Court's subpoena within 24 hours will result in the members of the Commission being dismissed from the Commission, an entirely new Commission being chosen, and the election being restarted with the same candidates. This amendment applies to the October 2017 election.

Amendment 67: The Supremacy & Enforcement Act

The United Cities, its Constitution, and all its policies and procedures exist within the bounds of the rules of the MRT server, and may not contradict the rules of the MRT. Any member of the United Cities is bound by MRT rules while acting in the capacity of the United Cities.

If a portion of the Constitution or any law, policy, or procedure is believed to be contrary to the MRT rules, a suit must be filed with the United Cities Court, which is to determine whether the law contradicts the MRT rules. In order for the Court to issue such a judgement, the testimony of at least two staff members is required. However, the Court may be overruled by a declaration of the Owner or an Administrator of the MRT server, either before, during, or after a case held before the United Cities Court, and the Court, and the rest of the United Cities, shall be bound by such judgement.

A new Officer position, titled the Secretary of Enforcement, shall be created, which shall lead the United Cities Department of Enforcement, a cabinet level department as defined by Amendment 30. Should a member of the United Cities be believed to have violated MRT rules or United Cities law while acting in the capacity of the United Cities, the Secretary of Enforcement shall have the power to issue an Enforcement Citation, after three of which obtained by one member that are simultaneously effective the Department of Enforcement may issue an order to remove the member in question from the United Cities or demote them to the Observer rank, which shall not last for more than thirty days. The removal shall take effect within 24 hours of the issuance of the order, which is subject to appeal to the United Cities Court. The Department of Enforcement retains the power to revoke an Enforcement Citation or removal order, including one issued under a previous administration. Enforcement Citations are to remain effective for thirty days from the date of their issue, and may be appealed to the United Cities Court.

The Secretary of Enforcement may issue Enforcement Citations to any Officer of the United Cities, however a removal order may not be immediately issued upon an Officer receiving three Enforcement Citations. Rather, upon an Officer receiving three active Enforcement Citations, the Officer must be removed from his or her official position, through impeachment, resignation, or other legal means, before a removal order may be issued.

The Secretary of Enforcement, as opposed to most other Officer positions, is to be appointed by the President of the United Cities, beginning with the President elected in the October 2017 election, and confirmed by a majority vote of the General Assembly, to a term that shall expire upon the assumption of office of the Officers elected at the following election. The Secretary of Enforcement shall be subject to the same term limits applied to Officers as stated by other portions of the Constitution, and shall have the power to delegate their powers among staff members of the Department of Enforcement appointed by the Secretary of Enforcement.

Amendment 68: The Timezone Act Redux

All voting timers for resolutions must be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Other time zones may still be added on top of the UTC time.

Amendment 69: The Duh, we've got a new officer Act

This amendment changes amendment 51, replacing the order of tiebreaker passage from "Secretary of State, Chief Justice, Attorney General" to "Secretary of State, Chief Justice, Attorney General, Secretary of Enforcement".

This also amends Amendment 20, replacing "The President shall, as already stated in the main body of the Constitution, be succeeded by the Vice President in the event the seat of President becomes vacant; if there is no Vice President, then after the Vice President is the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Chief Justice, and the Associate Justices, ordered by either earlier date of the assumption of office and then earlier join date in the United Cities." to "The President shall, as already stated in the main body of the Constitution, be succeeded by the Vice President in the event the seat of President becomes vacant; if there is no Vice President, then after the Vice President is the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Chief Justice, Secretary of Enforcement and the Associate Justices, ordered by either earlier date of the assumption of office and then earlier join date in the United Cities."

Amendment 70: The Enforcers Act

The Department of Enforcement must have at least two employees (not including the Secretary of Enforcement) at all times with the exception of the days following the October 2017 election during which the first three two non-Secretary of Enforcement 72 employees are hired. However, the Secretary of Enforcement may choose to hire more than two employees and is encouraged to do so.

Amendment 71: The Preliminary Injunction Regulation Act

This Amendment regulates the power of the United Cities Court, as granted by Amendment 44, to issue preliminary injunctions. A preliminary injunction may only be issued as part of an active case presented before the Court, and the situation in which a preliminary injunction is issued must meet the following circumstances:
1) The preliminary injunction seeks to prevent an action or event that may be reasonably seen as contrary to the Constitution and/or the laws of the United Cities.
2) It is necessary to prevent such an action prior to the full hearing of the case in question due to the possibility of irreparable damage or an irreversible, significant, or impactful violation of the Constitution and/or the laws of the United Cities.
3) The plaintiff or plaintiffs in the case in question have a likely chance of succeeding in their case when it is heard before the United Cities Court.
4) The preliminary injunction does not violate other Articles or Amendments to this Constitution outside of the extent authorized by this Amendment necessary to enforce the clauses listed above.

In addition to the requirements stated above, a Justice may not issue a preliminary injunction to invalidate an active preliminary injunction issued by another Justice, however a Justice may choose to rescind a preliminary injunction they have issued before the time it expires. Additionally, two Justices of the United Cities Court may overrule an active preliminary injunction issued by the third Justice, after which the injunction shall be considered null and void.

Amendment 72: The Enforcers' Holiday Act

If an employee of the Department of Enforcement steps down or is otherwise removed from office causing the total number of employees to fall below the minimum amount necessary, the Secretary of Enforcement will have 72 hours to employee a replacement to fill their space. If the 72 hours elapses, the President is able to employ someone on the Secretary of Enforcement's behalf.

In addition, this amends amendment 70, changing the phrase "with the exception of the days following the October 2017 election during which the first three employees are hired." to "with the exception of the days following the October 2017 election during which the first two non-Secretary of Enforcement employees are hired.". The amendment will read in full "Upon its passage, the Department of Enforcement must have at least two employees (not including the Secretary of Enforcement) at all times with the exception of the days following the October 2017 election during which the first two non-Secretary of Enforcement employees are hired. However, the Secretary of Enforcement may choose to hire more than two employees and is encouraged to do so."

Amendment 73: The Enforcers Holiday Act 2

Upon the enaction of this Amendment, the Secretary of Enforcement will have 72 hours to name at least 2 players as employees of the Department of Enforcement. If after 72 hours the Secretary of Enforcement has failed to do so, the President shall have the authority to name 2 players to this post, in accordance with Amendment 72.

Amendment 74: The Judicial Enforcement Act

This Amendment clarifies that any procedurally valid order issued by the United Cities Court, including verdicts in Court cases and active preliminary injunctions, are binding on all members of the United Cities, and that any person who willfully violates an effective order issued by the Court is considered to be in contempt of the United Cities Court. Should a Justice of the Court determine a member of the United Cities to be in contempt of the Court, he or she may issue a Court Citation, which is to have the same effect as an Enforcement Citation issued by the Department of Enforcement. Court Citations are to remain in effect for the same amount of time as Enforcement Citations, count towards the total number of Enforcement Citations a player has, and may be appealed to the United Cities Court in the same manner as an Enforcement Citation. Should a Court Citation be appealed to the United Cities Court, the hearing of the case must be conducted before a Justice who did not issue the Court Citation in question, or it must be conducted before the United Cities Court sitting en banc, in which the Justice who issued the Court Citation is recused from hearing the case in question.

The power to issue Enforcement Citations for contempt of the United Cities Court is hereby removed from the Secretary of Enforcement by this Amendment.

Amendment 75: The Judicial Adjustment Act Amendment Act

This Amendment amends procedures stated in Amendment 26 for the operation of the United Cities Court. If a case before the Court proceeds en banc presided over by the Chief Justice and a single Associate Justice due to the absence of the second Associate Justice, as described in paragraph 5 of Amendment 26, the Chief Justice is to appoint an interim Associate Justice for the hearing of the case, which must be agreed to by the parties involved in the case.

Amendment 76: The State Transfership Act

If the ownership a single city, being an independent member state of the United Cities, or a member state consisting of multiple cities, is transferred to another player, the following procedure must occur:
a) If the transferred state is transferred to a player who does not represent a member state in the United Cities, the transferred state shall remain a member state with its new mayor listed as its representative.
b) If the transferred state is transferred to a player who represents a member state which, as defined by Amendment 65, is a full member of the United Cities, the transferred state is to be removed as a member state, and shall be considered under the jurisdiction of the existing member state, unless the mayor decides to change which state he or she represents.
c) If the transferred state is transferred to a player who represents an Observer state, as defined by Article 1.1.1, the transferred state shall be considered to be under the jurisdiction of the existing Observer State, and is to be removed as a member state. If the transferred state meets the requirements for full membership, as defined by Amendment 65, the Observer state may be upgraded to full membership status, if the mayor chooses to do so.

If the ownership certain constituent cities of a member state consisting of multiple cities is transferred to another player, the following procedure must occur:
a) If the transferred constituent city is transferred to a player who does not represent a member state in the United Cities, the transferred constituent city shall become an independent member state with its new mayor listed as its representative.
b) If the transferred constituent city is transferred to a player who represents a member state which, as defined by Amendment 65, is a full member of the United Cities, the transferred constituent city is to be considered under the jurisdiction of the existing member state, unless the mayor decides to change which state he or she represents.
c) If the transferred constituent city is transferred to a player who represents an Observer state, as defined by Article 1.1.1, the transferred constituent city shall be considered to be under the jurisdiction of the existing Observer State. If the transferred constituent city meets the requirements for full membership, as defined by Amendment 65, the Observer state may be upgraded to full membership status, if the mayor chooses to do so.
d) If the member state no longer has any constituent city which meets the requirements for full membership, as defined by Amendment 65, the state must be reduced to Observer state status, unless it is already an Observer state, in which it shall remain as an Observer.

The following clauses are also affirmed by this amendment:
a) No single player may represent more than one member state in the United Cities simultaneously.
b) Positions of official power are considered to be held by players, not member states. If a player holding a position of official power changes the member state they are representing, it shall have no impact on their service in their office. However, if a player holding a position of official power, who must be a member of the United Cities as per the qualifications of their office, no longer represents a member state, he or she immediately vacates his or her office, but any person who becomes a new representative of their member state will not automatically assume the office their predecessor vacated.
c) This amendment shall not be construed to hinder the ability of member states to leave the United Cities.

Amendment 77: The Tempban Act

In the event that a member of the General Assembly is temporarily banned from the MRT server for a set duration of time as an official administrative punishment 82, but retains legal ownership of the state they represent in the United Cities, they shall be demoted to Observer status in the United Cities, and shall remain an Observer until the duration of their temporary ban has been completed.

In the event than an Officer of the United Cities is temporarily banned from the MRT server for a set duration of time, he or she is to be immediately considered an inactive Officer, as defined by Amendment 20, and will remain an inactive Officer until the end of their temporary ban, and an impeachment resolution against him or her is to be automatically proposed to the General Assembly.

In the event that a member of the United Cities is permanently banned from the MRT server, they immediately cease to be a member of the United Cities, and immediately vacate any Officer positions they may hold.

The terms of this resolution do not apply to any case in which an account is banned as a precaution by request of the player or as a preventative measure due to concerns the account may be compromised.

Amendment 78: The Judicial Parties Act

In any case where a Justice of the United Cities files a suit in the United Cities Court, said Justice is prohibited from conducting any judicial functions including but not limited to hearing and issuing preliminary injunctions relating to the case in question, and is forcibly recused from the case.

Amendment 79: The Downtime Act

In the event that the MRT wiki is inaccessible for editing, the time period for any active resolution voting, resolution tiebreaker, resolution veto, and resolution veto override (collectively referred to as "voting periods" henceforth in this resolution) will be suspended. When the wiki becomes accessible again, the voting periods will resume and their time remaining will be rounded up to the next multiple of 24 hours.

In the event that the wiki is rendered inaccessible for editing, the United Cities Court must certify that, in fact, the wiki is inaccessible, and that any time limit on voting periods that would have otherwise passed during the time of the inaccessibility have not legally passed. When the wiki is once again accessible for editing, members of the United Cities may immediately continue to take part in the activities listed in the first paragraph, however the Court must certify that the wiki is once again accessible, and that the time remaining for each voting period is to be rounded up to the next multiple of 24 hours from the time this certification is made.

In the event that the wiki is rendered inaccessible for editing, a certification must be made that, in fact, the wiki is inaccessible, and that any time limit on voting periods that would have otherwise passed during the time of the inaccessibility have not legally passed. This certification may be made one of two ways: a certification made by two Officers of the United Cities, not being Justices of the Court, or a certification made by the United Cities Court. Should the first method of certification be used, the Court shall have the jurisdiction to review the validity of the certification. When the wiki is once again accessible for editing, members of the United Cities may immediately continue to take part in the activities listed in the first paragraph, however a certification must be made, in the same manner as prescribed above, that the wiki is once again accessible, and that the time remaining for each voting period is to be rounded up to the next multiple of 24 hours from the time this certification is made. 93

The MRT wiki is to be legally considered inaccessible for editing when a server-side problem renders editing inaccessible, which does not include incidents in which a player is unable to edit the wiki due to player-side issues outside of the control of the MRT or the United Cities.

Amendment 80: The Officer Succession and Inactivity Amendment Act

This amendment amends the procedure by which an Officer of the United Cities may be declared inactive, resulting in the transfer of his or her powers to an Acting Officer, as prescribed by Amendment 20 (as amended by Amendment 63).

No President of the United Cities shall automatically be declared inactive assuming, within the past fifteen days, he or she has enacted or vetoed a resolution passed by the General Assembly, not including any situation in which a resolution was pocket vetoed by the President, as defined by Amendment 46. No Officer of the United Cities, being granted, by Article 2.3 or Amendment 51, the role to cast a tiebreaker vote in the General Assembly, and having exercised such role within the past fifteen days, shall be automatically declared inactive.

The General Assembly, by a resolution not subject to Presidential approval or veto, may choose to independently declare an Officer of the United Cities inactive. Such a resolution shall only pass with at least fifteen votes cast in total, by a simple majority of the General Assembly. If, after the 24 hour voting period, less than fifteen votes shall have been cast, the resolution will remain open for voting until the fifteenth vote has been cast. Should the General Assembly vote to declare an Officer inactive, he or she shall remain inactive until the General Assembly shall declare such Officer no longer inactive, by a resolution not subject to Presidential approval or veto.

Amendment 81: The Election Tiebreaker Amendment Act

This amendment amends the procedure for what is to occur in the event that a tie should occur when the Electoral Commission is counting the votes in a United Cities Election. Amendment 36 is hereby repealed.

In the event that, after the Electoral Commission has certified the final vote tally, for the election to any Officer position there is a tie between the final two remaining candidates, after all other candidates have been eliminated through the instant runoff system prescribed in Amendment 17, the Electoral Commission is to certify a tie, in which there is no declared Officer-elect for the position in which the election to fill ended in a tie, and upon the newly elected Officers for the election in question taking office, such position will be vacant.

If the vacant position in question is any elected Officer position other than the Presidency, the newly elected President shall have the power to choose one of the two candidates who tied in the election for the vacant position, who will immediately assume their position. If this right is not exercised within 24 hours of the President assuming office, the power to fill the vacancy will be passed along the line of Presidential succession, and each Officer in the line of succession will have 24 hours to choose a President before the right to fill the vacancy passes further down the line of succession.

If the vacant position in question is the Presidency, the newly elected Vice President will assume duties as the Acting President, as defined by Amendment 20, and shall have the power to choose one of the two candidates who tied in the election for the Presidency, who will immediately assume power as President of the United Cities. If this right is not exercised within 24 hours of the Vice President assuming office, the power to choose the President will be passed along the line of Presidential succession, starting with the Secretary of State, and each Officer in the line of succession will have 24 hours to choose a President before the right to choose the President passes further down the line of succession.

In the event that, when calculating the votes in a race with more than two candidates, the Electoral Commission should find that, in any round of instant runoff, two or more candidates have tied in the number of votes for last place, and no candidate has received more than 50% of votes, all candidates who tied are to be eliminated in the round in question, and their votes redistributed in the next round in accordance with Amendment 17. Should this occur in a round where there is only one candidate who did not tie for last place, the candidate who has received a plurality of the vote shall have won the election.

Amendment 82: The Tempban Act Amendment Act

It is clarified that Amendment 77's provisions regarding temporary and permanent bans from the MRT apply exclusively to cases in which a player has been issued an ban as an official administrative punishment by the MRT administration. Any case in which a player's account is otherwise banned is not considered to be a ban under the terms of Amendment 77. For the procedures detailed in Amendment 77 to be carried out against a player issued a temporary or permanent ban, a case must be brought before the United Cities Court, which must certify that a legally valid ban did legally take place.

Amendment 83: The Judicial Standing Act

No person who is not a member of the MRT server, including those serving a permanent ban from the same, shall have standing to file any complaint or take any other action in the United Cities Court.

This resolution shall not be construed to deny the Court the authority to dismiss complaints filed by those who otherwise have standing to sue in the Court.

Amendment 84: The Inactive Impeachment Act

The term "30 days of inactivity" in Amendment 20 is defined to mean 30 days of failing to join the MRT Server and failing to vote on a United Cities resolution.

Amendment 85: The Resolutions Proposal Act

Clause 5 of Amendment 27 shall not be construed to apply to the requirement for General Assembly members to receive three endorsements for a resolution prior to its proposal. Resolutions may only be proposed by members of the General Assembly, as well as the President of the United Cities, upon receiving three endorsements from other members of the General Assembly, or a special exemption from the President.

Amendment 86: The Proxy Vote Act

For a vote in the General Assembly to be cast on a resolution, the vote must be cast by the member voting, unless evidence of any form is provided in the Department of Law Discord text channel that shows the General Assembly member authorizing such a vote on their behalf.

The validity of any vote cast following the enactment of Amendment 52 and prior to the enactment of this resolution which meets the requirements set forth by this resolution shall not be questioned on the grounds of not following the requirements set forth by Amendment 52. 87

Amendment 87: The Proxy Vote Act Amendment Act

The final sentence in Amendment 86 is amended to the following: "The validity of any vote cast following the enactment of Amendment 52 and prior to the enactment of this resolution which meets the requirements set forth by this resolution shall not be questioned on the grounds of not following the requirements set forth by Amendment 52."

Amendment 88: The Interim Appointments Act

Any Presidential appointment of an Acting Officer of the United Cities made in pursuance to Amendment 20 must be made with the endorsement of two other Officers.

Should an Associate Justice be declared an inactive Officer, as defined by Amendment 20, the Chief Justice shall have the power to appoint an Acting Associate Justice to assume the powers and duties of their office with the endorsement of two other Officers.

The requirement that such appointments be made with endorsements from two Officers shall be waived should there not be two other active Officers.

Amendment 89: The Know Your Rights Act

When a member of the United Cities receives an Enforcement Citation from the Department of Enforcement, or a Court Citation from a Justice, he or she must be duly informed of the Citation, the reason the Citation was issued, the duration of the Citation, and that the Citation may be appealed to the Court for the Citation to take effect.

A statute of limitations is to be placed, and no Citation may be issued for any action after which 30 days shall have passed.

Amendment 90: The Voting Abstention Act

Beginning with the January 2018 election, the Electoral Commission shall be mandated to set each question on the official ballot, in which candidates are chosen by the voter, to be non-required questions, such that a voter can choose to participate in the election of some Officers but abstain from the election of other Officers.

Amendment 91: The Resignations & Appointments Act

The right of members of the United Cities to resign from any official post shall not be abridged by law.

No member of the United Cities may assume any official post without their consent.

Amendment 92: The Electoral Enforcement Act

The Secretary of Enforcement may not directly issue any Enforcement Citation to any candidate he or she is running against in an election for activities related to the election or an election campaign; this power may only be excercised by the Department of Enforcement employees the Secretary of Enforcement has delegated his powers to.

The power delegated by the Secretary of Enforcement to employees of the Department of Enforcement does not extend to the ability for a Department of Enforcement employee to issue any Enforcement Citation to any candidate he or she is running against in an election for activities related to the election or an election campaign.

Amendment 93: The Downtime Amendment Act

The second paragraph of Amendment 79 is amended to read as follows:

In the event that the wiki is rendered inaccessible for editing, a certification must be made that, in fact, the wiki is inaccessible, and that any time limit on voting periods that would have otherwise passed during the time of the inaccessibility have not legally passed. This certification may be made one of two ways: a certification made by two Officers of the United Cities, not being Justices of the Court, or a certification made by the United Cities Court. Should the first method of certification be used, the Court shall have the jurisdiction to review the validity of the certification. When the wiki is once again accessible for editing, members of the United Cities may immediately continue to take part in the activities listed in the first paragraph, however a certification must be made, in the same manner as prescribed above, that the wiki is once again accessible, and that the time remaining for each voting period is to be rounded up to the next multiple of 24 hours from the time this certification is made.

Amendment 94: The Election Certification Act

Henceforth, for the results of an election to be certified and released following the closure of the poll, each member of the Electoral Commission must independently certify the results, and each must declare their certification in a message in the Discord text channel for the Department of Law.

Amendment 95: The Timely Nominations Act 2

Should the Secretary of Enforcement position become vacant for whatever reason, the President shall have a 14 day countdown, starting from the moment the vacancy is created, to pick a nominee to fill such vacancy. When a nominee has been chosen, that countdown will be stopped. If the nomination fails to pass the General Assembly, then the President will get 5 days to pick a replacement nominee. Every time a nominee fails a General Assembly vote from that point on during the vacancy in question, then the President will always get an extra 5 days to pick a replacement.

If the President has failed to nominate a Secretary of Enforcement by the time the countdown is up, the the right to pick for that vacancy will be stripped from the President and given to the General Assembly. Any General Assembly member may nominate a player to the position and, with the endorsement of 3 other players, a resolution confirming the nomination shall be put up for a vote on the wiki. The President may not veto the resolution.

Amendment 96: The Should Go Without Saying Act

Members of any body under the United Cities, and any persons holding any official office in the United Cities, must be members of the United Cities, unless a specific exemption is granted by the Constitution, including those made before the passage of this amendment.

No person may serve in or be elected to multiple Officer positions simultaneously, and no person may run for election for, or be nominated to, any Officer position they are not eligible to be elected into. Should any person be registered as a candidate for multiple Officer positions simultaneously upon the closing of candidate registration for an election, that candidate's candidacy for all positions they registered for shall be null and void.

Amendment 97: The Court Deadline Procedure Amendment Act

This amendment amends the procedures detailed by Amendments 3, 11, 26, and 75 which the Court must follow should it fail to respond to a case filed with it within the constitutional deadline, and modifies other related procedures of the Court.

The Court has 48 hours to respond to any case filed with it. Should a case be appropriately requested to be heard en banc within 24 hours of the deadline, the deadline shall be extended to 24 hours from the time the request was made. If a case is to be heard en banc, the Justices must propose and concur with a date and time for the hearing. If a case is not to be heard en banc, any Justice may schedule the hearing for which they will preside over. The hearing date for any case must be scheduled to occur at most 24 hours following the deadline to file the case, unless all Justices presiding over the case and all parties involved agree to an extension. Even if the Justices wish to dismiss a case, a hearing must still be scheduled in case the consent of all Justices to dismiss the case is not obtained by the deadline to respond to the case.

Should the deadline to respond to a case, which is to be heard en banc, pass without any scheduled hearing and absent a dismissal of the case, the Justice or Justices who agreed on a hearing date are to preside over the case, and the Justice or Justices who did not are considered to be unavailable. Should the Chief Justice be unavailable, the President is to designate an Interim Chief Justice, with the endorsement of two other Officers, for the proceedings related to the case. Should an Associate Justice be unavailable, the Chief Justice is to designate an Interim Associate Justice, with the endorsement of two other Officers, for the proceedings related to the case, unless the Chief Justice is also unavailable, in which case such decision shall be made by the President with the endorsement of two other Officers.

Should the deadline to respond to a case, which is not to be heard en banc, pass without any scheduled hearing and absent a dismissal of the case, all Justices are considered to be unavailable, and the President is to designate an Interim Chief Justice, with the endorsement of two other Officers, for the proceedings related to the case.

Should any Justice recuse him or herself from a particular case, should they be excluded by law from presiding over such case, or there is no Justice due to a vacancy on the Court, they are automatically considered to be unavailable, even if the deadline to respond to the case hasn't passed. If the Justice in question is the Chief Justice, the President is to designate an Interim Chief Justice, with the endorsement of two other Officers (not including the recused Justice), for the proceedings related to the case. If the Justice in question is an Associate Justice, the Chief Justice is to designate an Interim Associate Justice, with the endorsement of two other Officers (not including the recused Justice), for the proceedings related to the case, unless the Chief Justice is unavailable, in which case such decision shall be made by the President with the endorsement of two other Officers (not including the recused Justice).

Any Interim Justice for a case shall have the full powers and duties of a Justice of the United Cities exclusively for matters pertaining to the case they are presiding over.

Parties involved in any case, as well as the Justices of the Court, who wish for the case to be heard en banc, must make this request before the 48 hour deadline for the Court to respond to the case. After the issuance of a decision in a case, having not been heard en banc, any party involved, or any Justice, may request the case be re-reviewed by the Court en banc, and the Court shall have the same procedural requirements and deadlines as if a new case had been filed.

Amendment 98: The State Department Abolishment Act

Upon implementation of the provisions of this amendment, the position of Secretary of State and the United Cities Department of State shall be abolished.

Articles 2.2 and 4.1 and Amendments 25 and 50 shall be repealed. Amendments 20 and 69 shall be amended to remove the Secretary of State from the line of succession to the Presidency. Any other mention of the Secretary of State in the Constitution shall be repealed.

The provisions of the previous portion of this amendment shall take effect at a time determined by the General Assembly through resolution, but should such resolution not be enacted by the opening of candidate registration for the April 2018 election, the Secretary of State position shall not be up for election, and the provisions of this resolution shall take full effect when the incumbent Secretary of State at that time leaves office.

Amendment 99: The Timely Nominations Act 3

This applies seperately to each Associate Justice position.

Should an Associate Justice position become vacant for whatever reason, and the Chief Justice has already lost their power to nominate a new one through Amendment 62 or otherwise, the President must nominate a new Associate Justice, as stated in Amendment 62. From the moment the President recieves this power, they have 14 days to nominate a new Associate Justice. Every time a nominee fails the General Assembly, the President will always get an extra 5 days to pick a replacement.

If the President has failed to nominate an Associate Justice by the time the countdown is up, the the right to pick for that vacancy will be stripped from the President and given to the General Assembly. Any General Assembly member may nominate a player to the position and, with the endorsement of 3 other players, a resolution confirming the nomination shall be put up for a vote on the wiki. The President may not veto the resolution.

This applies to the current vacant role of Associate Justice B.

Amendment 100: The Officer Succession and Inactivity Yet Another Amendment Act

Should an Officer of the United Cities be declared inactive, as defined by Amendment 20, he or she shall not be suspended in the duties of his or her office until an Acting Officer is appointed to assume such duties.

Should an Officer of the United Cities be declared inactive automatically under the terms of Amendment 20 (as amended by Amendment 63), such Officer shall no longer be considered inactive, and shall resume the duties of his or her office, should they join the Minecraft server or cast a vote on a resolution, and make a declaration in the United Cities Discord affirming their return.

Should the President of the United Cities be declared inactive automatically under the terms of Amendment 46, the same shall apply as written in the previous clause.

Should an Officer of the United Cities declare themself inactive, such Officer shall no longer be considered inactive, and shall resume the duties of his or her office, upon withdrawing their declaration of inactivity.

An Officer's declaration of inactivity may be made either on the wiki or in the United Cities Discord.

Amendment 101: The Election Certification Act 2

This resolution repeals constitutional amendment 94

Henceforth, for the results of an election to be certified and released following the closure of the poll, each member of the Electoral Commission, including the Chief Electoral Commissioner, must independently certify the results, and each must declare their certification as a comment on a google doc page featuring the results of the election.

All certification comments must include the list of candidates they confirm to be officer elects alongside which roles they are elected for and the full and complete tallies; and the phrase “I, <player>, hereby certify the results listed above to be correct and accurate to the extent of my knowledge” where <player> is replaced with the electoral commission member’s full Minecraft username.

Once all Electoral Commissioners have certified the results of the election, the Chief Electoral Commissioner must share the results document containing the vote tallies, percentages and certifications with the United Cities in accordance with constitutional amendment 66.

Amendment 102: The Legislative Committee Act Resolution Act

The requirement for a resolution to have three endorsements or a Presidential exemption to be proposed for the circumstances in which Enacted Resolution 41 calls for an automatic resolution to be proposed is hereby waived.

The requirement for a resolution to have three endorsements or a Presidential exemption to be proposed are waived in any circumstance where the Constitution prescribes an alternate procedure for proposing a resolution.

Amendment 103: The Presidential Resolutions Act

Any nomination of an official by the President of the United Cities shall not be subject to Presidential veto, and shall pass immediately upon passing the General Assembly.

This resolution applies retroactively.

Amendment 104: The Election Abandonment Act

Should a candidate be removed from an election for Officer while the election is ongoing, the official ballot shall continue to bear their name, and the Electoral Commission is instructed to redistribute all votes cast for that candidate to the second choice candidate, unless the second choice candidate has been removed, in which case the vote will be distributed down the list.

If only one candidate remains in an election, that candidate is the automatic winner.

Amendment 105: The Godz Opened The Election An Hour Early Act

Any vote cast in the April 2018 election between 12 AM GMT and 1 AM GMT on Monday, April 16th, 2018 shall not be considered invalid for the reason that the ballot should not have been opened by the Electoral Commissioner at that time.

Amendment 106: The Constitutional Reform Act

The Constitutional Reform Committee shall be created as a legislative committee. This committee shall be tasked with writing a new Constitution for the United Cities. There shall be 5-7 members of the Committee appointed by the Chair; the Chair of the Committee shall be Skelezomperman. All discussion regarding the new Constitution shall also be held in a public chat channel within the UC Discord, and the draft document for the Constitution must be publicly accessible, although not necessarily publicly editable. The new Constitution shall be created with public input.

In addition to this, a simplified Constitution shall be written to simplify it for those who are not well-verse in the laws of the UC. It should be shorter than the main document and should avoid legal jargon, although this sentence shall not count as legally binding on the committee. The simplified Constitution shall be maintained by the Committee as the new Constitution is edited; however, it shall not be a legal document that is in force.

The new Constitution must be finished by the beginning of the July 2018 election. Then, when the Election occurs, in addition to the officer elections a referendum question shall also be posed to the voting public of the United Cities. The question shall be as follows:

What should be the status of the United Cities in the future?

There shall be three choices for voters to choose. The first shall be: “Adopt the new Constitution to replace all previous laws.” The second shall be: “To dissolve the United Cities as an organization.” The third shall be: “To preserve the status quo of the United Cities under the current Constitution.” Ranked-choice voting shall be used to decide the referendum’s outcome as according to Amendment 17 to the current Constitution. If the new Constitution is adopted, the previous Constitution and enacted resolutions shall be rendered wholly null and void, unless provided for in the new Constitution. The CRC shall also be disbanded at that point.

If voters choose to dissolve the United Cities, then the United Cities shall cease to function as an organization. Projects that are at the time being undertaken by committees shall be finished in good faith, and no more may be undertaken. The Discord server shall remain as an archive, and it shall be in read-only mode for all players except the MRT Staff, Officers, and members of committees with remaining active projects.

Amendment 107: The Vote Flooding Protection Act

The voting roster for a resolution or election shall now be final when voting period begins for the resolution or election. Players are ineligible to vote on any resolution or in any election for which the voting began prior to their accession to the United Cities. Veto override attempts shall count as the same voting period as the original GA voting, and players who joined after the first voting period within the GA began but before the override voting began shall still be prohibited from voting in the override.

Amendment 108: The Second Referendum on Term Limits Act

At the July 2018 election, there shall be a referendum question added alongside the Officer elections and the referendum question in Amendment 106. This new referendum shall be done using ranked-choice voting managed by the Electoral Commission as outlined in Amendment 17. The question posed shall be: “Which term limits policy shall be adopted by the United Cities?” Three choices shall be provided. The first shall be “Have 3 terms on, 1 term off for all Officers and Justices.” The second shall be “Keep the current term limits.” The third shall be “Remove term limits.”

If the new Constitution is adopted under the Amendment 106 referendum, then the results of the referendum added by this resolution shall affect the new Constitution.

If the first choice wins, the following shall be added to the beginning of the third paragraph of Article II, Section 1: “Officers and Justices may be elected to an unlimited amount of terms; however, they may serve no more than two consecutive terms in each Officer or Justice position. In addition, if a player has served three consecutive terms as an Officer and/or Justice, they may not take any Officer or Justice position for the following term.”

If the second choice wins, the following shall be added to the beginning of the third paragraph of Article II, Section 1: “Each officer may be elected to an unlimited amount of terms; however, they may serve no more than two consecutive terms in each Officer or Justice position. In addition, a player who has served two consecutive terms as President may not take any Officer or Justice position for the following term.

If the third choice wins, the following shall be added to the beginning of the third paragraph of Article II, Section 1: “Officers and Justices shall not be term limited and may serve an unlimited amount of terms in any Officer or Justice position without restriction.”

If, under the Amendment 106 referendum question, voters choose to adopt the new Constitution, it shall take effect 48 hours following the release of the results of the July 2018 election.