History of IntraRail

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The history of IntraRail, a warp train company by KittyCat11231 goes back to the beginnings of when warp trains were first introduced in 2015. It was founded in October 2016, starting from Zaquar, then expanding across Gamma (region), focusing on various corridors and many connector lines, serving a lot of cities.

Early days (2016-2017)

The IntraRail network as of December 26, 2016.

IntraRail was started in October 9, 2016, starting with Whiteliner and Zaquar Shuttle in Zaquar which opened a day later, with the first stations being built: Zaquar Tanzanite Station (originally called Onika T. Maraj Station), which had 5 tracks, before being rebuilt in December 2016 to its current form, Zaquar North and the old Zaquar Airport station, just underneath the current Zaquar Ménage et Trois Regional Airport station. The first line, Whiteliner was named since it was planned to terminate at Whiteley, which it did so in in October 16, 2016, serving Southwold University station in Whiteley (now closed), becoming the first station outside of Zaquar. Additionally, trainsets, later named IntraTrains Series 1 were made to be used on all IntraRail lines until 2022, characterized with cars made out of quartz with cyan terracotta lines, matching the livery of Intra's other companies.

From left to right: The IntraRail ad in question that led Auto to make the next ad in question, the ad comparing standards of RaiLinQ and IntraRail and Kitty's response to the previous ad

In the first months of IntraRail's operation, IntraRail operated 7 lines with 13 stations at November 2016, split into northern and southern divisons. IntraBus was founded to connect the divisions together, with IntraBus route 101 running between Segville and Zaquar, before Southern Cardinal was extended to Zaquar, which finally connected the separate divisions together. Additionally, IntraRail also announced new plans to connect Espil, as well the northward expansion of Spruce Regional and Republic Express (today part of the pink corridor) to Laclede, Lanark, Amestris and Pine Mountain, as well westwards to Birdhall and Heampstead in Grand Mesa, and as of January 2024, is currently the only rail company other than the MRT to serve Birdhall. In December 20, 2016, autobus22 posted an image comparing the tracks and stations of his rail company, which made IntraRail look inferior compared to RailLinQ, and in response, KittyCat11231 posted a response ad showing an IntraRail train at Delta City station, which was the subject of a feud between RaiLinQ and IntraRail over autobus22 trying to block construction of that station with...

After the opening of Southern Cardinal to Zaquar, the plans for Lanark-Ravenna Corridor (today part of the cyan corridor) was announced, with parts of the corridor being built and opened in parts over January 2017, with the full corridor opening in February 1, 2017. Additionally, KittyCat11231 also made plans for South-Central Triangular behind the scenes in order to address the connections between Zaquar, Utopia and Sealane, which required multiple transfers at this time, thus simplifying connections between these towns, as well a new planned connection to Siletz. The first parts towards that plan was the rearrangement of services in Segville and Sealane, with Segvillian being discounted, being replaced with a new shuttle from the new Segville International Airport, as well services serving Sealane Central and Segville Grand Central being also rerouted to that station, with Utopiary, Waffle Express, Spruce Regional and Republic Express being affected, and the reconstruction of Utopia Anthony Fokker station in order to integrate it into Anthony Fokker Transit Hub.

The next corridor planned was the Ilirea-Formosa Corridor (today part of the yellow corridor), which Mountain Lion would serve as the planned express service, and Kitty planned for a service from Cornus and Xilia act as the local service along the corridor, but this never came to fruition. Instead, local service were provided by Centralen instead in mid-2020 as part of the Northwest Gamma expansion, being rerouted away from Segville International Airport station, combined with Waffle Express, which was discounted, and routed to the corridor to Ilirea, and the South-Central Triangular to improve connections between the former northern and southern divisions, which required multiple transfers at this time, with a roundabout and Siletz Salvador Station being built as part of the project, and intended to allow for a future major expansion. Additionally, many lines were built to serve the towns in outer Gamma, including Benion, Kolpino City, Fort Yaxier, as well as a planned lines to Tranquil Forest, and Waterville.

Kitania Civil War days (2017-2019)

Siletz Salvador Station as seen on January 2019.

IntraRail went on a big hiatus after September 2017, with very little activity happening except for the addition of an in-fill station at Mons Pratus Transportation Hub, serving as the junction between IntraRail and RaiLinQ. IntraRail resumed expansion in January 2019, with plans from 2017 being resumed and picked up, including Upwester to Waterville, Snowtopic and Larkspur, and the line up to Siletz Salvador Station and beyond. Also, due to Kitania Civil War and the events surrounding it, all Intra service in Zaquar were suspended, affecting 5 IntraRail services: Whiteliner, Zaquar Zephyr, EPIC Express, Southern Cardinal and Doppelgänger, which were either cut back to places outside of Zaquar or suspended.

The next major corridor of IntraRail, the ATC corridor (today part of the orange corridor) between Siletz and Solarion, located in eastern Achowalogen Takachsin running on tracks built by BART for a part of the corridor was announced, with Imperial Service and Mason Limited serving as the services along the corridor. Full service along the corridor opened by March 2019, with Mason Limited trains being extended to Mason City later on that month. Additionally, Centralen begun service, serving Central City Warp Rail Terminal from Segville International Airport, and later, Siletz Salvador Station and MRT Marina.

After the completion of ATC corridor, many connector services were introduced such as Empire Express to connect Deadbush, the biggest and the only Premier city in Grand Mesa, ahead of Hempstead when IntraRail first went to Grand Mesa, Merchanter between Central City and BirchView, replacing Centralen which was rerouted to serve Siletz Salvador Station via Achowalogen Takachsin-Covina International Airport, Raccoonian between ATC and Covina, which would eventually become the service to Airchester, and Lakeshore Line to connect MRT Marina with ATC, as well as short shuttles serving Benion, Grayzen and Conricsto.

The next corridor (today part of the lime corridor), paralleling the AISEAC corridor (from the first 2 letters of Airchester, Sesby and Accerton) used by RaiLinQ and BluRail and MRT Eastern Line was built, being originally served by a temporary shuttle, Airchester Shuttle. Joeliner was extended numerous times, reaching Saint Roux, Lochminehead Trijunction, MRT Land and Central City Warp Rail Station, as well as Freedonian connecting that line to Freedon. The corridor was completed in June 13, 2019 when Raccoonian and Joeliner trains were extended along the corridor, replacing the temporary Airchester Shuttle, with new stations being built to link Accerton and Northberg, such as New Bark Town and Northberg South Station. The former was a point of contention between RaiLinQ and IntraRail, with autobus22 saying that the station "ruined the terrain" but already built the station there, which led Hightech_TR to call the events "New Bark Town rail dispute", which arose due to Hightech_TR being not careful about what companies could do in his town, and he told KittyCat11231 that the IntraRail station placement posed a problem to RaiLinQ, which eventually led to RaiLinQ service being cancelled, according to autobus22 who said the IntraRail line made any reasonable alignments impossible, and led to the station being called the "most controversial station" in IntraRail Rewind 2019 video by KittyCat11231, and an advertisment featuring that station was captioned just ":)".

An advertisement produced in July 1, 2019, showcasing the new stations opened in 2019. Pictured here is Rank Resort Central, the initial terminus of Rank Resort Corridor.

After the completion of the corridor between Northberg and Airchester, preparations for Rank Resort Corridor (today part of the blue corridor) in northern Epsilon begun, with plans being announced in June 19, 2019. Grand Northern service was started, becoming the local service in this corridor. Over the next few days, service was expanded to Peripotamia, Moramoa, Whitecliff, Segav Sal and Rank Resort Central, including the 100th station opened on IntraRail. By June 30, 2019, full service along Rank Resort Corridor to Rank Resort Central opened, with Republic Express being rerouted away from Ravenna, instead serving as the express route along the corridor to Rank Resort, and the first IntraRail services to Epsilon territory.

Following the construction of the Rank Resort Corridor, an infill station at Sylvania opened, as well as Chalxian in Chalxior. In late August 2019, the Kitania Civil War suspensions ended, with Whiteliner, Zaquar Zephyr, Southern Cardinal and Doppelgänger service to Zaquar being restored, but EPIC Express service remained suspended due to construction in Elecna Bay until October 2019, with a minor service change where Southern Cardinal now served Zaquar North and Zaquar Ménage et Trois Regional Airport instead of Whiteliner before the suspensions. Additionally, Republic Express, Imperial Service and Mason Limited was extended to Zaquar, with the first being rerouted away from Siletz.

Late Epsilon (2019-2020)

The IntraRail network as of April 3, 2020.

After the conclusion of Kitania Civil War suspensions, additional service changes in late August 2019 included the section between Mason City and BirchView (today part of the tan corridor), which opened in August 22, 2019, with Maggieliner serving as the local service between these points, and Mason Limited was extended along the corridor to BirchView, serving as the express. Additionally, track reconstructions took place in Utopia and Espil, where in Utopia, tracks on the northern side were built to allow through service without reversing, and tracks on the southern side were improved. After the reconstructions were completed, services in southwest Gamma was changed, with Mountain Lion being rerouted away from Espil, instead going south from Coalwood to Utopia, Venceslo and Whiteley, and Mika Service being folded into Anthony Fokker, which also got a new in-fill station at Aprix.

In October 2019, EPIC Express to Tranquil Forest opened, replacing Doppelgänger service, which was cut back to Fort Yaxier, with 3 stations being added: Kelvinside, Southlake and Astoria. Additionally, planning for service to south and southeast Epsilon started at that time, with Kitty requesting tracks at Boston, as well finally bringing service to Southburg, which Fiork was demanding constantly in the last year, with plans being formally announced on October 27, 2019, with 3 new services on 2 new corridors: Siletz to Southburg via Elecna Bay (today part of the purple corridor) and Victoria to Sunshine Coast (today part of the red corridor), which have 2 local services on the 2 new corridors: Tundrean Bear between Siletz and Dand via Elecna Bay and Victorian Regional between Foresne and Sunshine Coast, with the two services meeting at Dand, and one express service running on both corridors: Sunshine Limited between Siletz and Sunshine Coast via Victoria as well as various extensions on existing services, including Mountain Lion to Boston.

Over the next 2 months, service opened in sections. The first section to open was the section between Astoria and Southburg via Boston, with Tundrean Bear and Sunshine Limited being introduced, as well a temporary shuttle in Boston, then Tundrean Bear to Dand, and Victorian Regional and Sunshine Limited to Victoria, with stations along the planned section being finalized, then extended to Murrville, Foresne and finally Sunshine Coast, as well Tundrean Bear and Sunshine Limited to its final terminus, Siletz Salvador Station. In addition, a new service, called S.E.T was announced running on part of the corridor, going between Cremona and Mojangsburg, and unlike all the other lines which use standard trainsets, this line uses a special trainset honoring SET Systems, with each car honoring a line from SET. Service in the two corridors fully opened in December 27, 2019 when IntraRail arrived at Sunshine Coast.

Entering 2020, after completing the last 2 corridors of 2019, IntraRail announced that they would rename several stations to align with new naming conventions, which were rolled out by mid-January 2020. Then, track reconstructions took place around Musique, which resulted in suspensions to Anthony Fokker and Mountain Lion, but it wasn't finished until April 2020 due to Kitty focusing on other ventures at that time, but when it happened, a new in-fill station at Musique and renovated station at Coalwood was built. Through April 2020, new services or service changes were instituted, including the MRTVision Express to Arcadia for MRTvision Screenshot Contest 6 with a special trainset painted in colors of Arcadia, the extension of Mountain Lion to Schillerton, with Southwold Branch and Schillerton Branch being discounted to free up track space for the extension, with 2 stations being permanently closed: Whiteley Southwold University and Schillerton Divison Street, the first closed stations in IntraRail's history.

In order to prepare for the expansion to west Gamma, Formosa was re-built to add 2 tracks for local/express service from that station, as well an in-fill station between Sealane Central and Segville International Airport to serve as a transfer point between Centralen, Spruce Regional and Republic Express, located on the eastern side of Union of Central Western Territories International Airport, and service in central Gamma area was re-organized, with Centralen being routed away from Segville International Airport, instead being merged with Waffle Express, running to Formosa Northern then extended to Ilirea, making local stops, replacing Mountain Lion, and Utopiary and Astro trains were combined as Utopiary running between Utopia Anthony Fokker Transit Hub and Siletz Salvador Station.

Before the west Gamma expansion project, the plans for a line along the B12 corridor, aptly named Bee Twelver was announced, running between Creeperville and New Phoenix, running along B12. This line is unique from all other lines is that the line serves different cities based on the direction it's traveling. From New Phoenix, it serves Geneva Bay, Winterside and Creeperville Haneda Airport, and from Creeperville, it serves New Cainport and Hendon, and Haneda Shuttle, which provides one-way service to Creeperville Haneda Airport. Additionally, an in-fill station at Creeperville was built for Northeast Regional, serving as the transfer point to Bee Twelver, and an in-fill station at Armada.

Early Zeta (2020-2021)

A commercial released for the northwestern Gamma and Epsilon plan.

In May 2020, KittyCat11231 announced the next major expansion plan, in northwestern Gamma and Epsilon, called "Operation Carnoustie" after opening the first section of Dubya Service between Whitechapel Border and Spruce Plains. In the plans, Centralen and Mountain Lion (today part of the yellow corridor between Formosa and Ilirea) would be extended from Ilirea, going through Morihama and Spring Valley, where they separate, with Mountain Lion going to Carnoustie via Birchwood and Centralen going to Whitechapel Border via Storalisburg. Dubya Service would be extended to Snowtopic, while Upwester planned service to Vegeta were dropped, instead now going to Carnoustie. After the plan was posted, minor service changes included the extension of Mountain Lion to Boston, replacing Waterloo Shuttle, stopping at Zerez, and an in-fill station at Sylvania.

The first section to be completed in the expansion plan was Centralen and Mountain Lion to Morihama, opened in May 14, then Dubya Service to Snowtopic, opening in May 20, next was Centralen and Mountain Lion to Spring Valley Fifth Street, the 200th station in IntraRail. In addition, an in-fill station was added in San Dzobiak in May 30, then Centralen was extended from Spring Valley to Whitechapel Border in June 4. Shortly after, plans for Spruce Regional to Whitechapel Border was announced, which was built in June 9, which involved Spruce Regional being rerouted away from the old Amestris station, now called Amestris Cummins Highway, stopping at a new station located at Washington Street then continuing to Whitechapel Border, with Lacledic Eagle being extended to replace the old Spruce Regional routing.

After a break due to Kitty focusing on other ventures, expansion resumed in November, when Upwester and Mountain Lion were extended to Skogheim, with new stations such as Borealia, Eagleshore, Birchwood, Savage City and Willow, and a new service, Taiga Crescent running along the old Upwester planned route from Larkspur to Savage City. Then, in December, the northeast expansion plan, extending the corridor along MRT Eastern Line (currently lime corridor) from Airchester to New Bakersville City, Titsensaki and Seuland, forming the first and second phases of the northeast Epsilon expansion plan was revealed, but KittyCat11231 was planning for further phases to Secunda at that time, which were finally revealed in December 30 after the first two phases was finished. The first phase, extending Northeast Regional to Titsensaki and a temporary service running between Titsensaki and Moramoa opened in December 21, and the second phase, extending Imperial Service, Raccoonian and Joeliner from Outer Solarion/Airchester to New Bakersville City, with Imperial Service continuing to Moramoa opened in December 28.

After the plans for the next two phases of the northeast expansion plan was revealed, extending Northeast Regional, Raccoonian and Joeliner from New Bakersville City/Titsensaki to Nymphalia and eventually, Secunda and Verdantium, with construction being finished up to Langley Heath by January 28, 2021, and Kitty put off the project, before revealing the plans for the lower level of Rank Resort Corridor (today part of the dark red corridor), which involved the duplication of the corridor between Antioch and Chalxior, then new tracks to Oparia, the first Premier city and IntraRail destination in Zeta, with service along the corridor being provided by Imperial Service and Mason Limited in February 2. To prepare for the plans, Nippia station was rebuilt in February 11, adding 2 tracks intended for use by Mason Limited, as well as giving the station a new look. In April 2, the tracks for the corridor were built, and service opened in April 3, with Imperial Service and Mason Limited being extended to Oparia, with Upeaster being rerouted away from BirchView to allow for Mason Limited to be extended, with the first stations in Zeta opening, Oparia, with 2 stations there. After finishing the lower level of Rank Resort Corridor, Kitty focused back on the northeast expansion plan, this time finishing Phase 3 where he left off, which was opened in April 9, with Northeast Regional, Raccoonian and Joeliner being extended to Nymphalia.

After the completion of the third phase of the northeast expansion, KittyCat11231 announced the extension of Rank Resort Corridor (currently blue corridor) in April 13, which would extend the corridor from Rank Resort to Aurora International Airport and Carnoustie, and destinations in-between such as Niwen, New Gensokyo, Bristol and Kaloro City, running along MRT Lakeshore Line and MRT Western Line, as well a branch line to Aston via Wurst (originally called Llanrwst Newydd at time of announcement). Construction of the corridor didn't start until June 1, and in June 3, the first phase of the extension, from Rank Resort to New Gensokyo opened, with Grand Northern and Republic Express trains being extended to serve the new extension. After that, some minor additions such as the construction of Vegeta Junction Junction Railroad for the extension of Taiga Crescent to Vegeta, and an infill station at Geneva Bay Airport opened by June 15.

Construction of the extension of Rank Resort Corridor to Carnoustie continued, with the second phase, between New Gensokyo and Upington opened in June 22, and a new line going between Upington, Llanrwst Newydd and Aston, and then a part of the third phase to Bristol opened in July 28, being served by a temporary service, Aurora Approachliner, which would be replaced by extended trains to Kaloro City when the third phase got fully completed.

Late Zeta (2021-2023)

An advertisement announcing the merge of IntraRail and MCR, which was announced in August 28, 2021.

After the completion of a part of the third phase, IntraRail went on a hiatus due to KittyCat11231 focusing on IntraAir. In August 6, Upeaster trains were suspended for construction at Benion, but it was never finished, which led to Upeaster being discounted and closure of Benion Town Center station, being replaced with a new-infill station at Benion Bus Exchange on Maggieliner in June 3, 2022. In August 14, the main station in Zaquar, Zaquar Onika T. Maraj Station was renamed to Zaquar Tanzanite Station, due to the namesake of the station, Nicki Minaj being sued for alleged harassment and intimidation of a victim by her husband. The new station name was named after Music3_0's town in Old World, Tanzanite. In August 28, 2021, KittyCat11231 bought MCR from Mojang1014 for $1,500. MCR was founded by Mojang1014 in April 2020 to serve as the state railway of Mojang State, expanding through 2020 to 54 stations on 8 lines on its mainline network at time of acquisition, and when the station audit including IntraRail and MCR stations, it became the largest rail company on MRT, with 327 stations, surpassing RaiLinQ's 295 stations.

All of the pending projects that IntraRail was planning to finish was put on hold due to Kitty wanting to focus on the rollout of the new planes on IntraAir. In January 29, 2022, Kitty teased an special announcement about something that would happen in February 2022, which was later revealed to happen at February 26 (later February 13), with a video being released, which shows a BluRail at Siletz Salvador Station, which stirred a lot of speculation, including a possible IntraRail-BluRail merger. At February 13, the announcement was later revealed to be the announcement of IntraTrains Series 2, with the new trains being rolled out to Utopiary, Tundrean Bear and Sunshine Limited in February 14. The IntraTrains Series 2 differ from the old trains is that the cars are made out of smooth quartz and its tops being curved, and has low-floor doors, and the line displays are bigger, using map signage instead of signs. Additionally, the displays now display route numbers in addition to the route name, which is derived from the internal warp names used by IntraRail, and whether if the route is in a corridor, with each of the ten corridors were assigned a color.

After the announcement of the new trains, Kitty solicited staff for the roll-out of trains, with entire lines being suspended for train replacement, with each line re-opening after signage and warps were done. Over the span of few days starting from February 15, 21 lines were shut down at some point in time for train replacement by February 21. On the next day, train displays on trains at Siletz Salvador Station, Zaquar Tanzanite Station and other stations with many services had their middle car only turned on to reduce entity lag at these stations, then train replacement resumed, with 10 more lines being suspended at some point in time through March. After Kitty returned from a break from Minecraft, the rest of the lines were suspended at some point in time, with train replacement on most IntraRail services wrapping up in April 23, 2022, and SimonScholar being paid $5000 for it.

The IntraRail network as of February 22, 2022.

Additionally, in addition to the train replacement, the new IntraRail map was released in February 24, which is different from the old maps is that instead of using a grayscale scheme, it uses differently colored lines on various services, being colored based on the corridors it serves or white, with Republic Express being colored pink/cyan/blue and so on, and the ten corridors are marked, and there is a list of lines in the bottom. In addition, MCR lines are now added to the map.

After the conclusion of train replacement of most IntraRail services, S.E.T got a new version of the special trainset, with sign displays like the other lines, and reconstruction at San Dzobiak finished, with Sunshine Limited now stopping at the station, which previously bypassed, and reconstruction on Southburg Station after fork_07 resumed working on Southburg, cutting off the IntraRail network in southern Epsilon from the rest of the network, which continued until November 12, when it was canceled after no visible work being done, then train replacement in MCR lines started, with preparation work happening on MCR 2 and 3 to raise train clearances, and full train replacement finishing by May 15, except for MCR 9, which weren't replaced until ... due to map uploading issues.

In addition to MCR 9 connecting Chan Bay and Tembok, MCR 6 was extended, with 6 new stations, and 2 on Central City Beltway Terminal connecting it to IntraRail services, the first stations in 2022 to open. Before the northeast expansion of IntraRail was resumed, a new in-fill station opened in Benion on Maggieliner, replacing the old Benion Town Center, originally served by Upeaster, which was closed, with Upeaster being discounted, and another in-fill station in Espil on Wizard Service. Then, construction of phase 4 of the northeast expansion started, with stations being built up to Cornwall, which wasn't present in the initial plan, and Verdantium, with an extension to Secunda being planned if KittyCat11231 could get ahold of the mayor of Secunda, which was minebuilder1223 at that time. Phase 4 of the northeast expansion, extending Northeast Regional, Raccoonian and Joeliner from Nymphalia to Verdantium opened in June 12 (originally set for June 10 but pushed back twice due to errors), and plans for the next major corridor, running along MRT Jungle Line in eastern Epsilon was announced, Tarzan Regional and City of Sunshine Coast which would run on the entire corridor. In June 15, Kitty announced more plan, including the stop listing of Tarzan Regional and City of Sunshine Coast, as well extensions of existing services to connect with these lines, plus what will open in each phase.

After the opening of the last phase of the northeast expansion, work on phase 1 of Jungle Line corridor (brown corridor) started, with tracks being built from Cornwall to Bawktown, being complete and open by July 12. The second phase started with the construction of the eastern end of BART corridor to Farwater, planned to be served on Imperial Service, Raccoonian, Joeliner and East Mesan on IntraRail, which opened in November 14, including breaks due to Kitty focusing on other Intra divisions, served by the three aforementioned serivces, and a temporary shuttle, Florensia Shuttle. After the opening of the station in Farwater, work continued on the line between Farwater and East Mesa, and in December 6, phase 2 opened, with East Mesan being extended from Bawktown to East Mesa, running via the eastern mesa region, Florensia Shuttle being extended from Farwater to Sunset Pass, as well as Anthro Service being introduced, serving Anthro Island from East Mesa. East Mesan and Florensia Shuttle would be eventually unified in February 20, 2023, when permissions between Sunset Pass and Bawktown were finally acquired.

External documents
document icon IntraRail December 2022 Statement
document icon IntraRail Jungle Line Project March 2023 Progress Update
document icon IntraRail April 2023 Route Changes

After the completion of train replacement, many announcements were made for the retirement of IntraTrains Series 1 with dates that were later pushed back, before a final date was set: December 26, set in December 9, which happened as usual. In addition, service changes were implemented to improve experience for riders, such as the re-arrangement of IntraRail trains at Zaquar Tanzanite Station to be in a single level instead of being spread over 2 levels. In December 29, KittyCat11231 posted a statement explaining about the intention to improve the network design of certain areas, specifically Rank Resort Corridor, which Kitty said that transferring between levels with only elevators connecting between them "are not a good transfer experience for passengers", and the Grand Mesa area, with poor connectivity between the IntraRail network, which remained almost the same in 2016 compared to 2022 and MCR, especially in Deadbush.

Entering into 2023, improvements in Bakersville area were introduced, with Northeast Regional being moved to Bakersville Grand Central, with a new shuttle, Carrollton Shuttle serving New Carrollton Station from Grand Central, which were implemented in January 7. Later in January, on January 18, service on Lacledic Eagle and Dinky Eagle were extended to Bakersville Grand Central, as well the introduction of a new service, Grand Central Limited, which is unique because it is operated by IntraRail and Fred Rail. Then, IntraTrain Duo Series 2 was introduced, replacing Mini Series 2 on select lines.

Continuing the service changes to improve existing service in the network, in February, service on Siletz-ATC section was changed, with platforms being extended at Dabecco to support a full-length IntraRail train, as well as track reconstruction south of ATC, and Raccoonian and Joeliner switching roles in lime corridor. It was completed in February 18, when Imperial Service and Frederator was consolidated, freeing up track space for service improvements on Centralen and Raccoonian. Then, construction started on Phase 3 of Jungle Line corridor in early March, extending Tarzan Regional and City of Sunshine Coast to Grisville via the jungle, which opened in March 6. After finishing Phase 3, a document was published on the current progress of the Jungle Line corridor and what can be expected next, and an extension of Zaquar Zephyr, under construction since December 2022, featuring street-running segments and a level crossing with an airport runway, which opened in March 31. In April 9, Kitty announced route reconfigurations on southern Gamma, which involved Southern Cardinal being discounted, with Mountain Lion taking its place, then Anthony Fokker would be shifted to serve old routing of Mountain Lion, and Mika Service would be restored to serve the old routing of Anthony Fokker, and MCR 1 would be re-routed from Boston to serve Zaquar. The route reconfiguration fully took effect in May 13. In June 19, 2023, express service was introduced to East Mesan, only stopping at Lapis Bay between Farwater and Bawktown, unlike other local/express lines which usually involve 2 separate lines.

To prepare for the construction of Phase 4 of Jungle Line corridor, MCR 5 was moved at Saint Roux, from the the tracks in the main concourse to the IntraRail concourse and construction started soon afterwards, but no significant construction took place after June, due to the production of IntraRail Stations in Portrait series and the rolling out of map signs on station entrances, as well Kitty focusing on another game, IntraAir and IntraBahn.

The future

As of January 2024, the current project that IntraRail is currently doing is the Phase 4 expansion of Jungle Line Project, extending Freedonian to Grisville through MRT Forest Line to connect with Tarzan Regional and City of Sunshine Coast, and MCR 5 to Tranquil Forest to connect with EPIC Express. The sections that are currently built are the tracks to Marblegate and Marblelake Heathrow International Airport.

Additionally, IntraRail has planned work on Rank Resort Corridor which will involve the entire corridor between Antioch and Chalxior being entirely rebuilt in order to make it easier to transfer between lines, which has been planned since May 2023. The reason for the reconstruction is because the current design of Rank Resort Corridor made it hard to transfer between lines, with lines being split into two levels, as well reducing item frame lag.