Redstone Gaming Centre

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Redstone Gaming Centre
MRT G11  Redstone Gaming Centre
Rail facilities 780  Foobar of Games Station

The Redstone Gaming Centre is a major attraction located just northeast of Spawn City on the MRT Server. Redstone Gaming Centre is accessible via the Green Line ( G11  Redstone Gaming Centre Station), YoshiJL's LRT 780 (LRT-1) and the Northern Trail. It was originally created by kevior, who is no longer active on the server, and ortem.

The Station

G11 Station is named Redstone Gaming Centre Station, and is the 11th station along the Green Line, starting at its northern terminus of Prubourne. The station is an elevated station with a low hip roof, and uses iron blocks. The station has five entrances, only four of which were originally placed. Each entrance uses half-slab staircases to reach ground level.

The tracks on the south side of the station have been modified. 48 meters before arriving at the station (coming from the south), two note blocks are activated in succession. Then, the player passes under signs reading "Now arriving at Redstone Gaming Centre", and enters a section of track covered by a glass domed roof similar to the roof of the Admod Building. The player then arrives at the station as normal.

The tracks on the north side of the station have not been modified, so the player experiences these changes in reverse order upon departure towards Spawn.

The Games

Two games have been constructed at RGC: Tic-Tac-Toe and Connect Four.